So, When Should I Throw the Welcome Back Party?

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Professor Misha Haden was very excited that Professor Styx was back at school. Though their last conversation had made it pretty clear that Professor Styx didn't like him at all, the man was back and Misha couldn't think of a better opportunity to re-foster that proper relationship. He arrived at the man's door and knocked politely. Almost sure that Kalif was not going to open it, but being polite enough to not barge in.
Styx just finished setting up his office. It looked like something out of a haunted castle. Dark, dreary, almost like a dark cloud hanging over the office. There were absolutely no pictures since he didn't want to have his personal life interfere with his professional life. However, he heard a knock on the door. He severely doubted that anyone would come, even students. So, that only left one idiot. He let out a sigh and gestured his hand toward the door to let Haden in. "If you open your mouth to say 'I knew you'd be back' or equivalent, I'll make you my new paperweight."
Professor Misha Haden stepped into the office of his colleague and was smiling warmly at him, despite the cold words. "I would never," he replied, though he had absolutely intended to say something like that. "I might've said, 'that you missed me too much and had to come back'," Misha knew that would've gone down as well as anything else. "No, I'm just here to welcome you back. I promise no gifts and no parties,"
Styx wondered if this man had a barrier in his head to block any sort of hints that his stay was over-welcomed but he doubted it. Although the actual audacity that Haden had to joke around that Styx might have actually missed him was reaching. He turned around and folded his arms across his chest. "I missed threatening to kill you every day. That's exactly why I came back." Sarcasm was not uncommon for this man. "I'm almost disappointed that there wasn't a party for my triumphant return." Styx truly didn't mean that either, but his tone was monotone, and hard to distinguish between seriousness and sarcasm.
Misha gave a little smile at what he said, he could tell he was being sarcastic, but didn't care much as he then said. "So you've been thinking about me," Misha gave a little smile, as if an idea had popped into his head. "Well, you know, now it just won't be a surprise, or will it...," he hadn' t been planning a party, not after his last one had not ended up going too well. But just maybe, he could plan a little something. Maybe a surprise party would be the way to go about it.
Styx really wondered where Haden got some of those outrageous ideas. As if Styx would ever think about him, or Pendleton. Well, truth be told, he did. Both of them. Anytime he was practicing the dark arts at home, he often needed a face to picture when casting curses. "It will be a surprise if you make it through the party if you did throw one. You can always ask anyone in my family how large my temper is." A subtle smirk crossed his lips, which often meant nothing good indeed. "Regardless, the attendance wouldn't be large. I don't recognize half of the professors anymore."
After falling victim to more than one cruel trick, Vex didn't just believe any old school rumours, but this one was far too exciting not to investigate. Really, he shouldn't have been excited - Professor Styx coming back meant there was likely to be considerably less chaos in the school, or at least in that part over which he presided. But that was nothing Vex couldn't fix with a few extra kettles of slime, and he was simply ecstatic to see an old face - even if it was an ugly one.

"It's true!" he cried as he burst through the closed door, without waiting to see if Professor Styx was actually inside. "I knew they weren't fooling me. Not this time! Styxie's ba-ack, Styxie's ba-ack." His little sing-song was accompanied by a dance, which was accompanied by a procession of floating horns. As the dance finished, the horns spewed out a disgusting amount of confetti, which settled colourfully on every available surface. "But why are you here?" he asked, suddenly noticing Professor Haden. "Ooh, have I interrupted something private? How wonderful! Do carry on. Look, I'm not even here." With a click of his fingers, Vex disappeared, though he was, of course, still here. He wouldn't miss this for anything.
Misha smiled easily, thinking that though he probably wouldn't live through a welcome back party, the man was highlighting a good point. "It would be a good way to meet all of these new co-workers that you have," he countered. But as he opened his mouth to say more a familiar ghost flew into the room. He laughed lightly. Vex. Oh fantastic. And of course in no time at all, he was covered in confetti. "We're co-workers, Vex," he reminded the ghost as it vanished. "I'm welcoming my co-worker back, and letting him know there's no surprise party,"
Styx rolled his eyes when Haden mentioned that it was a good way to meet all the new co-workers. How about, a hard no. He was about to express his extreme dislike of the idea when a nuisance appeared that was not Haden, or Pendleton. The sing song voice was enough to make him take out his wand. A silencing spell would work on a poltergeist, right? And then confetti just showered the office. Styx started to pick some of the pieces of confetti from his blond, spiked hair. "Why did I bother coming back," he muttered as he waved his wand to make all the confetti vanish. He didn't need the colorful stuff in here. He didn't catch on to what Vex had said (or likely just ignored it). "I doubt anything will annoy me more than that."
The ghost was gone as quickly as it had appeared and Misha glanced back at Styx with a little smile. "Oh I don't know, give it a couple of weeks, I'm sure you'll find many ways to get annoyed," he teased lightly. "Well, I just came to say hello and welcome back, and that's be done, so, give me a shout if you want any help settling back in," Misha said with a smile, before turning and heading out the door.
Styx kept his face cold as Haden informed him that there will be more ways to get annoyed. Right, teaching teenagers will do that. He did not say a word as Haden turned and left. Instead, he simply shut the door behind him, and went back to fixing his office back.

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