Recent content by Ambrose Webb

  1. Ambrose Webb

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Ambrose headed for the hoops and took his shot but missed.
  2. Ambrose Webb

    Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice - Y46 S2

    Ambrose jumped on his broom and grabbed a hold of the quaffle.
  3. Ambrose Webb

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rosey Message

    Ambrose shrugged when Lucy asked him about his break, wondering how honest he could be but deciding not to just throw stuff her way. "Yeah, uh, it was fine. Yours?" He responded with an attempt at a smile that turned genuine when she handed him the rose. "Thanks." He added before quickly...
  4. Ambrose Webb

    First Years, Lesson One

    Ambrose hadn't particularly enjoyed being home for the break. Mostly because it felt like nothing had changed, which should be good. But it wasn't. Not really. Even when he had expected his parents to be their usual busy selves it still stung a little when they just went on with business as...
  5. Ambrose Webb

    First Years, Lesson One

    Ambrose hadn't particularly enjoyed being home for the break. Mostly because it felt like nothing had changed, which should be good. But it wasn't. Not really. Even when he had expected his parents to be their usual busy selves it still stung a little when they just went on with business as...
  6. Ambrose Webb

    🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for an Ravenclaw

    Ambrose had heard valentine's day around the school could get hectic but he hadn't expected it to be quite this hectic. He couldn't say he was bothered by it though. Hectic was something he was used to. And this felt like a good kind of hectic. He instinctively raised his hand when he heard...
  7. Ambrose Webb

    🌹 Rose Giving A Rosey Message

    Ambrose had been quite intrigued to see all of the rose deliveries happening around him yet was surprised when someone called out to him from across the hall. He grinned at Lucy as she headed his way, almost feeling like he needed to be frozen in place so she wouldn't accidentally lose sight of...
  8. Ambrose Webb

    🌹 Rose Giving Not Quite Sunrise

    Ambrose was quite excited for the whole rose giving event. He had heard it could become quite busy and chaotic but didn't particularly care. It sounded just like another day in his life had he been home with his parents. He had been sat on one of the stone walls in the courtyard, watching people...
  9. Ambrose Webb

    Closed Polished Perfection

    Ambrose watched as Sunday started applying the nail polish, using his other hand to give a mock salute when she instructed him to talk. "Right. Yeah. Sure. Uhhh, Ambrose, Ravenclaw, like I said. Mom's a muggle, dad's a wizard. They're chaotic, loud. I'm an only child. Less chaotic, I think." He...
  10. Ambrose Webb

    Open Perfectly Imbalanced

    Ambrose shook his head when Sofi asked if he was leaving, about to offer to help her back to the side if she wanted to when she already skated off. He was glad she knew how to stay upright on the skates but was left a little dumbfounded when she turned away from him so easily. He stood there for...
  11. Ambrose Webb

    Open Perfectly Imbalanced

    Ambrose blinked a few times when Sofi apologised again when she had done absolutely nothing wrong. "Didn't know.. what..?" He questioned, looking at his own feet to decide if getting back up on the skates would be a good idea. Probably not when he had fallen down within the first minute of...
  12. Ambrose Webb

    Open Perfectly Imbalanced

    Ambrose could hardly register he had grabbed onto another student before they were both already crashing down onto the ice. His first instinct was to prop himself up so he could oversee the situation, his second was to glance over to the person he had taken with him with a hint of horror in his...
  13. Ambrose Webb

    Open Perfectly Imbalanced

    Ambrose had never one to attend fancy parties or anything of the sort so he was more than curious to see what tonight would bring. He was also grateful he had packed at least one or two dress shirts so he at least had something to wear. Just another thing his dad hadn't prepared him for with how...
  14. Ambrose Webb

    Closed Polished Perfection

    Ambrose nodded and held out his right hand so she could get started on painting his nails. "Yes ma'am." He grinned when she told him not to move, although he was sure he shouldn't have too much of an issue with that. He could sit still. Even if it might take longer than he would've initially...
  15. Ambrose Webb

    Open Deep Blue

    Ambrose had paid little attention to what was actually happening on the chess board when he had sat down, now looking at it when she told him it was premature. It was and he should've perhaps looked at that before asking her the question. Although it had been a good conversation starter so he...