Closed The Family We've Got

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus was a little surprised when the gift had been delivered. It wasn't anything bad, it seemed, it was just a bit surprising. He didn't know who it was from but it was addressed to him and Hamish. He took it and brought it inside. The place he and Hamish were sharing was nice. It was a decent size place, it was big enough for them both without being overbearing. He carried the package into the living room and placed it down on a table. He had his broom kit out and was taking some time with it, to make sure it was up to standard for the team he was about to start playing for. "Hamish? Are you expecting a present from anyone?" he called it. he doubted it was from their parents, they absolutely would not have realised they'd graduated, so it had to be from someone else.
Graduating had felt... absolutely surreal, honestly. Hamish had missed the peace and quiet so often, yet now that he had it on a more regular basis he felt a touch out of place. There weren't a million other kids bustling around. It was almost too quiet... so, he'd gone to the store and bought a little radio for his kitchen. He had it playing now, humming along to the classical station he'd found as he organized his kitchen and making a list of the things he wanted to buy. A new bookshelf being one of them. He wanted to both buy many cookbooks while throwing together a few of his own. He looked up from his papers when he heard his brother, brow furrowing. Hamish set the notebook down and walked out front. "No? Should I be?" He asked. His mind flashed back to Saturnino, but he shook the thought. That was just a fling that had faded away.
Seamus carried the present inside and then glanced at Hamish as he agreed that neither of them were expecting anything. He glanced between it and then present before he reached down for the card and opened it. He frowned at it and frowned deeper. "it's from Brayden," he said confusion and surprise filling his voice. "Congratulations on graduating," is really all it says. He held it out for Hamish to have a look. "How did he know? Even our parents didn't know, and I tried to invite them to graduation,"
Hamish's brow furrowed and he moved over, reaching out his hand in silent request for whatever their uncle had sent. "Well, he does own that place in Brightstone, he's probably familiar with the school schedule." He tried to reason. His mind was racing, and after a moment he offered out a thought. "Do you think we were too quick to write him off?" He asked, voice quieter. "Do you remember if we even asked why he took off from mom? I mean... look at our parents, they're not exactly... present." He spoke slowly, the words still stinging even as he said them.
Seamus wasn't sure why Hamish did suddenly want to give him the time of day, one nice gesture didn't really make up for everything else. He shrugged a little, not sure he agreed but could admit that they didn't know him, and were at the time they'd rejected him been younger and maybe more bitter. "I mean...maybe," he agreed with a shrug. "We could see?" he said. "I'm sure he has kitchens, you could see if he'd be willing to give you work?" Seamus suggested, "That why we get something out of it if he's still rubbish?"
Hamish scrunched his nose. "If he's rubbish, I don't think I'd want to be stuck there." He ran his hands through his hair, pulling it up between his fingers. "I don't know... maybe I'm overreacting, but-" He let his hair all fall back in a mess around his face. "How did he even find out where we live? Or that we'd moved out? I doubt our parents even know that much," He would be surprised if they even noticed this year that they'd left home.
Seamus shrugged, "You'd be able to quit," he assured him. "If he's rubbish, he does deserve to be left high and dry," He shrugged a little. Maybe they were overreacting or had overreacted a little. "it came by owl, owls can always find people." he countered. But he could admit, it was more effort than their parents had gone to, if they'd even noticed that they'd left.
Hamish chuckled. "Well... maybe it could be a stayover job while I look around," He agreed after a moment of thought. He shrugged at Seamus' words. "Yeah, I guess that's true..." He picked up the package. "Should we open it?" He looked up at his twin. "If it's a crappy present, we won't have to bother, we can just toss it in the bin and be done with it."
Seamus nodded slightly, not wanting to force Hamish to do anything, but also happy to suggest it to him. It was an option and they'd be able to find out if it was a thing worth doing. If connecting with him was worth it. seamus had his doubts but he knew that Hamish likely had less doubts. "Yeah, okay," he agreed, not moving to open it, letting Hamish be the one to do so.
Hamish nodded and summoned over a knife, sitting on the couch and setting the box on the coffee table before cutting it open. He pulled out the multi-colored wrapping tissues, until finally he revealed a gorgeous cystalline bottle. His jaw dropped. "Holy hell," He breathed, carefully picking it up. "No way," He looked to his twin. "He sent us a bottle of Macallan,"
Seamus looked at the bottle and rolled his eyes a little. Sure, he would drink macallan, and it was a nice bottle, but goodness if it wasn't the easiest option or the most bland one of the bunch he could pick. "Well, it's a nice bottle," he said. "Though he is assuming that we drink whisky and that we drink speyside whisky," he replied, still not entirely trusting of the man. "I think this means though that maybe he's not complete rubbish."
Hamish laughed. "Well, it's not like we've been by to let him know what we do like," He countered, gingerly putting the bottle back in the box. "When do you want to head over?" He asked. "We can take off just as easily this time if he's useless."

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