Open Why Are People Like This?

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Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah was pretty sure that the yuleball was the worst of the Hogwarts celebrations. She didn't like the holiday period to begin with, but watching all the students couple up and act so in love was not something she was interested in watching. The ravenclaw prefect was pretty sure she knew that her lack of attraction to people, of any gender wasn't just because she was young, but she'd yet to really attach any label to herself, happy to just continue to exist and be disgusted by how in love all of he couples were. Savannah had put on a black floor length dress. It was a second hand dress that she'd gotten very cheaply. It wasn't the nicest dress she'd gotten, but she liked it a lot. Liked the length and feel of it. Savannah had a drink in hand and was just trying to school her face into not the look of disgust that it had every single time she had to watch someone be a bit romantic.
Evie was trying to be more outgoing in her final year. Which meant she wanted to find someone to try and talk to. And since she'd figured out her interests laid much more with women than with boys, she'd decided she wanted to challenge herself and find a pretty girl to talk to. She worried a bit she'd picked a dress that was too simple, but it was a soft white that she felt comfortable in. Taking a deep breath, she let her eyes scan the room. She spotted a younger girl by the drinks- maybe fifth or sixth year, she wasn't sure, but Evie still took a deep breath and smoothed her dress. She could do this, right? She walked over to the girl, trying her best for a confident smile. "Hi! Are you waiting for someone?" She managed, pleased that she hadn't stuttered or stumbled over the words.
Savannah wasn't watching alone for long, but she knew that she could hardly come to an event like this and expect to be left alone. If she wanted to be left alone then she'd need to stop coming, and for all her gripping about this place and the events, she did like getting dressed up. It made her feel fancy, even if she was always persuaded that everyone could see how old and cheap her outfits were. Savannah looked at the girl, she was older than her, by a couple of years, and not a ravenclaw. "No, I'm not," she replied. "Just here alone. You?"
Evie took a breath. She knew already she wouldn't do anything, but talking to a pretty girl would be enough. "I'm on my own, too," She confirmed, and offered out her hand. "Evangeline Moss- seventh year Gryffindor. Just call me Evie," She tried to focus on her breathing, not wanting to look like she was panicking a bit inside. "What's your name?"
Savannah looked at the outstretched hand and then up at the girl, Evie. A seventh year, gryffindor. So not someone who would've otherwise ever crossed Savannah's path. She waited a moment and then shook the girl's hand. "Savannah, fifth year, Ravenclaw," she listed with a slightly bored tone, but she wasn't outright ignoring the girl.
Evie took a steadying breath, her hand feeling electrofied where the girl had held it. "Savannah, that's a pretty name," She offered. She hesitated a moment. "Would, um, you like to dance? Or get a refill of your drink?" She spoke slowly, trying to appear more confident than she felt.
Savannah glanced at the girl as she complimented her name, and gave a little frown, trying to decide if this girl was being friendly or if she was being flirted with. The offer to dance was a bit of a surprise. "I don't dance, but I'll take a refill," she said, unwilling to dance currently, though she wasn't sure if the answer would always be no, or if it was just no currently.
Evie took a deep breath and nodded. "Sure, I can get you a drink," She agreed, leaving for a moment before returning with two drinks. She offered one out to Savannah with a shy smile. "How is your night going?" She asked.
Savannah watched the girl as she went off and got them both drinks. She wasn't sure what the girl's game was, what she wanted or intended from this, but it didn't much matter. "It's going," she said with a slightly bored tone as she took the drink. "Why are you talking to me?" Savannah decided to cut right to the chase.
Evie nodded, trying to remember the conversations she'd practiced in her head. She smiled shyly, unsure if she could successfully flirt, and tried to sound nuetral instead. "Because I want to?" She winced a little as it sounded more like a question. "I mean- you look interesting, I'd like to get to know you?" She bit her lip to keep herself from rambling, looking at her own drink cupped between her hands.
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