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  1. Noah Cosgrove

    🌹 Rose Giving Friendship is never an accident

    Noah was starving. He couldn't wait until lunch was served and he could just eat. He'd been doing homework the whole morning, and he decided he'd probably take the rest of the day off, as he'd been working hard lately. Maybe he'd go play quidditch with Summer again, or something. Or see what...
  2. Noah Cosgrove

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Thanks for the update, Kaitlyn! Need to start highlighting some threads :wub:
  3. Noah Cosgrove

    Closed Baby, it's Halloween

    Noah laughed when Zora asked if there was a mask, it was really cute that she didn't know the awesome guy he was dressed up as. "I repeat, he's only the best super-hero ever!" he exclaimed, wanting to convince the girls that he really was the best. "Oh, and his real name is Peter Parker," he...
  4. Noah Cosgrove

    Open A Little Practice

    When Summer mounted her broom Noah did the same, he got back on it so they could finally practice together. Maybe if Noah tried hard enough he could impress Chase with his skills and get to play a game, he really wanted to try playing an actual game against another house. He figured he was one...
  5. Noah Cosgrove

    Open Litterbug

    It was just another day at the lake for Noah. It was his favourite place to be at, outdoors, and he figured he'd just do some of his homework here. He hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else there, his focus solely on the work he had to do for next week, but a loud noise was a little...
  6. Noah Cosgrove

    Closed Family Fun

    Noah thought he was in a good place with classes and homework, and despite him becoming obsessed with what they were learning, in nearly every class, not all of them but most of them, he decided today would probably be a good day to chill and take a break from his studies and er, not obsess over...
  7. Noah Cosgrove

    Closed Baby, it's Halloween

    Noah grinned when Zora nearly got it right. "Yeah! It's Spider-Man," he confirmed, wondering if she had ever heard of it. But from her reaction, he suspected she hadn't. Which was fair enough. The only reason why Noah knew of it was because his parents wanted to expose their children to what was...
  8. Noah Cosgrove

    Closed Baby, it's Halloween

    Noah had missed out on so many things last year, so this year he’d decided he’d participate in all the fun stuff. He had big plans this year and he wanted to make more friends and hang out more with the friends he already had. The second year put the final touches of his costume and headed to...
  9. Noah Cosgrove

    Plot with me please!

    I'm gonna just jump in here real quick and say that I agree! Think we mentioned having a long plot over the course of a few years with Summer, Zora and Noah! Drama :teehee: I was also going to mention plotting Noah & Goldie and Noah & TJ as possible friends! Noah's just a super friendly guy...
  10. Noah Cosgrove

    Let's Try Some Plots

    oooh could you if you don't mind? Need to do some uni work due next week xD
  11. Noah Cosgrove

    Let's Try Some Plots

    The Noah x Summer is ongoing so that could be the first? And we could do Noah x Fiona in the meantime and then Noah x Thomas when one of those is wrapped up? :D
  12. Noah Cosgrove

    Let's Try Some Plots

    Haha no worries at all!! Noah x Marley: sounds great! I've actually got an open practice thread going on with Noah & Summer if you'd like to join in with Marley! Otherwise we could do a separate one, up to you! Noah x Fiona: same with Noah, feel like I haven't quite rped him enough! Any ideas...
  13. Noah Cosgrove

    Open A Little Practice

    Noah was still in the air and so it took him a few minutes to realise that someone had said something. More specifically, that they'd directed it at him. But thankfully he wasn't so high up that he never heard the person in the first place. Noah flew back down to the ground and dismounted his...
  14. Noah Cosgrove

    I thought I wasn't doing this, but hey suprise!

    Sounds great! Maybe they meet in the common room and Noah sees her studying or reading or something and is curious so goes up to her?
  15. Noah Cosgrove

    Lost the plot

    Heyy! :) we should get Noah and Morrie to interact! I think it would be interesting as if they didn’t get along Noah isn’t used to interacting with people who don’t like him haha. I think it would be quite fun to throw them in a plot and see how it would go!
  16. Noah Cosgrove

    Roleplays Please!

    Hey Anna!! As I was reading your post ideas were flying in my head =)) Noah x Miro: I see either a friends or frenemies situation! I haven’t yet had Noah interact with someone he doesn’t get along with but it would be fun if Noah somehow came across Miro and Miro is in a bad mood! I think Noah...
  17. Noah Cosgrove

    Let's Try Some Plots

    Heyy! We haven’t plotted in a while, and Noah is (currently) my main focus / my only student haha. I think he’d get along great with three of yours! Noah x Marley: they’re on the team together even if Noah is alternate, but for the same position! Could potentially have a quidditch thread...
  18. Noah Cosgrove

    I thought I wasn't doing this, but hey suprise!

    Heyy I think Noah and Camille would be great friends! Noah is really kind and sweet and responsible and he definitely isn’t the kind of person who would use her! I feel like maybe he’d get protective of her if someone does try to use her or something, and would do something about that xD maybe...
  19. Noah Cosgrove

    Quidditch Game: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

    Noah was super excited for his first game, even if he wasn’t participating in it himself. He arrived to the pitch and stood with the rest of his team, before taking a seat on the bench with Bailey, and waited for the game to start.
  20. Noah Cosgrove

    Hufflepuff Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

    Noah spotted another bludger, but narrowly missed.