Open Perfectly Imbalanced

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Ambrose Webb

down to earth
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
05/2050 (11)
Ambrose had never one to attend fancy parties or anything of the sort so he was more than curious to see what tonight would bring. He was also grateful he had packed at least one or two dress shirts so he at least had something to wear. Just another thing his dad hadn't prepared him for with how little he had told him about life at school. Although he doubted anyone would've batted an eye if he had arrived in a tshirt. He was still a kid after all. The sight of the snowy theme when he walked into the hall surprised Ambrose a bit and he glanced around for a moment while he took it all in. It was all so pretty he had a hard time deciding where to go. Those doubts quickly disappeared when he noticed the ice skating area though and he walked across the hall without hesitation. He had only skated a few times in his life and could not recall being very good at it but it did seem like a fun activity at the moment. Putting on a pair of skates Ambrose carefully stepped onto the ice, moving forward a little before wobbling to the side and grabbing on to the nearest thing to keep himself from falling. That thing just happened to be another student.

(ooc: feel free to godmod what happens to him, whether that be falling or helping him stay upright it's all good)
Sofi was discovering more about herself at Hogwarts, realising that managing her anxiety wasn't as easy as she hoped for a start. Every school event stirred up nerves within her and despite her efforts to blend in, she often felt like an outsider, struggling to engage in conversations with people.

However, Sofi enjoyed the simplicity of skating and had joined in on this opportunity. She'd skated before and knew enough to get by but was by no means a pro. She spotted Ambrose putting on skates too and smiled. That was nice, she liked Ambrose and skated towards him about to say hi when she suddenly became his accidental support. Attempting to steady him as he stumbled, her own skates buckled and they both crashed onto the ice in a heap. "Oof - I'm sorry. You okay?"
Ambrose could hardly register he had grabbed onto another student before they were both already crashing down onto the ice. His first instinct was to prop himself up so he could oversee the situation, his second was to glance over to the person he had taken with him with a hint of horror in his expression. He was somewhat relieved it had been someone he knew, yet also felt worse for that reason. "Crap, no, I'm sorry. Should've just accepted my faith instead of reaching out." Ambrose responded with an awkward laugh. "I'm good. Bruised ego is all. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
Sofi took Ambrose saying what should have happened as evidence that she did the wrong thing and felt instantly ashamed. "Sorry Ambrose, I didn't know" She murmered in response, fighting back any tears that were surfacing from how guilty she felt. At least Ambrose wasn't hurt, Sofi had landed funny on her elbow but otherwise was fine. "No, I'm not hurt." She lied, ignoring her elbow. She was certain Ambrose thought that it was her fault and she didn't want to cause a fuss on top of that. She'd learnt that from living with her sister to just accept the blame and try to move on. She tried to get herself up, but it was too painful to put weight on her sore arm, and she struggled to get her balance with one arm.
Ambrose blinked a few times when Sofi apologised again when she had done absolutely nothing wrong. "Didn't know.. what..?" He questioned, looking at his own feet to decide if getting back up on the skates would be a good idea. Probably not when he had fallen down within the first minute of wearing them. He figured the best option would just be to take them off and make his way back to the side where his shoes were on his socks, which is exactly what he did. "Are you sure? Here, c'mon." Ambrose offered Sofi his hand after he had managed to get up. His socks were slippy and the ice was way too cold for comfort on his feet but at least his balance was much better than it had been when he was wearing the skates.
Sofi felt terrible as she watched Ambrose take off his skates. "I didn't know we'd fall - are you leaving?" she asked, guilt weighing heavy on her chest. She worried that she had ruined his evening, convinced he wouldn't want to speak to her again after all of this. Taking his offered hand with her good arm, she rose to her feet. "Thanks," she murmured, cradling her injured elbow with her other hand. Skating to the side, she found a seat, a stray tear slipping down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away, hoping no one had noticed, especially not Ambrose.
Ambrose shook his head when Sofi asked if he was leaving, about to offer to help her back to the side if she wanted to when she already skated off. He was glad she knew how to stay upright on the skates but was left a little dumbfounded when she turned away from him so easily. He stood there for a minute, his socks barely any protection against the ice, before he awkwardly shuffled his way over to where Sofi was sitting. "Hey, uh.. are you sure I shouldn't get a teacher or something? Maybe find a nurse?" He asked, nodding towards her elbow. The way she had been holding it made him believe that perhaps she had been hurt. Which meant it was his fault she had gotten hurt so he couldn't just walk off and get on with his night. He had to at least try and make sure she was good. Or maybe apologise again. Then he could go find his own shoes again.
"Pull yourself together," thought Sofi, feeling pathetic. She wished she had Ambrose's confidence, but she didn't. Shaking her head in response to his suggestion, she said, "I did land on it, but it doesn't hurt much," trying to reassure him. Annoyed at herself, she wished she could be laughing and skating around like a normal person. Looking down at the ground and then at Ambrose's socks, she observed, "Your feet look cold."
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