Open Pointless

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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch didn't know why he had bothered with this. This would be his first christmas without his parents, he wasn't sure which of his brother's he'd be staying with and he just didn't feel up to celebrating. He had put on his suit and come to the yuleball, even though this was the last place he wanted to be. It was just maybe arguably better than just sitting on his bed, not managing to sleep for hours. He sat down at one of the tables, he'd grabbed a drink, but was mostly just watching the dancers pensively. What was the point in this celebration, christmas was pointless.
After missing the last dance, Amodeus wanted to be sure he didn't miss this one. He skipped down, and after exploring for a bit, he grabbed a bunch of snacks and sat down at a table, smiling at the boy already there. "Hi! You're in my class." He stated, though he'd completely forgotten the boys name. "I'm Amodeus, though Teddy calls me Moo and my other friends call me Deus sometimes," He spoke, picking up a biscuit and munching on it. "What house are you in?"
Enoch glanced at the boy who spoke and sat down at the table with him. He did recognise him from his classes, but he couldn't have known the boys name in the slightest. He didn't really want to get to know him. Enoch didn't smile at him, and just waited until he was done. "Slytherin," he replied, figuring that would be enough to get the boy to leave. He didn't exactly want to wallow with someone else there. This boy was also, all too cheery for Enoch's current tired mood. "Teddy's over there somewhere," he added, pointing in a random direction, trying to get the boy to leave.
Amodeus smiled brighty, not understanding the tone of the boys voice. "Oh, I know, but I wanna hang out with you now." He countered. "What's your name?" He asked, munching on his snacks and settling in. He let himself study the other boy- the dark eyes and the matching mop of short hair. He had a dimple in his chin and there was something about his face that seemed a little sharper. Amodeus just kept smiling, curious now.
Enoch rolled his eyes at the boy's statement, not understanding why he would want to hang out with him, or what about his current vibe gave the impression of someone who wanted to 'hang out'. Even if this was a school event. "Enoch," he replied, but said nothing more, didn't give any surname or ask anything back. He hoped if he shut the conversation down enough he'd get bored.
Amodeus was the kind of guy that needed very little encouragement. "Oooh, Enoch, that's such a cool name," He chattered. "It must be cool to have a name like that. I wonder what it would be like if we could name ourselves. I would pick- ohhh, I don't know, there are so many cool names, like Griffin or Xander or something. What would you pick?" He asked, oblivious to how unwelcome he was.
Enoch rolled his eyes a little and just zoned out a little as the other boy spoke. Uninterested in a discussion about his name, or any names. "Enoch," he then repeated to the question. His name was weird to most, but it was his name and he wasn't about the part from it. He didn't think he'd suit any other name anyway.
Amodeus laughed easily. "I totally understand that, Enoch is such a cool name." Amodeus slid over his plate of snacks, still piled high despite having eaten a few already. "Would you like some of my snacks?" He asked. He didn't mind sharing. "They're super good this year, its the best part of the dance honestly."
Enoch felt pretty done with talking to this boy, but didn't really want to move. Instead he just tilted himself a little away and turned his head away, leaning his head upon his arms which he folded in front of him on the table. Perhaps that would be clear enough. The boy would get bored and move along.
Amodeus had never been good at taking hints. He left the snacks between them and continued to chatter, talking about his other friends- Marley, Teddy, Lucy, Dominic, recounting things they'd done and how fun it would be to have Enoch join them for their adventures sometime. "Ooh, maybe we could explore the dungeons?" He offered, already imagining the idea. "I bet there are loads of secret things to find! Though I can't do it myself, I'd get lost forever," He laughed lightly.
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