Closed Tuning Myself Out

Santiago Torres

rebel without a cause 🛹sensitive 🛹difficult
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2046 (15)
The weather was still kind of dreary outside but Santiago felt like if he had to spend another minute in the castle he was going to explode. The sky was gray but it wasn't too cold as he found a dry spot on the ground to sit down with his guitar. He hadn't had a chance to play since being at school and he didn't want to get rusty. He didn't want that to be another thing this dumb school took away from him. His tuner that he kept in his case wasn't working since it was battery operated and he groaned. It was at least good practice as he tuned up his strings by ear the best he could. Thankfully the calluses on his fingers hadn't gone anywhere and he fell into a comfortable rhythm playing by himself. Santiago knew a few songs off the top of his head and he played bits and pieces before he found himself playing a few chords he had strung together on his own. It wasn't much but he liked the sound of it and he started humming a melody that might one day sound good with it.
Niamh was walking through the garden. spring was just about to start and she could almost hear the plants starting to break through the earth. the little sparks of joy calling for the hope of new life. it was still early and the weather was still grey and heavy but there was a slightly warm feel in the air a promise that winter would soon be over, not that the winter bothered her, she liked the cold and the cold here was nowhere near as unforgiving as the winter back at home. she was just about to head back towards the castle when she heard the sound of music a warm gold and orange green in the air. she looked and saw a boy she didn't recognise with a guitar sitting on his own on the lawn. playing his own world a slight extra tension on the a string giving an unexpected but not unpleasant clarity to the notes. she slowly walked over and as she drew closer she could hear him humming along. she listened for a few moments swaying along to the rhythm before almost unintentionally joining and humming a harmony to the tune.
Santiago just kept repeating the same few phrases over and over again. If he forgot something or messed up he tried to go with the flow and just enjoy the music. He missed having all of his at the tips of his fingers. His dad had at least sent him to school with a magical radio which was nice and at least he had something to listen to, but it wasn't the same. Santiago's finger slipped and he finally paused for a moment to readjust his grip. Only that was when he noticed someone humming and he whipped his head around and eventually spotted an older girl nearby. "Oh...hi." he mumbled awkwardly. "I didn't think anyone was around here." he said quickly.
Sky was enjoying the music. there was a dissonance to it as the same phrase kept repeating over and over again like a chant soothing and predictable in a way, she added a layer for a few loops before threading something else on top of the old melody still echoing around in her head like the tail of a kite. the music lit up a zing and it took sky a few moments to realise that it had stopped. by that time the boy had started talking. "hi. she said. "Sorry I didnt mean to sneek up on you. but I am a moth to music" she said thinking of how moths had a reputation of flying towards the lightbulb. and music was like a light drawing her in. "you sounded good" she said as if it was some kind of consolation.
Santiago could feel his palms sweat and he fought to keep his embarrassment in check before it made him look even worse. He gave her an odd look when she said she was like a moth. He wasn't sure why anyone would compare themselves to a bug. He wanted to get up and leave but he felt stuck, like he was pinned in place. Like he was, well, like he was a bug. Santiago gave the girl a tight lipped smile when she complimented him. He was sure she was just being nice. "Uh, thanks." he said and looked around as if that was going to give him something else to focus on. "Do- do you play any instruments?" he asked and felt so lame. Was that really the best he could come up with?
Sky bit her lip feeling a little guilty for making the boy feel uncomfortable about playing music. sheh adnt meant to. but music was important and should be appreciated. "you are welcome" she said. "Playing outside is good. it brings the ribbons of the world together and weaves them to make even the smallest bit of pattern and understanding in the world" she said. stopping when the boy asked her a question before she went on a rant and ended up scaring the boy off even more. "Yes, I play the viola, i can also play the violin, some piano, I am learning the guitar and know some on the harp" she said listing at least the instruments that she had lessons for. she had enough of a foundation that she could pick up most instruments ant at least get a tune out of even if it was a simple one. "What is your favourite thing to play?" she asked him ho[ing she wasn't making things even more awkward.

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