The Stands

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
OOCOut of Character:
Here is where you can roleplay your character(s) reacting to games.

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Ambrose was keen he got to see the first game of the year from up in the stands, although he did admit it would've been cool to play in it too. Still, there was no reason to compain. He'd get his chance to play soon enough, not quite yet having gotten over the fact that he had actually made the team. Having gotten to the game a little early Ambrose had found himself a seat near the front, looking down as both teams started to slowly make their way on to the pitch.
Magne was quite excited about the fact that he'd get to see whatever this quidditch thing was. He could figure it was a sport and one played in the air on brooms, but he was curious to actually see it. He got to the stands and was glad to spot one of his dormmates. He walked over to him. "Can sit?" Magne asked, motioning to the spot next to him.
@Ambrose Webb
Sofi was excited to see what all the Quidditch hype was about, and looked forward to supporting her house for the first game. She climbed the stands and scanned the crowd, spotting two of her Ravenclaw friends sitting together near the front. With a smile, she made her way over to join them. "Hi Magne, hi Ambrose!" She waved at them both. "Is this seat free?" She motioned to the seat on the other side of Ambrose.
@Ambrose Webb @Magne Kleos
Ambrose grinned when he saw Magne arrive, nodding his head yes without a second thought. "Yeah, man. For sure." He replied, doing the same when Sofi joined them not too much later. "So I guess you'll be cheering for Hufflepuff, huh?" Ambrose asked her, although it was more of a given before turning to Magne as well. "Should we cheer for anyone? Or save that for when we- Ravenclaw are playing?" He couldn't exactly cheer for himself ofcourse, but he hoped at least someone would.
@Magne Kleos @Sofi Ayre
Senna almost felt a little guilty as she made her way towards the stands today, altough she wasn't sure whether the guilt she felt was focussed on Raawhiti or on herself. She had always been so keen on playing quidditch and yet here she was, leaving the team after finally having made it last year. It almost felt a little silly. She had heard Soren had stepped out as well though, meaning Raawhiti had two chaser spots to fill and Josh also needed to suddenly work with two others. She was sure they were fine though, confident in their abilities. She had promised to be their biggest supporter though and she was good on her word. She was dressed up in the most comfortable gryffindor sweater she owned and had even painted red and gold stripes on her cheeks. Completely ready. Plus, if there was one thing she had always been able to do it was being loud, so she might as well put that talent to good use today.
Audrey felt obligated to cheer for Gryffindor, because both Teddy and Milo were on the Gryffindor team, but part of her was also hoping Oz would do okay. It would be funny if he failed of course, but she would feel oddly proud of him of he did well, she realized. Not that he needed her to cheer for him, so she'd dressed in red for the game and would wait to see what happened.
Aine hated flying, but she liked watching sport. She didn't have a problem with watching others play Quidditch, you just couldn't pay her enough to try and play it herself. Sure, she would've preferred to watch footy, but beggars couldn't be chooser. Considering Chase had actually tried to be helpful, too, she really wanted to see him do well (aside from the obvious wanting Hufflepuff to win due to house pride). She had her Hufflepuff scarf on and only wished she could have a pie in hand like it was a footy game.
Michael gave his fellow teammates a wave as he went to sit in the stands, looking to see if Margo was going to be watching so he could sit with her and enjoy her company. Naturally, he was going to be supporting Hufflepuff in this case. Of course, his intentions in watching the game were also a bit tactical, wanting to get a handle on how the other teams played and seeing if he could spot their weaknesses. It probably sounded underhanded, but he was captaining and coaching Ravenclaw, it was his job to try and help his team play to win.
Dahlia was always a bit awkward around Quidditch matches now, her feeling bad about how the games had gone in the past meant that she hadn't played again, and that had messed up a potential relationship. But she did like sport, and she did have school spirit, even if it didn't seem like it. She waved to Senna and went to sit near the older girl, having noticed she had also dropped out of the team after a year. Maybe the vibes really were kinda bad. Or maybe the two of them were just better suited to cheerleading for Gryffindor. So she put on the brightest smile she could, having sprayed her hair red for the game as well to put on a good show. "Oooh, I love the stripes, they look great!"
@Senna Overby
Rosie was not good at watching quidditch, she still always worried for her sister, not wanting her sister to get hurt. She did however know that it was important for her to go along. To support her sister. She came to the pitch and sat down in amongst the other gryffindors watching as the teams got ready to play. She hoped gryffindor would win.
Emmanuel was excited for the first game of the year. he liked watching quidditch and it helped that at least one of his friends was on the gryffindor team. he knew that his ex was on the hufflepuff team, but he was less bothered by this, knowing that he could still enjoy the game. Emmanuel walked to the gryffindor stands and sat down, giving Senna a wave as he did so, but not sitting with her.
Savannah wasn't usually one to bother with other team's games. Mostly she didn't care about how others did, but Savannah had decided to come to this one. She wanted to win, and knew she had to know how good the other team was. That meant coming to the game. She walked to the stands and spotted the captain of her team sitting in amongst the others. She wandered over to him, didn't say anything, but did sit down right next to him.
@Michael Watson
Enoch had nothing better to do than to go to the quidditch game. He knew he should be spending it practicing his flute or doing the homework for his classes, but he couldn't be bothered. He didn't want to bother. It was just pointless, the flute was silly, homework was silly. He came to the quidditch pitch and was regretting it near immediately it was loud and he much preferred playing than watching, but still. He just sat down and stared forward, almost entirely zoning out.
Apolline was rather eager for another quidditch season. Largely she was very very hopeful that this would be the semester where Gryffindor won. She knew that they hadn't won the previous cup but Apolline was hopeful. She had some red face paint on, just a little streak on her cheeks and was in amongst the other gryffindor supporters, keenly waiting for the game to kick off.
Magne smiled and sat down, only being sat for a moment before Sofi also joined them. he hadn't realised that Sofi and Ambrose knew each other but he didn't mind either. "Hi Sofi," he greeted her. It would be nice. He was leaning in towards his friends, there was a lot of noise and he wanted to be able to hear them. "Cheer for Hufflepuff," he said, motioning towards Sofi as he said so. "Friend cheer for friend," he tried to explain his reasoning for it.
@Sofi Ayre @Ambrose Webb
Senna had almost wondered if she should've brought some sort of sign to really live up to her promise. Maybe she could do that if they got to play for the cup. She waved back when someone waved to her, needing a second to realize it was Dahlia because of the change in hair colour. "Thanks!" Sen grinned in response, almost reaching up to touch the stripes but quickly putting her hands back down to keep herself from ruining them. "I kind of felt obliged to put in some effort." She added easily. "Although perhaps I could've done more," Sen laughed, glancing at Dahlia's hair. "Digging your hair like though, I reckon you could keep it this colour." @Dahlia Doherty
Marnie would never like Quidditch as much as Milo did but she did love a chance to go all out, especially when it meant cheering Penny on. She'd managed to charm her hair bright yellow, certain it looked much better than the colour-changing hair spray she'd used in previous years even if she was less confident she could reverse it as easily. She'd also dug out her obnoxiously large Hufflepuff sign, apologizing a few times as she hit other seated students as she made her way through the stands.

Not wanting to totally ignore the fact that Milo was also potentially playing today, she had also affixed a small red and gold button to her shirt front, though if Milo got put into the game against Penny, it was fairly obvious who she'd be fully supporting she thought, shaking out her sign as the game got started and starting to shout, glitter from from the sign flying everywhere. "GO PENNY, GET THAT SNITCH!" She called, glancing over and spotting Aine nearby. "Aine, here help me hold this, thanks, are you excited?" She asked practically bouncing in her seat to see her friend on the team's starting lineup finally. The excitement was short lived though as the Rāwhiti caught the snitch in record time and Marnie flopped as dramatically as her Hufflepuff sign in the wind. "Ohhh, I hope Pen is alright, that's a rough start but really it's just bad luck I imagine even my brother could say as much and he's on the winning team I think she did great she's such a good flyer I dunno how she has time to practice that and do all her homework aye I'm sure you relate you always seem sooo busy and now you're head girl too," she said to Aine, voice heavy with sympathy and disappointment. @Aine Thompson
Marnie always had about three times the energy Aine thought was possible for one person to have, but she had to respect it. She took up the sign, peering around it to watch the game. "Yeah, I hope it's a good one," she started to say...though the game was just about over. The school really needed to make more of an event of these, it felt like they got everyone in the crowd for it already to be over. "I hope she's okay, it really was just bad luck. Penny's a pretty good seeker." She shook her head at the next comment. "Ah, well, I don't lead a club or play Quidditch and I dropped some subjects, it's not that bad. I dunno how Monday is still alive though." She shrugged, giving Marnie a small smile. "We'll get 'em next time."
@Marnie Frogg
Margo was nervous but she wasn't about to miss the game, even with the bad weather. She was wearing blue and wondered if people noticed. Not that she really cared. It was obvious what team she was supporting today. She cheered for Michael and the rest of the Ravenclaw team as they took to the field but didn't know what to do with herself as she waited for the game to start.
Michael had a notepad with him so he could make some observations on today's game. Also to cheer on Hufflepuff, but he would have been remiss in his duties as both opposing captain and hopeful journalist not to take notes. He had been right about the Slytherin seeker, that boy just couldn't dodge. He did have to stifle a few laughs, though, as the beaters managed to not only hit people on the benches, but also themselves. After a few minutes, he had simply scribbled and underlined the words 'beater practice', adding an additional underline as Hufflepuff's captain also hit himself.
Marley was always up for watching the quidditch games. She was a bit disappointed with the turnout for their quidditch game, but she knew Hufflepuff tried their best. The Hufflepuff wasn't sure who she was ready to support in today's game, but she was always happy to watch her friends play and liked the quidditch matches. Marley took a seat near the front, noticing that the stands were slowly starting to fill up, though she didn't see any familiar faces around. The girl sat in her spot as she awaited for the game to begin.

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