Y43 Duelling Match #17

Professor Yvonne Dubois

fortune teller | free spirit | Div 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Cedar Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2022 (39)
@Seamus Reid vs @Jingyi Huang

Yvonne stepped up to the dueling platform and greeted the students with a warm smile. The first round of duels were exciting as usual and always seemed to keep her on her toes. "Welcome to round two, and congratulations on making it to the final round!" she said brightly, already feeling proud of them for making it this far. "The winner of this duel will be this years winner. Be sure to keep things fair and no funny business or you will be disqualified." Yvonne added trying to seem stern with most likely mixed results. "Now you may face your opponent and bow before beginning. Good luck to you both!"

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 150
[hr][/hr]RP content[hr][/hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:
Point Changes:
Points Remaining:[/b]
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Current Points: 150

Seamus liked that he'd managed to win his duel. He liked being in the next round of it. He bowed to Jingyi and then got into position, he raised his wand, and then the moment he could cast, "Diffindo,"

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: - 5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Jingyi was pleased he had managed to beat Genevieve. In his eyes, she was his toughest competition, so beating her meant that Seamus shouldn't be too much of a problem. Not that he thought it wise to underestimate the Slytherin, but he couldn't be harder than his last duel, surely. Taking a short bow, the other boy was quicker to the draw and Jingyi huffed as he managed to put up a quick shield charm. Then came the counter, whipping his wand at the other boy, "Confundo!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Last edited:
Current Points: 145

Seamus blocked the spell, determined to do well in this fight, wanting to actually get a bit further into the tournament. and then he cast the Stinging Hex.

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: - 10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 140

It was taking Jingyi longer than normal to get into the rhythm again and he was actually a little slow getting his shield up again, hopping from foot to foot at the rather horrible stinging sensation. "Ow!" He huffed, narrowing his eyes somewhat as he rolled his shoulders, the stinging starting to fade as he raised his wand. "Silencio!" He really needed to get back on the ball if he wanted to win this duel.

Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, cast spell
Point Changes: +10
Points Remaining: 150
Current Points: 135

Seamus was very pleased when his spell actually hit the other boy. He knew it wasn't a fun spell, but he didn't care, this was a duel. Seamus blocked the spell and then he cast a Babbling curse.

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice, spell successful
Point Changes: - 10, -20
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 150

That had hurt and now he was just annoyed and even more determined to win this duel. This time being quick to put up a shield charm, Jingyi let it drop the second the spell and harmlessly bounced off it, flicking his wand towards Seamus, "Stupefy!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 105

Seamus was quick to block the next spell, not wanting the duel to end and then sent back a quick "Furnunculus"

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: - 10
Points Remaining: 95
Current Points: 140

Jingyi was quick to put up a shield, and good thing too otherwise he would be having a bad time right about now. But no time to think about that, quickly coming up with his next spell before firing off a nice Bat-Bogey Hex.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Last edited:
Current Points: 95

Seamus blocked the spell, trying his best to stay focused and do well in this. Get further for once. He then cast back. "Obscuro"

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: - 10
Points Remaining: 85
Current Points: 130

He was finally starting to get into the flow of duelling, putting up a shield charm with some time to spare to block the Slytherin's next spell before sending back his own Jelly Legs Jinx.

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 85

Seamus was just able to get a shield up in time to avoid being hit with a spell. He then cast "Stupefy," quickly in response.

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: - 10
Points Remaining: 75
Current Points: 120

Jingyi once more put up a shield, a little annoyed that none of his spells seemed to be getting through. If he wanted to win then he needed to be clever about things, this time hesitating just a moment, hoping that the pause might throw the other boy off before he raised his wand again. "Obscuro!"

Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 110
Current Points: 75

Seamus was hit by the spell, and his eyesight was immediately taken from him. He didn't bother to undo it, and just fired off another spell, casting a simpler, "Expelliarmus,"

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell, hit by spell
Point Changes: -5, +15
Points Remaining: 85
OOCOut of Character:
This duel will be ending in approximately 12 hours. If no winner has been decided by then, then the victor will be decided by RNG.
OOCOut of Character:
Jingyi Huang is the winner of this duel!

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