🌹 Rose Giving You don’t know what you’ve got till its gone

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
Sky was on the lookout for people to deliver roses to as she made her way to lunch. the entrance hall was full of people calling names and giving roses. She wondered how anyone could find anyone when they were all chasing each other down like a giant game of cat and mouse. So it wasn't really surprising that the entrance and great hall were places where a lot of people managed to give roses. And sure enough she found one of the girls who was on her list, another one of the popular girls she didn't particularly see eye to eye with. she took a deep breath to steady herself before she walked over to her. "Celia. I have a rose for you, " she said.

@Celia Vuong
((thread title comes from big yellow taxi by Joni Mitchell)
Celia had intended to go flying for a bit, but a rose delivery at the pitch had foiled her plans. She couldn't very well fly while holding a rose, and she didn't know any teleportation charms, so she figured it would be better to just return to the castle so she could find a vase for the flower. Celia didn't mind the diversion as it meant she could at least briefly show off her rose while she made her way to the dungeons. (She had considered pinning it in her hair for the rest of the day, but yellow was not her color, and it seemed a little juvenile to wear your rose). Celia was crossing the Entrance Hall when the Arts Club leader with the weird haircut stopped her. "Alright," she said, giving the girl an expectant look as she waited for her rose.

((I now have that song stuck in my head))
Sky was a little taken aback by the abruptness of the slytherins response. Though she did prefer it to the sugar honey of some of her other deliveries. It was at least genuine shock was after all all she could ask for. She quickly shuffled through the notes before she selected the right one and one of the remaining yellow roses. here you go. Happy rose day she said as she handed it over.

GIRL I'm gonna miss you so much when I graduate!!! Keep slaying & letting these losers know what's up
xoxox, Jenna

@Jenna Irons
"Thanks," Celia said, accepting the flower and note, though she did give the girl a slightly judgmental look when she called it "Rose Day." It reminded Celia of all the people who used the cringe-inducing "Turkey Day" to refer to Thanksgiving, though that was a phrase she had thankfully come across a lot less since starting Hogwarts. "Happy Valentine's."

Celia unfolded the note, not at all surprised to see it was from Jenna. After all, it wasn't like she had a ton of friends at Hogwarts who would send her a rose. Celia smirked as she read the message inside. She would miss Jenna next year. She didn't have to censor herself as much when she was around Jenna, and the other Slytherin was one of the few people who shared her views of the school. It was strange to think Jenna wouldn't be around next year.
Sky didnt miss the look Celia gave her when she gave her the rose. a look that was becoming far to familiar with the girls. Thank you" she said as Celia read the note. it wasnt long but even that few seconds standing was making her start to feel awkward and judged. "she smiled when Celia put the note away. "thank you. happy valentines. I hope that you have a nice rest of the week.she said before skipping off down the corridor
Celia never understood why rose deliverers stuck around after they had handed over the rose and note. If they wanted to know what the notes said, then they should have read them before doing their deliveries. She carefully folded up the note and slipped it in her pocket. Thankfully, the Arts Club leader seemed to get the hint. "Thanks, you too," Celia replied in a polite enough tone. She watched a little incredulously as the girl started skipping down the hallway. Some of the people at this school were so weird. Shaking her head slightly, Celia headed for Slytherin, glad she now had two roses to brighten up her dorm. The dungeons desperately needed more color.

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