totally open

  1. Oskar Strom

    Open From Afar

    Oskar had been completely caught off guard by the day's festivities. He had never experienced anything quite like it and wasn't sure what to make of it. The roses, the messages, the friendship, all of it felt so foreign. He had been at this school for over a semester now but still felt very...
  2. Elise Ito

    Open Bird's Eye View

    Elise loved to hang out around the towers. It wasn't a view she got at home and she missed it when she was away. To her there was nothing better than the dizzy feeling she got when she looked out the window towards the ground far far below her. It also helped that it was quite too. Here she...
  3. Ethan Alexander

    Open Things Change

    Ethan yawned. Ever since Harlow had arrived she had been keeping the entire house hold on their toes with her crying and unpredictable hours. He hadn't been asked to take care of her but he still found himself offering his services in the morning when Ernie and Olivia looked worse for wear. He...
  4. Morrie Ayre

    Open Seeking Secrets

    Morrie was puzzled by the existence of the Restricted Section of the library, and her annoyance grew when she realised she couldn't access it. Why not? Morrie would find the knowledge she sought within the Restricted Section, sooner or later, restricted or not. Morrie's curiosity was especially...
  5. Teddy Pirrip

    Open Looks good from here

    Teddy set off on a run along a path that ran alongside the Hogwarts lake, offering spectacular views along the way. He wasn't a stranger to running, but this was different. He was intentionally running for fitness, a decision spurred by a drive to improve his endurance and speed for the...
  6. Santiago Torres

    Open Nothing New

    Santiago knew it was a lost cause to bother with the Valentine's day dance but being cooped up in his room while everyone had fun without him seemed worse. At least if he sulked at one of the tables he could at least pretend like he was particiapted and not a total loser. He tore up a napkin...
  7. Margo Fox

    Open Faded Roses

    Margo wasn't feeling very romantic and she hated that. She hated that a boy could take the joy out of one of her favorite days. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed that there were no rose deliveries this year. She missed the distraction but she wouldn't know what she would do if...
  8. Parker Reed

    Old School Week Going Out of the Comfort Zone

    Parker usually preferred not to attend this event but somehow, it was the second year in a row that he actually attented. Alone but he was still there. Yet, he still as awkward as always, so he just decided to sit in the back and enjoy some warm drink.
  9. Timothy Black

    Old School Week Snowy Night

    Tim always enjoyed this type of events, so it wasn't a surprise that he was here. He loved how the hall was decorated, so he just grabbed a pair of skates and immediately went onto the ice rink, he just wanted to have fun.
  10. Kaia Stark

    Old School Week Last One

    Kaia was looking forward to her very last Yule Ball, she was a little bored of the school, so the ball seemed like a good idea to have fun. She was there alone and at first she decided to go and grab something to eat.
  11. Dominic Torres

    Old School Week Settling In

    Dominic didn't think finding a job after graduating college would be quite so hard. He did well in school and even worked as a tutor the entire time. He knew what he was doing when it came to teaching others but still, he had gone longer than he'd like to admit without a real and steady job. So...
  12. Ethan Alexander

    Old School Week Like Riding An Icy Bike

    Ethan didn't really care all that much about dances but it was the end of the semester and it seemed like a decent way to celebrate it. Christmas had always been a small thing for his mom and him since she almost always had to work so he didn't get the hype. But at least this year they had an...
  13. Indira Khatri

    Old School Week Same Song and Dance

    Indi had to admit that if this was going to be her last Yule Ball at least the great hall looked nice. The trees and snow were a nice touch and she appreciated the free entertainment of the frozen lake as people wobbled along like baby deer. But she was perfectly content to watch from a safe...
  14. Caleb Thorne

    Open Too Cool

    Caleb always liked Halloween. He loved the spectacle of it all and for just a night getting to pretend to be someone else. He had success with the costume contests in the past but he was fairly certain he wouldn't be winning any awards for his get up this year. He tried not to think about what...
  15. Caleb Thorne

    Open Not Completely Alone

    Caleb wasn't talking to Louis and he was trying to keep it that way. He had stuck to Slytherin only spaces for the first few days back at the castle. But in his attempt to keep his distance he realized he hadn't spoken to Rene either. He was starting to realize that his social circle was a bit...
  16. Niklaus Eliot Easterling

    Open The Future

    With everything going on, the least that Niklaus had expected was a letter from home... His dad... He had died. Niklaus felt as he had failed him, he didn't go in his footsteps, he didn't bring him any pride, he never made him proud. He was everything that his dad had wanted, but at least he was...
  17. Leah Thorne

    Open Cut to the Feeling

    Leah had wanted to cut her hair for years now. But every time she brought it up or asked her mother about it she was always talked out of it or convinced that it wasn't a good idea. She did like her hair sometimes. It was long and wavy and a golden blonde that always got lighter in the summer...
  18. Caleb Thorne

    Open Last One Out of the Water

    Caleb hadn't felt this restless in a long time. It felt like he had to constantly be in motion or he would collapse in on himself or spontaneously combust, he wasn't sure which. Ever since Valentine's Day he hadn't be able to stop thinking about what happened between him and Louis. A lot of ways...
  19. Ethan Alexander

    Open Looking in the Wrong Places

    Ethan didn't really get what was the big deal about Valentine's day. He had skipped out on the Yule Ball last semester but he figured he should at least try and be social this time. Even if all the pink and flowers made him a little uncomfortable. He didn't have much of a plan as he entered the...
  20. Delilah Thorne

    Open Blossoming Alone

    Delilah found herself staring at the rose petals falling from the sky. It was oddly hypnotic and she was also trying to commit it all to memory. It was her last school dance after all. She had briefly considered not attending at all but had obviously changed her mind. It had felt like a lot of...