Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Gryffindor,Hufflepuff Reeve was eager to see the stands fill and the pitch come alive with the start of the quidditch season. He busied himself setting up the pitch for the game. The sun was shining brightly, the air showing signs that it was going to be a warm day. The man finished setting up as the stands continued to fill, the speculative discussions about the game filling the space.

Finishing up, Reeve glanced around to see if the captains were heading his way. It was the first game. He was ready to see how the season would shape up.

OOCOut of Character:
Entrances only. Captains, please prepare your lineups in the qcp before you post them here.
It was Marley's second year with playing Quidditch, and honestly, Marley was pumped about it. She felt that the practices, it had helped her improve more, which she was happy about. The Hufflepuff made her way to the pitch, excited for the game that was about to commence. She stood with the rest of the team, ready to hear what her captain had to say. Marley knew that her friend Teddy was on the Gryffindor team, and she was a bit excited to be versing him in something
Josh had been on the team for a while now, it felt like he had been on it forever. Though the excitement for games never changed if he was being honest. The boy quickly made his way down to the pitch, and gathered with the rest of the team, to hear what their captain had to say. The weather looked good for them to play in which Josh was happy about.
Teddy felt excitement, mingling with nervous anticipation when he arrived for the game against Hufflepuff. It was a good sort of nervous that felt normal for his first game. He spotted Marley and gave her a wave, then joined Josh and the other players as they started to arrive.
Chase had absolutely no idea how today would go. He hoped it went well though, which indicated he had at least started to feel something about being on the quidditch team. It wasn't just all about him being able to hit bludgers towards anything and anyone anymore. He actually wanted to do good. Wanted the team to do good. If only they had a captain who could actually show that, voice such a sentiment. But no, they had to deal with him. "Right, if there's anything we don't want is to end up in fourth place. So let's just start off strong, yeah?" Chase spoke to his team, knowing he should perhaps be much more motivational. He just didn't have that in him. Maybe he'd learn. Someday. Instead, he just gave them a nod before he headed over to hand Reeve his lineup.

Seeker@Penelope Marshall
Beater + CaptainChase Campbell
BeaterMarley Owens-Lee
Chaser@Oswald Brambleheart
Chaser@Artemis Vasilakis
Chaser@Dominic Owens-Lee
Keeper@Callie Cardoso
Alt. Keeper@Marcellus Vetrov
Alt. Seeker@Bailey Walden-Cade
Alt. Beater@Noah Cosgrove
Milo figured he deserved a medal for following Rāwhiti's stupid rules about not talking in practice. Clearly their captain had a lot of issues to work through and Milo could only hope he'd done it off the pitch so they could actually scrape together a proper game today. But despite his irritation with how the team was run (and the lack of himself on the starting lineup), Milo still couldn't help bouncing excitedly on his feet today as he joined the team on the pitch. He was going to play today, he could feel, and if he won then no way was Rāwhiti ever going to get him to shut up again.
In no time at all, it was time for Callie's first game. She was very nervous, worried that she'd mess it up or cause them to lose. Even when her position didn't super allow that to happen. She just wanted to do well. She nodded to the captain and was ready to get into the air.
Aurora was ready for the new season and felt optimistic about the chances of their team winning. She was sure they could do it. Aurora had her beaters bat in hand and was ready to kick off into the air.
After working so hard to get on the team, Fraser was a little surprised with how quickly it meant he was playing a game. He was on the pitch ready to get started, hoping that he'd be able to prove himself.
Miro didn't think he would get the opportunity to play in the game that day, but he didn't let that stop him from showing up to the pitch with his usual excitement, quickly moving to join the rest of the team and smiling, simply just happy to be there in the first place. He would be happy to play if the situation called for it but he was equally as happy to watch the game and cheer on the team so they could hopefully start the year off with a victory.​
Penelope wasn't sure if she was ready for her first match as an official seeker, but it was here so she knew she had to be. Practice hadn't gone very well, and it made her nervous. Penny waited for the match to begin anxiously.
Oz had had a woeful training session and was not feeling good about his role but at least he thought the rest of the team would do well. Penny looked as nervous as he did, so he stood near her and looked up at her, awkwardly grimacing. "Uh...you'll be really good out there..." he said quietly, vaguely hoping it helped.
Match day had come, and Rāwhiti was doing everything in his power to keep it together. This was not going to be like last year. He just had to keep telling himself. Everything was different - Hufflepuff had a new Seeker, and though she was his age, she wasn't as experienced. His Beaters were strong as ever, and he knew their aim would come through. They had to win. That was all. They just had to win.

After handing in his lineup to Reeve, Rāwhiti took a deep breath and pulled himself together as he approached his teammates again. "Alright, game day. I want everyone giving a hundred percent, don't hold anything back. Beaters, no mercy, I want you piling on their Seeker hard. Chasers, remember the teamwork we focused on in practice - pass if you need to, steal if you can. Teddy, eyes on the prize, don't let that Quaffle through. We've worked hard, and we're gonna crush Hufflepuff today." He said confidently, putting his hand in the middle of their circle. "Hands in, on three. One, two, three - GO, GO, GRYFFINDOR!" He called out, putting as much emphasis on it as he could. With his own team psyched up, Rāwhiti turned to his opponents and stared them down, giving a pūkana to intimidate the other side.

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
Beater@Aurora Archer
Beater@Santiago Torres
Chaser@Joshua Lynch
Chaser@Fraser Fergusson
Chaser@Basquiat Jackson
Keeper@Teddy Pirrip
Alt. Seeker@Milo Frogg
Alt. Beater@Miro Morales-Albertson
Alt. Keeper@Veronica Walden-Cade
Bailey took her seat on the bench and waited for the game to start.
Veronica was pumped for her first game, even if she would be starting on the bench. She made her way to the pitch with her teammates and waited for things to get started.
Santiago wasn't thrilled with how practice went but he was hoping when it came to game time he could dig deep and really pull through. He sat with the rest of the team and couldn't seem to sit still. He could only half listen to their captain as he tried to psych them up. He already was eager to hit something.
Dominic was looking forward to his first ever game, even though the practice hadn't gone exactly how he wanted it to. He just tried his best to be positive as he gathered around with his team before the game, hoping that at least some of the practice he had done was going to pay off.
Noah was super excited for his first game, even if he wasn’t participating in it himself. He arrived to the pitch and stood with the rest of his team, before taking a seat on the bench with Bailey, and waited for the game to start.
Reeve reviewed the lineups as he received them and with no issues noted gave the captains a nod. The referee placed the appropriate charm on himself and addressed the crowd and teams. "Welcome to the start of the season. Today, Hufflepuff will be defending the North hoops and Gryffindor, the South hoops. Teams, please keep the game fair. Let's get into the air!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers, watching as they flew away quickly. He then released the snitch into the air, losing sight of it instantly. The ref grabbed the quaffle and headed for his broom. A moment later he was in the air. He tossed the quaffle into the air with a "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes- please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.

6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
As soon as the whistle went Rāwhiti kicked into the air, heart racing as he did his best to tune out the noise from the stands and focus on finding the snitch.
Oz had no faith in his scoring capabilities, but he figured it was better Hufflepuff had the quaffle than Gryffindor. His small size added to his speed and he was able to get the quaffle first, heading towards the south hoops.
Penelope took to the air and looked around for the snitch, her heart beating fast.
Callie shot up into the air and went to guard the hoops. Feeling pretty relieved when Hufflepuff got the quaffle first.
Aurora flew up into the air and after a little flying around was able to hit a bludger and was very happy when she hit it directly to the hufflepuff seeker, hitting her on the first attempt.
Fraser was not fast enough to grab the quaffle was tossed into the air, but he followed behind the hufflepuff with the quaffle.

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