Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Lennox Addison

Only Child, Spoiled, Ballet Dancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Lennox made sure it was a nice day for the practice. She seriously hated that the previous practice conditions were terrible. All the rain always ruined her perfect hair. She knew she would eventually have to show the team the bad conditions, especially considering how many first years were on the team, but today was not the day. Lennox had the field ready as the teammates arrived. She waited impatiently for them to arrive even though most were on time. She made a mental note of the late induvial knowing that she would be particularly hard on those who were late in the future. Her time was valuable.

When everyone had arrived, Lennox soaked up the attention and began. "So you all made the team. For now" she said seriously. Although the threat very limited. They had a very little people that applied. "Today we will be doing a free for all. Keeper take your place. We don't have an alterative this year so do your part" She said definitely putting pressure on the keeper. "Work together or against I don't care as long as you score. Seekers work. Seriously. You need to get better than what I saw in tryouts. Let's play." She said. She knew she was actually less harsh than previous captains. But Lennox was trying. She would build her dislike for players once she got to know them, or likes but dislike was more common.

Lennox just wanted to play. She wanted to be that bird. She threw all the balls into the air and mounted her own broom. She wouldn't take it easy on her teammates. She didn't see the need. If Slytherin was to win, Lennox couldn't show emotion. That wasn't an easy though.
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Morrie was furious that she had made alternative to a first year, what was that about? She was so angry that she almost didn't turn up for training. And now she was here, she wished she had stuck to her guns and quit before it started. Hardly paying any mind to the captain, who she quite frankly thought was an idiot, she kicked off the ground and went in search of the snitch.
Summer had been highly disappointed when she had seen Morries name on the lineup, not quite sure if the other girl even liked quidditch. Not that it mattered, she would just try to ignore her presence. Once the balls were released she hopped onto her broom and quickly grabbed the quaffle.
Morrie's mood did not improve when she got in the sky. All she wanted to do was catch the snitch and show everyone else up.
Summer flew straight towards the hoops but her shot missed the right one by a few inches.
Morrie smirked when Summer missed the hoop. It made up for the fact Morrie hadn't seen the snitch yet.
Enoch grabbed the quaffle as it was tossed back out.
Summer flew after Enoch.
Well, of course Ignatius would be seeker for the team. He was very talented, obviously. He gave a withering look to the second year girl and kicked off when they were bade to. The captain wasn't very good at talking, but he just focused on finding the snitch.
Morrie hated that seeker kid, just looking at him made her want to push him off his broom. She was determined to find the snitch before him.
Oskar had been a little surprised when he saw the line up for the team. He hadn't thought he had done a particularly bad job during try-outs yet he was an alternate when a first year had beat him to a starting position. It hardly seemed fair and he could practically feel his father's disappointed presence hovering above him. Still he proudly showed up to the first practice and took to the air to search for bludgers.
Ignatius looked for the snitch, ignoring how he clearly did not look like he was amazing on his broom.
Oskar saw a bludger and few after it. He swung the bat but missed wildly. Maybe there was a reason he didn't make the starting line up. Maybe he just had an aura of failure everyone could see?
Morrie circled the pitch without a snitch sighting. She wondered if the captain had forgot to release it at the start of training.
Oskar flew around and missed again.
Ignatius narrowed his eyes, thinking he saw a glint of gold but realizing it was someone's watch. How rude of them.
Alana was thrilled that she had made the team as a first year, she was surprised she had been allowed to try out at all but it seemed the options had been slim that year. She climbed onto her broom and jumped into the air and began to fly around the pitch while looking for bludgers.
Oskar continued to fly, looking for bludgers.
Ignatius did not catch the snitch, to nobody's surprise.
Oskar saw a bludger and swung his bat. It made solid contact and the bludger went soaring across the pitch. He had been aiming for one of the other beaters but hit one of the seekers instead. @Ignatius Wolffort
Ignatius yelped in a very embarrassing way, almost falling clean off his broom at the impact. His eyes watered, and if he could have seen the snitch at all, now he definitely couldn't.
Good. He deserved that. Thought Morrie when the first year was hit. Morrie searched but did not see the snitch.
Ignatius snivelled a bit as he looked for the snitch.

Summer decided she needed to really try her best during practice, flying a little closer to Enoch and eventually managed to push the quaffle from his grip and making off with it herself.

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