Meeting 1: Styx livid.

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
The following morning after the meeting, Kalif skipped breakfast to have some tea of his own brewing, before settling in his office once more. Just minutes after breakfast, leaving the door cracked, Kalif could hear the students he called out arriving. He already chosen his first meeting, one of which was his own relative. The mother that he expelled personally. Like mother like son. Kalif sighed, before stepping around his desk and opening the door. He called out, "Asmodeus Snow and Rory Fergusson. Get in here." The two of them were not as severe as the others. But, a small offense caused him to react rather harshly.
Rory was more than expecting his name to be called at the meeting, but it didn't make it any less frustrating or terrifying, he had never been in this man's office and he'd never really gotten in trouble before. He stood out side with the rest of the people and was surprised when his name along with one other was called first, he hoped that indicated that he wasn't going to get in too much trouble. He frowned at the other boy and stepped into the room first, he was a pureblood he was going to hold his head high and face this head on. His instincts as soon as he stepped into the room was to start talking, protest the accusations which he knew were true, but instead he just stood and looked at the man, who was angry and imposing and silently hoping that this would be over soon.
Asmodeus arrived to the hall, with the others. It was almost as if they were all lined up at the pearly gates. Or maybe, the gates to hell. The door opened and his name was called, as was another student, one of which he did not know. Asmodeus let his blonde hair fall over his face as he entered the office, taking a seat and folding his hands on his lap. He kept repeating to himself over and over not to look the man in the eye. He did not want to chance being turned to stone. Asmodeus did not say a word. He felt no need to. It could jeopardize him more.
The door closed as the two entered, gesturing to them to have a seat. Kalif leaned against the front of his desk and glared at the two of them. He uttered coldly, "As I understand it, you two were involved in a physical incident. You," he pointed toward his cousin, "actually fought and hit a female. And you," gesturing toward Rory. "said the word 'mudblood' as an insult to another student, which involved another girl that got physical with you. Honestly, you two, I have no patience for entitled brats. What in the hell got into you two?" Kalif wanted answers and he wanted them now.
Rory looked at the other boy once he stepped inside, but the matter was more with the professor in front of them, who stood and with no warmth in his tone at all, addressed them both, first the other boy who had gotten in a fight with some girl it seemed, which he didn't think was all that bad, but clearly it was. Then it turned to him, and he thought about arguing against the accusations, saying that he hadn't said it, but for some reason he felt that the professor would actually know if he had been lying, "Sir, I wasnae thinkin', I dinnae think it wis that bad," the teen replied with a little shrug, trying to be honest as possible, "The girl who hit me, just took offence and punched me on the nose," the boy told him plainly, "Ah'm sorry sir, I dinnae think it would get oot of hand as it did," Rory continued, the harshness of his accent playing through on his words, he seemed to be a little nervous about it, it came through on his accent. Just something about this man gave Rory the creeps, made him nervous, and though he respected the man, he couldn't help but be nervous around him.
Asmodeus didn't know what to expect out of him. It wasn't like his cousin was the most patient of people. Sighing, allowing Rory to finish explaining, Asmodeus spoke, "I don't know. I just got so mad. She ruined my favorite shirt and I could not stand by it. Something about her just irked me." Asmodeus thought that this was the best way to explain things to him.
Kalif sighed and placed his hand over his mouth for a moment, debating on how to deal with these two. Both had some anger issues, which he could understand. First, he addressed Rory, "One, everyone in the wizarding world takes that word offensively because it is a rude insult, no matter your beliefs, you are not to call anyone that. As far as you, Asmodeus, your mother was expelled for fighitng. Surely, you don't want the same route because I'm the one that expelled her." Kalif allowed those words to sink in before he placed his hands on the desk. "Either one of you have one more incident, you will be seeing the counselor here for anger management. Now, go." The door opened to let the two boys go.

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