Closed Huh? What? You? Me? Related? Surely Not?

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha had thought he’d been wrong when he’d heard the girl’s name in the sorting ceremony, there was of course absolutely no relation to him at all, Haden was a common name, but she had just been in his class and he knew that she looked very much like a woman he had briefly dated the right amount of years ago to make this possible, and she had been from where he knew the mother had been from, so Misha, a little concerned decided that perhaps the best thing to do was ask to see her after class. She hadn't specified to the place in Russia that she was from, so there was a chance it wasn't who he thoughts it could be. Once everyone else had left Misha motioned for the girl, Cyzarine to follow him to his office, ”Soooooooo,” he elongated the word as he turned back to her, he needed to know about her, she had thrown him off. He had felt nervous in the class, unsure on how to meet her eyes. He wasn’t sure what else to say, but he would maybe let her do all of the talking. He didn’t know whether to sit or stand, he didn’t know what to say. "Where in Russia are you from?" the man decided to try to be diplomatic, dig a little hopefully and find out more.
Cyzarine wasn’t surprised that she’d been asked to stay after class, in fact if he hadn't asked her to, she probably still would've. Cyzarine had been looking forward to and dreading this moment since her mother had decided to move them to New Zealand and for her to attend this school. She'd already told a few people that he was her dad and she probably needed to tell him....Cyzarine had a bright and wide smile, though she didn't feel as confident as her smile might be trying to portray. Cyzarine followed behind the charms professor - her father - into his office and she couldn't help but glance at everything in it, looking into the pieces of his life she had never been privy to before. "Volgograd," she replied almost without thinking, "You knew my mother pretty well - Inzhu Kausar? You guys dated briefly during the summer of 2035 in Russia. You guys weren't very safe, cause I was born nine months later," she added there was a lightness to her voice and a fairly wide grin too. Cyzarine wanted to be honest with her father in their first real conversation, and maybe she had a note from her mother explaining the situation but this was quicker!
Misha wasn't sure what to expect from her, she seemed polite and friendly, and a gryffindor so probably fun too. He knew the name of the town she was from well, he'd spent a bit of time there, and he definitely knew that name. His face drained of all colour and he stood unmoving, staring forward, blinking as she essentially confirmed his fear. She was supposedly his child. He remembered that summer, he remembered Inzhu, he remembered losing contact with her when he'd come back to Hogwarts. They'd shared a brief but intimate fling that had lasted long enough that from his own maths he knew he was very likely to be the father.....Oh god....."O....oo...hh...," he faltered as he began speaking, unsure what to say...unable to really get the words out, "'" His breaths were coming in a little short with the odd nervous laughter intermixed, this was quite the surprise. he bent over slightly, placing his hands on to his knees, "Oh god," he managed to get out. "Oh dear," he was happy to meet his daughter, but it was quite overwhelming.
Cyzarine could tell that he wasn't coping too well, he seemed to freeze a little bit, "Misha?" she said tentatively, he didn't upset, surprised yes, but not upset. She thought that was definitely a good outcome. She smiled at him brightly as he leaned forward, and closed the gap placing a hand upon his shoulder and just tapping it lightly in an almost comforting manner. She only did this for a moment before she noted the time, "I have to go to my next class," the girl said, she stepped away from him. She reached into her bag and held out the letter to him. He didn't seem to really acknowledge it so she forced it into his hand, "My mother wrote you a letter explaining all of it, she said she put some reasons in for why she never told you. I'll drop by later!" the girl was bright and friendly in her tone. She smiled at him one last time before heading towards the door, "I'll see you later dad!" she said as she walked out of the room. He needed some space to figure things out and she was more than willing to give it to him.

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