A Year On HNZ!

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
A Year on HNZ!
Folks, we usually do a top x year thread where people can highlight the top 14/15/16 things that they enjoy on HNZ. But as the site get older this becomes more and more unwieldy, so we're taking a different approach.

This time around, what we would like to do is just focus on things which had have happened in the last year OOC on HNZ. Though of course, if you would like to mention something from outside the year then do. Some examples for me:

  1. Gregory getting picked up in every other thread
  2. Victoire becoming the minister!
  3. Liusaidh finally graduating - that whole massive covid class graduating was awesome

More generally:
  • Really loved the combination OSW and Yuleball, that was a lot of fun.
  • Hufflepuff winning the quidditch cup!!!!
From previous years:
  • The election reminded me about Victoire's year at school, which had folkslike Jean and Lucien Snow, Avie, Esme Lancaster etc. They were a fun year group.
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My memory is terrible at the best of times but of course I decide to do this when I see it and am on the beers. This is by no means extensive, just some stream of consciousness procrastination. But hey, let's see (not numbered because eh):

For myself:
  • Aine being exceedingly extra is always fun for me to write, though getting an entirely unfathomable amount of points in 3rd year I think hit a new point of extra (and goes to show my extreme lack of social life). I usually have muse for her and have fun projecting neuroses but I feel I must apologise to the Professor RPers. I also enjoy her and Cameron butting heads all the time. :r
  • On the other end of the spectrum, RPing Renata has been fun though it's hard for me to be as much of a normie nice girl as she's become. Her and Eugene are perfectly sweet and wholesome and it's refreshing in comparison!
  • Tidying up HoM - it's a work in progress, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done so far!
  • Getting a bit more involved in general - I am extremely socially awkward but it's nice to make friends even if I'm horrible at communicating. (I have had 3+ years of isolation and I was bad at socializing before that anyway).
  • Fun mini plots that have sprung up out of nowhere or offhand suggestion, like the Ilvermorny players hitting on the Beauxbatons players (which I'll respond to I swear) or the Gryffindor second years trying to steal Hufflepuff brooms. I enjoy Stuff Happening.
  • Generally just trying to write more positive characters - it's very difficult for me as I am an extreme pessimist but I've learned that characters having a good time can actually feel good to write (who knew!); but
  • This will not stop me from being a complete sadsack on main. (Sorry Aine).
In general:
  • Agreed on Hufflepuff winning the Quidditch Cup - nice to break the Slytherin streak!
  • Seeing how the year groups develop, though I have a real affinity for the current fourth years and can't wait to see what happens with them next, I feel like there's potential for a lot of fun over the next OOC year!
  • As horrible as the bullying plot with Gregory and Cassius/Terror/Horror it's fun to read (and sometimes make worse) :r
  • There has been more pleasant things to read like Trivian with the benefit of time and maturity, a lot of adult characters slowly building their lives and getting to exist beyond school.
  • OSW into rose giving providing a flurry of activity!
  • Probably weird but seeing people having babies and moving into houses and generally having big life stuff happen has been really nice to see and I'm glad there's plenty of exciting and wonderful things in people's lives to celebrate. (Remember me when you're all Functioning Adults). Even though it's not all pleasant for everyone, there's just been a lot of positives for people of late and that's really excellent.
I haven't been as active in RPs this year as I usually am (life's just been a bit mental :lol: ) but it's still been lots of fun!!! Sorting Rion was a huge highlight, I've been excited for her since she was born and it's been a long wait hehe. And then there was Mervyn and Leda getting married, Mary-Lou marrying Wendall and having a baby - watching HNZ families grow over the years makes me all emotional :cry: :wub:

The current fourth year group is such a blast to read (still sad I didn't sort that year hahaha!!!), you're all such talented writers and character creators, so thank you for entertaining me with your RPs :teehee:
I will definitely add to the list as I remember more stuff.

For me.
  • Actually getting to meet so many of you. It was so fun meeting you and hanging out. going to the Victorian era, having noodles and bubble tea and visiting the pride shark (Discord call included)
  • the Cocopuff Boyz. You know which ones I mean. Hufflepuff classes of '56 and '57 (with the addition of Lysander Summers for extra drama)
  • Casden. I think their relationship started to build this time last year. And well it has been fun they are happy.
  • hufflepuff fifth year girls. Especially the Sky crushing on Renata's plot.
  • Getting to know a lot more of you. Especially when i was working weird timed shifts, which meant i could talk to people in different areas better. it made waking up at 4 am worth it.
  • The election. it was fun running even though i didn't want to win. i was certainly supprised by the stances people took on things (even my own candidate)

  • Ball - OSW - Roses, such a busy time.
  • The Basilisk.
  • Three-legged race.
Most of my highlights this year have been OOC, so my list is quite short:
  • Quidditch games and practices for Tilly's last year (even though there were no wins)
  • Hufflepuff winning the house cup in Y43! Knew you all could pull it off :wub:
Miss you all. Hard to believe this site is 18, older than I was when I first signed up.
This year has been kind of crazy for me IRL so I had to look back at what all happened here.

Some favs regarding my characters
  • Similarly to Emzies, it was cool getting to particiapte in the Ministry election. I hadn't had a ton of chance to really RP Siobhan since I made her years ago other than in my head. It was nice to feel that out and how she reacted to the questions and what not.
  • Flynn taking Siobhan's last name :cry:
  • Seraphina and Tilly actually starting to date and continuing to date (which I think happened within the last OOC year or close enough). Additionally, plotting on ways Seraphina could continue to terrorize people after she left :r
  • Elara finally being seeker and then a) getting hit by her own boyfriend, b) losing the next game when she was just an injured. I think it is all very good for her xD
  • Roses, OSW, and the Yule Ball this year with an ice skating rink were fun to RP with.
  • The Ministry race, again. I really love opportunities for adults to RP, and it was nice to see so much activity with that around the board. Plus, seeing Rupert constantly trying to instigate during the debates was *chef's kiss*.
  • The Elite Sisterhood.
  • Celia Vuong, because I never know what Ana is gonna write next and I love it.
  • This group of first years is full of some strong personalities, and I'm excited to see them grow and interact with each other more.
I wish I had read more throughout the year so I had more specifics; I still enjoyed everything I did read!
Oww love this! I have to think about the past year, since I feel like I'm not so long back here yet. So I guess I have more to say next year. The best thing from that year is finding my way back here again for sure!

  • Sorting June Davenport for sure.
  • Bringing back Crystal Holmgaard to HNZ.
  • Scoring points with June in classes and doing more with them than just having to post for an class.
  • Joining the Quidditch Team with Crystal in Ravenclaw

  • Yule Ball plots and I agree about the OSW. But I always try to keep it short (fail mostly but heh, 10 for effort.)
  • First years and especially the Slytherins.
  • Drama in plots, the more the better.
  • The party's for adults where people just run into eachother.
  • Cafeteria and Daycare Centre added
  • Chatting about plots and life on discord and skype
  • Angel Castillo being the man (xoxo June)
  • Sorting sorting, more students new background stories love it.
I feel like I might respond to others more on here rather than do my own favorites and highlights because I'm very forgetful. Anyway:
Stuff that happened for me
  • My return from a hiatus
  • Making Killian and then him a professor. Grumpy guy fills in the void I had for Styx
  • Anything involving Cassius, Terror, Gregory, Snowdrop, Horror, Astraea, June
  • Also love Monday and his friends (lowkey ship Monday x Aine as future partners in crime honestly)
  • Redoing HoM - a subject I swore I'd never apply for but took the challenge and no regrets. I love every second of it.
  • Liusaidh becoming related to Styx via grandson's engagement/marriage.
  • Joining the Beauxbatons and Ravenclaw quidditch team and having to remember what I am supposed to do (seekers have soooo much pressure!)
Now outside of me
  • Anything involving Astraea
  • Anything involving Aine
  • Everything Cole posts (she's my internet wife and such)
  • Gregory's sometimes happy threads which are so hard to find
  • OSW was a lot of fun though I think I forgot about it. Lurking the threads was better though
I don't remember a lot of previous years unless I specifically see it and it brings back memories. Brain fog sucks.

folks like Jean and Lucien Snow, Avie, Esme Lancaster etc. They were a fun year group.​
I was thinking about this earlier and boy I miss them. Only half of them are alive and I think Lucien ended up with Esme (but Jesse can correct me on that cause no idea).

  • Tidying up HoM - it's a work in progress, but I'm pretty happy with what I've done so far!
  • As horrible as the bullying plot with Gregory and Cassius/Terror/Horror it's fun to read (and sometimes make worse) :r
  • Probably weird but seeing people having babies and moving into houses and generally having big life stuff happen has been really nice to see and I'm glad there's plenty of exciting and wonderful things in people's lives to celebrate. (Remember me when you're all Functioning Adults). Even though it's not all pleasant for everyone, there's just been a lot of positives for people of late and that's really excellent.
Point 1 I have here is excellent and honestly look forward to lessons when they are all nice and cleaned up!
2 is worse, like a guilty pleasure and we aren't making it better. Just adding fuel to the fire.
3 freaks me out cause I always imagine people as being the same age as when I first interacted with them so seeing people function as adults is also amazing and I hope everyone succeeds because they deserve it - honestly.

  • Chatting about plots and life on discord and skype
Just going to add this:
If you want to remember old school, I used to plot on MSN messenger and Yahoo before switching to Skype. Back when MSN was like "Guys, just go use Skype".
I never know what Ana is gonna write next
You and me both, Kiersten, you and me both x_x

On that note, writing Celia the last year has been a definite highlight even if she's unpredictable. From the plot with her dad to her taking over and ruining Slytherin Quidditch to all her Hogwarts Monthly pot stirring and so much more, the last year has been a lot of fun. I've also really enjoyed getting to write Harper's coming-of-age/animagus training arc, and seeing her and Weston graduate has been wild.

More generally:
  • The return of roses
  • The Ministry election
  • All the fun twists on the big dances, like the ice rink at Yule this past year, summer!Yule, and that one Valentine's dance with the enchanted garden
  • Big group threads for the young adult characters, like Chloë and Juniper's housewarming party and the '58 graduation party
  • Edit: Just thought of something else, but I also loved following the house-specific events over the past year (events like the Gryffindor Famous Forehead game and the bake-off that the Hufflepuff prefects organized)
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I've been avoiding this because I'm terrible at remembering what happened when, but I'll try.

  • Flynn and Ivy, I THINK that was in the last year but I could be wrong. Their getting together was so much fun.
  • Getting to RP my graduated students more and developing them in their adult lives.
    • On that note: Diana and Delaney are so funny.
    • And Trivian :wub:
    • Also babies! I will finally have some second gen HNZ kids soon(ish) (it's not that soon)
  • Louis and Celia's big fight and now big making up(?) they've grown so much.
  • The Gryffindor second years broom heist was a fun thread last year.
  • The Obsidian Daycare, it's so fun!

Last year hasn't been my most active year. In fact, it has probably been my least active year and had really made me realize I will enjoy HNZ more if I cut down on students. And I am grateful for that realisation because now I can enjoy it again. I'm drawing a blank on just about everything else right now so if there's more that comes back to me I'll post it xD

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