Mia's been MIA.

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Hello everyone.
you may have noticed that I havent been around much recently and I feel like I have got to the stage where I should be posting here.
I have somehow taken on a lot of responsibilities this year and thrown in a couple of unexpected sidetracks (mostly point 6) I am somehow lacking time and my muse has all but dried up. the last few weeks I feel like I have only really come on here to lurk and clear my notifications.

so what is going on.

  1. in early February, I was elected as the secretary of my basketball club. This as you can imagine is a rather big role even though I was promised it was the smallest of all of the committee positions. To put it into perspective. it is 2 months since the election and we have already had four monthly meetings and are trying to organise a ball next month which has its own issues. and I feel like I am already not pulling my weight in the team and I really dont want to let the team down.
  2. work has been busy. I have recently partially rotated out of the section I have been in since last June, the section I am have rotated back to I havent been in for months and am training someone people while trying to relearn the ropes myself. it has gone well though due to the way work is set out It means we get about twice the workload can share some of the runnig around but also have to share one and a half commuters to do it. Adding on to at least two hours of commuting (more like two and a half) per day means when I get home,
  3. I am pretty mentally exhausted, and have literally been falling asleep on the sofa in the evenings while trying to catch up in minutes meetings and emails all of which is my usual HNZ time. I am also way behind on my years CPD. And will need to catch up on that at some stage.
  4. my mental health took a hit through January and February took a bit of a hit though I am glad it is getting back on track now my muse has not yet properly returned.
  5. I have just had friends over from Denmark and while I enjoyed having them it meant little HNZ time in the lead up (as I needed to get the place cleaned) or while there wre here. this obviously wont be an ongoing issue, but is here more to add to what has been going on.
  6. After two years of house hunting, last month my offer was accepted. so I have been busy sorting out mortgages, settlement agents and pest inspectors. while I think I am just about on track with that for now once I settle it will be full re-decorating, renovating and moving.
  7. I have been trying to read the book club book before it has to go back to the library. It is a good book. but when time is limited it really feels like an epic to get through. the good news is that I have just got my reservation of the audiobook so that should speed up the process a bit.
  8. My sister is getting married next month. I am a bridesmaid. Thankfully as she lives in a different state I have got out of most of the usual bridesmaid jobs but as we get closer I expect things will start to come up (plus I have to coordinate flights, car rental and accommodation with the man of honour)
  9. This year I am the mentor program coordinator for the international pharmacists federation early career pharmacist group (fip-ECPG) And while I have not yet done anyhitng in this position since I probably should be doing something.
  10. I am also partaking in a leadership course, though, FIP. To be honest, it feels more like a chore than something I can get anything out of, but at least as my Wednesday basketball team has folded it isn't going to clash every month. I might drop it, but at the very least it is CPD points.

So yeah. I have a lot on my plate at the moment and while I am going to try and keep active on here but some days it is starting to feel like a chore. and I dont want you guys to ever feel like that.

Peace ☮️ Love ❤️ Look after yourself 🫂 Mia :mia:
Oh wow that's a lot to deal with :hug: congrats on all of the good things, though, even though they're time consuming!

Take all the time you need and I hope things calm down soon :wub:
Wowza, Mia that's So Much, no wonder you're drained. Congrats on the house and the secretary position though that's so cool! Take your time and don't forget to let yourself rest and relax :wub:
Wow that's a lot you've had to go through and still on your plate. Take your time and of yourself always first! :hug:

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