Closed Together Again

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie had missed Xinyi. Being back with him, around him, felt like she could finally breath properly again. He was just the most incredible and beautiful person in her life. She had missed him. She knew there was another semester left where she'd be away from him, but it would be worth it, at the end she'd have graduated and they could just be together and that would be amazing. Rosie was surprised when he'd whisked her off to the most beautiful place, where they had a little garden and were just by themselves, none of her family, none of his. Just a couple of days where they could just be with one another without everyone. It was early, the sun was rising, she was cooking breakfast, having haphazardly put on the dress he'd bought her. The one she'd been wearing the night before. she had a flower in her hair and was humming gently, as she made some breakfast and coffee. She loved Xinyi so much and she wanted him to have a great morning when he did wake up.
Xinyi had felt a bit more at ease since graduation- he'd taken up work at a studio. His art was more private, not something he liked to share, but he liked to work there. Cleaning brushes and setting up space wasn't the most productive job in the world, but he was learning a lot. It was a good job for him, he thought, and it paid well enough. He was lucky he'd found it. Especially because his boss was so kind, and was willing to let him off work for his week away with Rosie.

It had been amazing, having her back again, and he had to admit he felt complete with her back. He'd planned this all out- a cabin he'd rented for the week, with amazing gardens. They'd gone for a stroll, had dinner on a blanket underneath the stars, fallen asleep curled up together. He awoke to the sunlight on his face and Rosie away. He yawned and got up, stretching, before heading back to the cabin. He could smell breakfast cooking.

He didn't say anything, instead just walking up behind her. He wrapped his arms around Rosie's waist, kissing her cheek before nuzzling his nose under her jaw, sighing softly. He still didn't speak, just savoring her warmth and the feel of her against him. He'd forgotten how badly he'd missed cuddling with her.
Rosie had been contently making the breakfast, letting the smells of coffee and everything else fill the cabin. She was humming lightly to herself, and smiled when she felt the familiar arms around her waist, the kiss to her cheek. "Hey baby," she greeted fondly, leaning into the kiss and the touches. She had missed him so much. Missed just being able to be close to him, to just having him there whenever she felt like she needed him. "Sleep okay?"
Xinyi hummed a response, giving her another kiss and just staying nestled into her. He tightened his arms around her, trying to sway her lightly. It was too early to say anything, he thought. He wasn't really ready to speak yet. But he was sure Rosie understood that. He rubbed his thumbs against her side, just breathing in her floral scent. He hummed again, pressing a soft kiss under her jaw. He was going to miss mornings like this, just nuzzling in against her.
Rosie hummed happily in his arms, just leaning into him, feeling the warmth of him against her. She would take every second of this, whether in complete silence or not, savour it all for when she wouldn't have any of it for the next six months. She loved him so deeply. She wanted to marry him when she graduated, never wanted to be apart from him. Rosie continued to mind the breakfast as they stood.
Xinyi stayed curled against her for as long as he could manage, but soon enough his body began to protest and he needed to move. He sighed, grumbled a bit, and kissed her neck again, giving her one more squeeze before letting go and heading to the bathroom to relieve himself and get washed up for the morning. He was gone for a few minutes before he came back out in fresh clothes with his hair brushed, stretching. "Morning," He finally offered, moving back up to Rosie and checking to see what she was doing before deciding if he could take hold of her again or not.
Rosie stayed close to him until he pulled himself away. She got all of the food she'd made to the table, and then the coffees, and sat down. The chair for Xinyi to sit was centimetres away from hers. she glanced as he did step out and smiled. "Morning, my love," she greeted warmly, motioning vaguely to get him to come sit with her. She loved and missed him so much, she didn't want to be too apart from him in the slightest.
Xinyi raised a brow and shook his head. "Let me brush your hair, then after what if you sit in my lap?" He offered instead. "I can cuddle you and you can feed us both?" He asked, moving to stand behind her so he could start running his fingers through her hair. It would take longer, but it felt more intimate and he was enjoying that sort of thing especially over this vacation. "What do you want to do today?"
Rosie smiled softly at him, moving to lean into him. She thought all of it sounded nice, but she mostly just wanted to be close to him, to be in his arms and be able to just be at ease with him. "Can we cuddle and eat first?" she said, knowing her hair could wait until after, and it would still be as good to do then rather than immediately.
Xinyi chuckled and sat down, opening up his arms for her. "Anything you want, love," He murmured, letting his eyes trace over the lines of her face. He'd forgotten how deeply he'd missed her when she was away.
Rosie moved into his arms, leaning back against him and smiling softly. She had missed him so deeply. so much. The missing part of herself. He was the other half of her, that she missed when he wasn't there. "I love you so much," she told him softly.
Xinyi chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and pressing kisses over her cheek and temple. "I love you too, my flower," He murmured, nuzzling against her. "We're almost through this, I know that, but gods if I don't miss you," He sighed, knowing he was repeating himself. He made himself refocus. "So what's for breakfast?" He asked, peeking around her for the first time to see what she'd done for food.

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