Open A Little Practice

Noah Cosgrove

first-born • excitable • responsible • alt. beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
12/2048 (12)
Noah hadn't really expected to be chosen for the team. Hoped for, sure, he'd definitely hoped that he would make it during the tryouts, and it seemed that his efforts had clearly paid off. All of those flying lessons not only last year but when he was younger, as his father had taught him how to ride a broom from a very young age, had definitely helped him and helped to improve his flying skills. Noah, however, wanted to improve his skills for gameplay, as even though he was an alternate, he really wanted to impress his teammates. Mostly Chase as he was the captain. Not only that, but he just wanted to be good. Actually, it was all the more reason for him to be ready at all times, in case of injury, or if someone couldn't play a game for some reason and the second year had to step in. Anything could happen last minute and Noah needed to be there. Of course, he did want to play a game at some point, but he didn't want to wish anything bad on anyone on his team. They were older, more experienced, and for now the Hufflepuff was more than happy to just sit, observe and learn everything he could from them. He arrived to the pitch, broom in hand and a bat that he'd managed to get as a gift from his parents when he'd owled them telling them he'd made the team. They had been beyond thrilled for him. Noah had also sent a note to Summer, asking her if she wanted to join him, as he'd heard she also made the team again this year, which was so great. They could practice together! While he waited Noah decide to warm up and do a few laps around the pitch, thinking he should probably do what he could to prevent an injury.

OOCOut of Character:
Open after Marijke!
Summer was keen she had been picked to be on the team again, even if it was just as an alternate. She knew she could've tried out for seeker and perhaps get a more permanent spot, but that hadn't seemed like a great idea. There was no way she could rock the whole 'being covered in bruises' look anyways. No thank you. She was perfectly fine being a chaser, she wasn't in it for the glory anyways. She just wanted to have some fun, be a part of the team. Receiving a note from Noah to ask if she wanted to head out of the pitch with him had been enough to make her appreciate being on the team. It gave her something to help her connect with others, talk about, perhaps even build a bit of a reputation on. If anything, she enjoyed being the air. "I hope your practice doesn't involve me being your sole target!" Summer called out with a laugh when she stepped foot onto the pitch, spotting Noah already in the air.
Noah was still in the air and so it took him a few minutes to realise that someone had said something. More specifically, that they'd directed it at him. But thankfully he wasn't so high up that he never heard the person in the first place. Noah flew back down to the ground and dismounted his broom, finally glancing at who had called out to him. He grinned when he saw it had been Summer. He went over to her and gave her a small wave. "Hey Summer, glad you could make it," he said with a tone that suggested he was excited to see her and excited for this practice thing he'd arranged. "Oh, poop, I knew I'd forgotten to bring a dummy, or something," he said jokingly in response to her earlier comment about not being his only target today. Maybe someone else would come along, Noah hadn't really thought to invite anyone else, but he'd be more than happy to have more people, maybe a little group to play a small game or something. But in the meantime he was also content just practicing with Summer. Now that he did think about it though maybe he really should have gotten some sort of target. "Don't worry, I'll try not to aim at you," he added, hoping that would be enough reassurance.​
Summer did notice some other students at the pitch and wondered if any of them had been invited by Noah as well. She didn't expect them too, it was rare for anyone to get the pitch to themselves anyways. Especially now that the quidditch season had started. She simply smiled at Noah when he flew her way, getting onto her broom herself so she wouldn't have to talk to him from down on the ground. "You better not." She said almost sternly. Bludgers were the worst, even the practice ones. "Maybe we could combine things though?" She offered after thinking about it for a second. "I could throw the quaffle and you could try to hit it and then I could try to catch it again? I know it's different from a bludger but it could be good target practice." Summer smiled, quite proud of her idea on how they could actually practice together rather than just fly past one another on the pitch. "Or we could practice flying and have a little race." She smirked.
When Summer mounted her broom Noah did the same, he got back on it so they could finally practice together. Maybe if Noah tried hard enough he could impress Chase with his skills and get to play a game, he really wanted to try playing an actual game against another house. He figured he was one of the youngest on the team so probably wouldn't get to, as there were people officially on the team, but it was worth a shot. He considered Summer's idea and nodded. "Actually, that's brilliant. Let's do it," he confirmed. When she suggested a race, Noah grinned. "I'm liking where your head is at. We can do both. Aaaand three, two, one, go!" he said with a grin, flying a bit further up and getting a head start, not missing a chance of winning this race. Even if it was just for fun.​
Summer was quite confident in her own abilities both on a broom and with the quaffle. She didn't need to be the best, didn't need to practice every single free minute of every single day. She was fine, only an alternate after all. No need to tire herself out in an attempt to become the best. Being part of the team was quite enough for now. She was sure that'd change if she was ever to make a starting position but that opportunity would take at least another year or two and she was certain she would've naturally improved by then. "Hey, that's cheating!" She called after Noah with a laugh when he flew up and got a head start of their race. If only she had thought of that. Summer quickly flew after him and tried her best to push her broom to catch up. A race wasn't over until it was and this one had only jut begun.

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