
Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
hiiiiiiiii remember me

I've finally got both the free time and inspiration to actually dig back into HNZ, but I don't wanna jinx it by taking on too many threads like I usually do. So I've limited this PD to students. That doesn't mean I don't wanna plot with my other characters though - if you've got an idea for someone I didn't mention here, post it anyway!


Jenna Irons
Slytherin 7th Year
queen b 👑 (you know what the b stands for)

Maggi Watties
Gryffindor 7th Year
future superstar 🌟 sweet but a little bit lost
Jenna Irons is the queen of Hogwarts, and if you think otherwise you're wrong, as far as she's concerned. She's not afraid to speak her mind, especially when other people's outfits are ugly. Jenna is a sneaky kind of mean, needing at all times to prove her superiority. Would love people to bully, or people to bully others with! Since it's her last year I'd love to really get into conflict. I'd also be keen for any terrible romance plots (healthy relationships not accepted!) Boys only, please.
Maggi is still having trouble getting used to life at Hogwarts, which is a far cry from the life she always assumed she was going to have. She's trying to find ways to while away the time and unfortunately she's been a major victim of my lack of free time. She needs basically everything - would especially love any kind of performing arts plots, or friendships with any other characters feeling unsettled at Hogwarts. Also keen for romance plots! (Any gender!)

Manaia Te Rangi
Hufflepuff 6th Year
just a nice lad 🎸 singing and daydreaming
Manaia has spent the last couple of years adjusting to his parents' separation, and while he's mostly gotten used to his new life split between their homes, he's still quite a changed person. He's a lot more quiet and introspective than he used to be, and spending even more time on his music. Totally keen for any kind of friendship or music-related plots for him. He's also spent the last couple of years getting into a very tangled romance situation where he's got crushes on about half the kids in his year, so if anyone wants to pursue drama relating to that let me know! More romances always welcome (any gender) (more chaos more drama)

Giulia Alcott
Ravenclaw 5th Year
zero chill at all 📖 its nerd time
Giulia is a self-described geek, interests including comics, science, maths, fantasy/sci fi, and dragons. She moved to NZ from France for first year, but over time her English has gotten good enough that she's comfortable making friends in both languages. She absolutely loves having people around who share her geeky interests, so anyone who wants to nerd out with her is welcome! She'd also be a prime target for bullying, so mean characters have at her! I don't have anything concrete nailed down for Giulia, so I'm down for absolutely anything!

Ngawaiata Martin
Slytherin 4th Year
self-made loner 🎼 stoic and silent songbird
Ngawaiata is one I'm really eager for plots with, despite her being a bit difficult to develop for. She's very standoffish and very much a loner, preferring to do things by herself, in her own way. (An ideal personality type for a collaborative writing medium :V ) That said, she's still a kid away from home and though she has family at Hogwarts she very much needs people around her who are comfortable with her way of doing things. Alternatively, I would love for her to clash with people who aren't on the same wavelength.

Blanche Broomhead
Slytherin 3rd Year
disgraced legacy 🧹 abandoned twin

Rāwhiti Te Rangi
Gryffindor 3rd Year
everything is chill ✌️ your best friend

Daria Bright-Root
Ravenclaw 3rd Year
sweet and shy 🌺 flowers and sunshine
Blanche is a descendant of the once illustrious Broomhead family, long-since thrown into shame when a set of their brooms failed spectacularly during the 1869 Quidditch World Cup. She 's a very creative thinker and a bit of an oddball, with a rebellious streak a mile long. I've been neglecting her quite badly and I'd really love for her to make some more friends, especially people she can work on art projects with, or get up to mischief with (someone's gotta lose slytherin some points :r)
Rāwhiti is Manaia's younger brother, and he inherited all of his older brother's chill, and none of his anxieties. Rāwhiti is relaxed about just about everything, perfectly ready to accept anything and anyone at any time. He believes the world would be better if we all just got along. He can be distinctly not chill about things he's passionate about though, and Quidditch is number one on that list, so I would love any Quidditch plots for him! Also keen for literally any friendships, he gets along with everyone!
Daria is a character I have a ton of inspiration for when she's older, but nothing planned right now! She's a total sweetheart - grew up very sheltered, the baby of her family by a lot. (Her only brother is seventeen years older...) and so she's always been treated like a baby and a princess, her family protecting her from the world. I'm really eager for her to get out there and make friends on her own for the first time, though she can be a bit shy! She needs people to pull her out of her shell, and I'd also be keen for her to develop some kind of doomed crush!

Thistle Carnahan
Ravenclaw 2nd Year
rat queen🪲 green gremlin
Thistle is the youngest Carnahan, and she unfortunately didn't get to express her full chaotic potential last year because I was so busy. She's a cheerful and enthusiastic kid, with a real mind for mischief and adventure, and chaos tends to follow her wherever she goes. She's picked up some pretty intense pranking skills from her brothers, so any allies in her efforts would be welcome, as well as other friendships with her classmates & fellow Phoenix Scouts! (Thistle has been a member since she was very young, so totally happy to work out existing friendships with other characters who've been around a while!)

Holden Marshall
Gryffindor 1st Year
bitter babiest boy ⛰️ youngest of four two

Cornelius Seymour
??? 1st Year
infuriating 🥇 unpleasant
Holden is the younger brother of Penelope Marshall, and half-brother of Eric and Connor Holland, for better or worse. (In his opinion; worse.) He's a pretty bitter, angry young man, carrying around a lot of hurt from the loss of his mother that he doesn't know how to express any way other than through violence. Beneath it all Holden's a good kid, he just doesn't have the emotional tools he needs. He's quite prickly, but definitely not impossible to make friends with if you can put up with his moods. I'd also love to find people for him to scrap with, he's definitely quite fight-y.
Cornelius is a whim character who's squeaked his way into this sorting unexpectedly. He comes from a family that puts a lot of expectation for greatness on its boys, and it's heavy on his shoulders. Half of him is convinced that he's the greatest, most important, most interesting person who ever lived, and the other half absolutely loathes himself & takes those insecurities out on everyone around him. He's an absolute nightmare to be around, and I would love for any kind of nightmare confrontations with this awful boy. If you wanna befriend him you can try but... good luck? Why?

I'm not making a full table for them, but additionally;

Rupert Cresswell - Deputy Minister, always available for Ministry-related plots!
~Professor Kahurangi Josephs - Ravenclaw HoH, always available for school plots!
Maria Madison - HNZ school counsellor, always available for student counselling plots!

I've got other adult characters in roles I'm happy to RP them filling (if you want a skiing lesson with Lizzie or want Nell to write an article about your character or anything like that) so feel free to drop me a line abt them too, but I wanna highlight those 3 especially since they're the ones people are most likely to wanna RP with :p

I'm probably gonna be pretty choosey about student plots just to keep my thread load balanced, but last year I had some students who got no threads at all (SORRY MAGGI SORRY BLANCHE) so I'm def eager to get some more stuff going with them!
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Hello hello!

So I can offer you some romance/drama for Manaia. With Valeria. She's making her way through the boys of her year, and maybe they could flirt a little, date a bit and then break up. Drama and all that.

I can also offer Fraser to like either of your first years as a friend, though he might get on Holden's nerves. But also possibly as a friend to Rāwhiti. He's also obsessed with quidditch so they could bond over that.

And can also offer Emmanuel Okoye for any of your third years, that's his year too. He could do with more friends. he's a very polite, history interested boy, who has his own history club. He's from a good family.

Happy to explore any of these if any take your interest
ROWAN I want plots. please

for Manaia I have Sky. I am sure they would have met before in some kind of music situation. they could be friends. or we could try a crush plot.

for Geulia. I have Sky. they were best friends. and they really should still be very close friends and actually hang out.

for geulia I have Hugo. he, in true Ravenclaw form is a bit of a gook and likes his books. and is a bit of a fantasy reader. happy for them to hang out. maybe she is a bit of a mentor for him.

for Ngawaiata I have sky. likes her music and also has her own unique way of seeing the world.

for holden and neil I have Hugo. I think he would probably be better with holden. his family life was a bit messy when he was younger with his mama having an affair and his mums nearly splitting up. and it seems like they have taken almost opposite ways of dealing with it.

for Kahurangi I have Elvera and Rhiannon
for Maria I have Elvera.

Adelia and Alyce.
Connor and Linden
Charlie and Willow
Finn and Linden
Hello hello!

So I can offer you some romance/drama for Manaia. With Valeria. She's making her way through the boys of her year, and maybe they could flirt a little, date a bit and then break up. Drama and all that.

I can also offer Fraser to like either of your first years as a friend, though he might get on Holden's nerves. But also possibly as a friend to Rāwhiti. He's also obsessed with quidditch so they could bond over that.

And can also offer Emmanuel Okoye for any of your third years, that's his year too. He could do with more friends. he's a very polite, history interested boy, who has his own history club. He's from a good family.

Happy to explore any of these if any take your interest
Hi hi!

Manaia & Valeria - I would love this! They had a p interesting thread a while back talking about their parents divorces, so they've already got a bit of a base to build from. Some kind of messy breakup would def be fun & provide him with plenty of angsty song material so I'm keen!

Fraser - Corn remains to be seen, but he's roomies with Holden so we could definitely play with that dynamic! He'd probably find Holden pretty unpleasant, but they are at least both Sportyboys (tho Holden's sport is rugby) so they do have some common ground! As far as Rāwhiti he'd definitely be keen to hang out and practice any time!

Emmanuel - Definitely keen! I think he'd get along best with Daria, they're both Ravenclaws & she does best around people who are quite even-tempered. An interest in history would feed reeeeally well into the long-term plans I've got for her character arc too!
ROWAN I want plots. please

for Manaia I have Sky. I am sure they would have met before in some kind of music situation. they could be friends. or we could try a crush plot.

for Geulia. I have Sky. they were best friends. and they really should still be very close friends and actually hang out.

for geulia I have Hugo. he, in true Ravenclaw form is a bit of a gook and likes his books. and is a bit of a fantasy reader. happy for them to hang out. maybe she is a bit of a mentor for him.

for Ngawaiata I have sky. likes her music and also has her own unique way of seeing the world.

for holden and neil I have Hugo. I think he would probably be better with holden. his family life was a bit messy when he was younger with his mama having an affair and his mums nearly splitting up. and it seems like they have taken almost opposite ways of dealing with it.

for Kahurangi I have Elvera and Rhiannon
for Maria I have Elvera.

Adelia and Alyce.
Connor and Linden
Charlie and Willow
Finn and Linden
MIA I want plots too!!

Manaia & Sky - I feel like they've definitely had jams in the CAC room at some point. I feel like they'd definitely be friends, and some kinda crush plot could be fun! Which direction were you thinking?

Giulia & Sky - Yesss, I p much always assume they're hanging out ahaha I think Giulia considers Sky her best friend. Definitely keen for more of them!

Giulia & Hugo - This is rl cute! She'd definitely be happy to be a mentor figure, if a bit confused at first :p

Ngawaiata & Sky - Yess, again I think they'd bond well over music & Sky's the kind of person Ngawaiata can just Be around without the pressure to be a specific kind of person.

Holden & Hugo - Ohhh yes this is an interesting dynamic, I like it! I can't tell if the different approaches would lead to them clashing or to some kind of weird mutual understanding, definitely something I wanna explore IC :p

Also yesss I love all the others but I wanna pare this down a bit and keep it manageable :p

I feel like maybe we could do a group thread with Sky, Manaia, and Ngawaiata if you're keen? And then Holden & Hugo and Giulia & Sky for now, and put the rest on the 'later' list? Just to keep things manageable :p

EDIT: and the one with Connor & Linden we already talked about!
Manaia & Valeria - I would love this! They had a p interesting thread a while back talking about their parents divorces, so they've already got a bit of a base to build from. Some kind of messy breakup would def be fun & provide him with plenty of angsty song material so I'm keen!

Fraser - Corn remains to be seen, but he's roomies with Holden so we could definitely play with that dynamic! He'd probably find Holden pretty unpleasant, but they are at least both Sportyboys (tho Holden's sport is rugby) so they do have some common ground! As far as Rāwhiti he'd definitely be keen to hang out and practice any time!

Emmanuel - Definitely keen! I think he'd get along best with Daria, they're both Ravenclaws & she does best around people who are quite even-tempered. An interest in history would feed reeeeally well into the long-term plans I've got for her character arc too!
For Manaia and Val, that's what I was thinking and I'm really happy to be messy. She's very forward and just broke up with Charlie so, she could very easily, be returning something to like Hufflepuff and run into him, and just be super forward?

Makes sense for all of it. Would be happy to start something with like Holden and Fraser and then maybe we could do something with him and Rāwhiti later?

Sounds good for Emmanuel and Daria - i did think they could work best. Happy for him to maybe pester her about his history club?

We could start one or two and do the rest later?
For Manaia and Val, that's what I was thinking and I'm really happy to be messy. She's very forward and just broke up with Charlie so, she could very easily, be returning something to like Hufflepuff and run into him, and just be super forward?

Makes sense for all of it. Would be happy to start something with like Holden and Fraser and then maybe we could do something with him and Rāwhiti later?

Sounds good for Emmanuel and Daria - i did think they could work best. Happy for him to maybe pester her about his history club?

We could start one or two and do the rest later?
All of that sounds perf! I think the ones that make sense to start now are Manaia & Val and Holden & Fraser, and we can put the other two on the shelf for maybe later in the semester? If that sounds good I'm happy to start either thread if you can grab the other?
MIA I want plots too!!

Manaia & Sky - I feel like they've definitely had jams in the CAC room at some point. I feel like they'd definitely be friends, and some kinda crush plot could be fun! Which direction were you thinking?

Giulia & Sky - Yesss, I p much always assume they're hanging out ahaha I think Giulia considers Sky her best friend. Definitely keen for more of them!

Giulia & Hugo - This is rl cute! She'd definitely be happy to be a mentor figure, if a bit confused at first :p

Ngawaiata & Sky - Yess, again I think they'd bond well over music & Sky's the kind of person Ngawaiata can just Be around without the pressure to be a specific kind of person.

Holden & Hugo - Ohhh yes this is an interesting dynamic, I like it! I can't tell if the different approaches would lead to them clashing or to some kind of weird mutual understanding, definitely something I wanna explore IC :p

Also yesss I love all the others but I wanna pare this down a bit and keep it manageable :p

I feel like maybe we could do a group thread with Sky, Manaia, and Ngawaiata if you're keen? And then Holden & Hugo and Giulia & Sky for now, and put the rest on the 'later' list? Just to keep things manageable :p

EDIT: and the one with Connor & Linden we already talked about!

Manaia & Sky - to be honest I wasn't really thinking more than they have stuff in common and a crush would be fun. I am happy with either way.

Giulia & Sky - fantastic. should we just have them hanging out somewhere?

Giulia & Hugo - yay. confused mentors are kind of fun. maybe they can bond over a book or something.

Ngawaiata & Sky - oh yes. sky is the kind of person who exudes so much confidence in her self you can be yourself around no problem. so long as she can be herself.

Holden & Hugo - that is true. it will either bring them closer or not. though it isn't really the kind of thing that comes up in the first conversation.

that order sounds good. What do you want me to start?
Manaia & Sky - to be honest I wasn't really thinking more than they have stuff in common and a crush would be fun. I am happy with either way.

Giulia & Sky - fantastic. should we just have them hanging out somewhere?

Giulia & Hugo - yay. confused mentors are kind of fun. maybe they can bond over a book or something.

Ngawaiata & Sky - oh yes. sky is the kind of person who exudes so much confidence in her self you can be yourself around no problem. so long as she can be herself.

Holden & Hugo - that is true. it will either bring them closer or not. though it isn't really the kind of thing that comes up in the first conversation.

that order sounds good. What do you want me to start?

Sounds perf! I'd be happy to start Manaia, Ngawaiata, & Sky and Holden & Hugo if you could start Giulia & Sky and Connor & Linden?
All of that sounds perf! I think the ones that make sense to start now are Manaia & Val and Holden & Fraser, and we can put the other two on the shelf for maybe later in the semester? If that sounds good I'm happy to start either thread if you can grab the other?
I can start the Val and Manaia one, if you do the other, I think that would make sense. I'll have the link across shortly.

Gonna try to throw some new(ish) ideas at you.

There needs to be some sort of standoff between Jenna and Gwen this year, maybe we can have them interact to sow the first seeds of that?

We talked about Daria and Penelope becoming friends, we should do that. (I'm also fine saying they're already friends and just rp them hanging out being pals)

And we also talked about Corn and Ezra already, we could have Ezra offer to show him around a bit? He's pretty used to grumpy guys.
Just throwing some ideas feel free to take/ignore because they're not very detailed

Ngawaiata x Kiara: I feel like Kiara would happily hang around/tag along with anyone that let's her so she might be someone who's nice to have around because she'd mostly just let Ngawaiate do her own thing? (or not idk)

Any of your third years x Senna: Sen could be someone for Blanche to get up to mischief with, for Rāwhiti to chill and talk quidditch with and/or someone who could perhaps help pull Daria out of your shell. I'm up for whatever if anything about her interests you!

Holden x Eloise: the thing about Eloise is that she (so far) has very little personality. If anything, she will try and keep being polite and friendly even if the person she's conversing with gets rude or prickly, so she might be able to put up with his moods. How her personality will develop eventually very much depends on the people she will become closer to but idk I feel like it might be interesting to throw them together?

also corn has me dying thanks see ya

Gonna try to throw some new(ish) ideas at you.

There needs to be some sort of standoff between Jenna and Gwen this year, maybe we can have them interact to sow the first seeds of that?

We talked about Daria and Penelope becoming friends, we should do that. (I'm also fine saying they're already friends and just rp them hanging out being pals)

And we also talked about Corn and Ezra already, we could have Ezra offer to show him around a bit? He's pretty used to grumpy guys.

Jenna & Gwen - Yess, def keen. Maybe something once the semester has started - Jenna could be going off abt her breakup with René or something?

Daria & Penelope - YES DEFS! I think I'd like to RP them meeting if you don't mind, just so we can establish the dynamic rather than jumping in and trying to figure out a friendship that's already underway.

Corn & Ezra - YIS for sure

I can start the first two if you start for Corn & Ezra?
Just throwing some ideas feel free to take/ignore because they're not very detailed

Ngawaiata x Kiara: I feel like Kiara would happily hang around/tag along with anyone that let's her so she might be someone who's nice to have around because she'd mostly just let Ngawaiate do her own thing? (or not idk)

Any of your third years x Senna: Sen could be someone for Blanche to get up to mischief with, for Rāwhiti to chill and talk quidditch with and/or someone who could perhaps help pull Daria out of your shell. I'm up for whatever if anything about her interests you!

Holden x Eloise: the thing about Eloise is that she (so far) has very little personality. If anything, she will try and keep being polite and friendly even if the person she's conversing with gets rude or prickly, so she might be able to put up with his moods. How her personality will develop eventually very much depends on the people she will become closer to but idk I feel like it might be interesting to throw them together?

also corn has me dying thanks see ya
lkjfg tyyyyyyyyy i had a lot of fun comin up with corn

Ngawaiata & Kiara - Oooh, this is interesting - I feel like they'd get along well but I'm not sure how they'd actually go about getting there haha, would Kiara be likely to approach Ngawaiata for something? She's not much for starting conversations why do i keep coming up with characters like this for a collaborative writing site

Blanche & Senna - YES PLS! I think of the 3 dynamics Senna & Blanche intrigues me the most, I'd love to do something with them and see where it goes!

Holden & Eloise - Ooohhh, that is interesting! I feel like she'd remind Holden of his sister a lot, which would probably make him even more inclined to kind of push her around and be horrible to her. Definitely keen to play around with this and see what happens!
Jenna & Gwen - Yess, def keen. Maybe something once the semester has started - Jenna could be going off abt her breakup with René or something?

Daria & Penelope - YES DEFS! I think I'd like to RP them meeting if you don't mind, just so we can establish the dynamic rather than jumping in and trying to figure out a friendship that's already underway.

Corn & Ezra - YIS for sure

I can start the first two if you start for Corn & Ezra?
Sounds good!

Though I don't think Daria and Penelope are complete strangers, since they're in the same year. They could be on friendly terms at least?
Rowan! Hello! I'll try my best not to give you too many plot ideas! But feel free to decline any if there are any that aren't of any interest to you!

Mania x Nolan - I'm honestly always down for these two! Always happy to do a music-related thread or something else hehe!

Giulia x Molly - I know we've done a thread or two in their earlier years at Hogwarts! I'd be totally keen to try and do something between them - Molly isn't the type to bully her unless influenced to. But Molly is always keen to learn things, so maybe Giulia could talk about her comics and stuff?

Rāwhiti x Joshua - I don't think we've done much with them bahaha - But since they're in the same year and house, I'm sure they've maybe talked behind the scenes anyways. Josh is also very keen on quidditch. He was an alternate chaser for the team last year, and he defs wants to try out again. So I'm happy to offer some quidditch plots for Rāwhiti! But also keen to do anything else if you'd rather do something else!

Thistle x Conan - I think we did a thread or two between them in their first year, and I really like their chaotic dynamic together, I would love for them to have some chaos together lols!

Corn/Holden x Eliza - I am happy to offer my firstie, Eliza, to any of your firsties! I'm not technically sure how everything would go, but I am happy to put either of them together and see where it goes!

And that's all I can think of... I think lmao! Again, feel free to decline any!
Ngawaiata & Kiara - Oooh, this is interesting - I feel like they'd get along well but I'm not sure how they'd actually go about getting there haha, would Kiara be likely to approach Ngawaiata for something? She's not much for starting conversations why do i keep coming up with characters like this for a collaborative writing site

Blanche & Senna - YES PLS! I think of the 3 dynamics Senna & Blanche intrigues me the most, I'd love to do something with them and see where it goes!

Holden & Eloise - Ooohhh, that is interesting! I feel like she'd remind Holden of his sister a lot, which would probably make him even more inclined to kind of push her around and be horrible to her. Definitely keen to play around with this and see what happens!

Ngawaiata x Kiara: she'll be working on her confidence this year so she might very well be like alright I'm going to talk to the first classmate I come across today and that could just happen to be Ngawaiata?

Blanche x Senna: yay!!!! They should obvs sort of know each other since they're classmates but do we want them to get to know each other a bit better or would it be fun if one of them is up to something and the other comes across them and is just like yo what're you doing let's go I'm in.

Holden x Eloise: oooooh that sounds intriguing yes please
Hi Rowan!

I thought we should do some plotting, since we haven't done too much. Loved too! So here is who I got to offer.

June x Cornelius: I don't know how June would react. If she would be insulted or something she will not back down, but she at first wants to pretend to be nice person and just go with the flow with someone like an chameleon to how that person is. She does understand the expectations from an family, although that is normal for her and she thinks of herself as the best too. So that could either be an rival in class if he is ambitious for good grades and stuff. Than I can see an good rival, although June will be smart about what things to say and what to think. And not really easy to get mad and actually show it. I would be interested to see how they would be together. Same for Holden, I don't mind letting them meet too.

Crystal x Manaia: I can offer Crystal who is also an 6th year returning from being away to HS. She was kind of shy and insecure (still an bit) but tries to hide it and pretend to be more confident. And drama always welcome. I guess she will like boys in an romantic way this year and make some steps. But I can see her be just an friend.

Jenna x June: Also I can see June liking Jenna. But since she is an first year I guess she will not be very interesting to her. xD But June would probably just love her completly and think she will get something out of it herself if people saw them talking or anything. And she would just throw compliments and all to win her heart. But just my view XD

Ohhh and also. I would love to have Crystal x Professor Kahurangi Josephs together in an topic. Crystal really liked her in her first years. But just an idea.
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jenna is totally welcome to bully aine tbh

Hello! I am here to hopefully not get totally overwhelmed and forgetful with plots so as always feel free to say no to anything. I have been meaning to message you about ministry stuff but if Rupert needs his ditzy yet competent when it counts PA who will absolutely turn a blind eye/be completely unfazed by anything shady to do anything I'm down!

Otherwise I can offer either of my third years for Daria? Michael has been sorely neglected and I really want to actually pay him some attention, he's also in Ravenclaw so they'd probably at least know each other a little bit and is a fairly chill kid who likes Quidditch mostly out of wanting a sport to latch onto and not having muggle sports to play at school, and he's a stats nerd. He's a little insecure because he's a character played by me :r but is just a nice kid who's surprisingly patient. Alternatively, there's Yuelia who has had everything come naturally to her for a bit but her grades will start to slip. She's also been a bit of a sheltered princess and is a bit odd but mostly harmless, ruthlessness in duelling not withstanding.
Right I'm here with a few thoughts.

Jenna and Jordie. Just- secrets, message me.

Maggie/Jordie. Band buddies?

Manaia and Charlie. I'm sensing either besties or chaos. I'm willing to roll the dice.

Hamish and Guilia. I just see them being potentially fun.

Rawhiti and Kyon are roomies and I think they'd get on well.

Thistle and Zion could be interesting? He could quietly follow along in the chaos.

As for your first years, I have two of my own. I'm not sure what they could do, but Airen is a fun artist and Wyatt is a serious quiet boy?

Jenna x Seraphina: I like the letters idea. We should get with Ana and think of mean things for her to say.

Jenna x Elara: If you wanted someone to bully, maybe Elara could be a target through Heta? They haven't interacted much (if at all in terms of threads), but a thought.

Maggi x Elara: Maybe see if @Salem Lee wants to join and have them to something fun like they used to? Was there anybody else in that group?

Blanche x Silas: Twin mischief?

Thistle x Mercury: Since they're roomies, we could try and see if they have friendship potential? Mercury's not quite into pranks, but the right one could bring her around...

Corn x Tempest: I think Tempest will depise Corn and they could get into it over something stupid in a public place to cause a ruckus...

Kahurangi x Siobhan: More dates :r
aaaaaaaaaaaa so many replies tyyyyy 🥲

Rowan! Hello! I'll try my best not to give you too many plot ideas! But feel free to decline any if there are any that aren't of any interest to you!

Mania x Nolan - I'm honestly always down for these two! Always happy to do a music-related thread or something else hehe!

Giulia x Molly - I know we've done a thread or two in their earlier years at Hogwarts! I'd be totally keen to try and do something between them - Molly isn't the type to bully her unless influenced to. But Molly is always keen to learn things, so maybe Giulia could talk about her comics and stuff?

Rāwhiti x Joshua - I don't think we've done much with them bahaha - But since they're in the same year and house, I'm sure they've maybe talked behind the scenes anyways. Josh is also very keen on quidditch. He was an alternate chaser for the team last year, and he defs wants to try out again. So I'm happy to offer some quidditch plots for Rāwhiti! But also keen to do anything else if you'd rather do something else!

Thistle x Conan - I think we did a thread or two between them in their first year, and I really like their chaotic dynamic together, I would love for them to have some chaos together lols!

Corn/Holden x Eliza - I am happy to offer my firstie, Eliza, to any of your firsties! I'm not technically sure how everything would go, but I am happy to put either of them together and see where it goes!

And that's all I can think of... I think lmao! Again, feel free to decline any!
Mariaaaaaaa!!! yesss pls plots

Manaia & Nolan - Yessss, I'm super keen for these two! I was talking with Kris about the possibility of a dorm thread for those Puff boys, so if @Eugene Nestor & @Charlie Helkovaara are keen too we could get that going!

Giulia & Molly - Ahaha there's actually a bit of drama here I've been meaning to bring up with you - Giulia has had a MASSIVE crush on Felix for yeeears so I think she'd be pretty upset abt one of her friends dating him, if you're keen for a bit of drama :r

Rāwhiti & Joshua - Yesss, I think we started a thread in their first year that never really got off the ground. I'd be keen for them to have a practice together & hang out some time!

Thistle & Conan - Oooooh yes! Thistle bought a whole bunch of prank stuff before first year that she hasn't touched yet, so maybe they could go on a pranking spree or something?

Corn & Eliza - I think Corn's the best match of my firsties, they share a bit of geekery albeit slightly different flavours. I think he'd be happy to be friends with her & then almost immediately mess it all up by being himself :r

I think maybe Giulia & Molly and Corn & Eliza have the best bones to start off with, we can maybe do Rāwhiti and Joshua & Thistle and Conan later in the year? And see if Emzies and Jess are also keen on a group dorm thread?
Ngawaiata x Kiara: she'll be working on her confidence this year so she might very well be like alright I'm going to talk to the first classmate I come across today and that could just happen to be Ngawaiata?

Blanche x Senna: yay!!!! They should obvs sort of know each other since they're classmates but do we want them to get to know each other a bit better or would it be fun if one of them is up to something and the other comes across them and is just like yo what're you doing let's go I'm in.

Holden x Eloise: oooooh that sounds intriguing yes please
Ngawaiata & Kiara - Ohhhh yes I love that!

Blanche & Senna - Sounds perfect! Blanche spends most of her time around the CAC room, could be a good way for them to run into each other?

& Eloise - Yesssss nice!!

I could start for Blanche & Senna and Holden & Eloise if you're keen to start for Ngawaiata & Kiara?
Hi Rowan!

I thought we should do some plotting, since we haven't done too much. Loved too! So here is who I got to offer.

June x Cornelius: I don't know how June would react. If she would be insulted or something she will not back down, but she at first wants to pretend to be nice person and just go with the flow with someone like an chameleon to how that person is. She does understand the expectations from an family, although that is normal for her and she thinks of herself as the best too. So that could either be an rival in class if he is ambitious for good grades and stuff. Than I can see an good rival, although June will be smart about what things to say and what to think. And not really easy to get mad and actually show it. I would be interested to see how they would be together. Same for Holden, I don't mind letting them meet too.

Crystal x Manaia: I can offer Crystal who is also an 6th year returning from being away to HS. She was kind of shy and insecure (still an bit) but tries to hide it and pretend to be more confident. And drama always welcome. I guess she will like boys in an romantic way this year and make some steps. But I can see her be just an friend.

Jenna x June: Also I can see June liking Jenna. But since she is an first year I guess she will not be very interesting to her. xD But June would probably just love her completly and think she will get something out of it herself if people saw them talking or anything. And she would just throw compliments and all to win her heart. But just my view XD

Ohhh and also. I would love to have Crystal x Professor Kahurangi Josephs together in an topic. Crystal really liked her in her first years. But just an idea.

Corn & June - Oooh, this is interesting. I think academic rivals could be a fun way to take it, though I'm not planning on actually doing lessons with him for the moment. (Got enough lessons on my plate with my older students!) We could say they've been competing in class though, and maybe do a thread with them bickering outside of class?

Manaia & Crystal - Hmm, did you have an idea for the kind of things they could bond over?

Jenna & June - Awww yes, Jenna would DEFINITELY be happy about a first year fawning all over her ahaha... She'd probably invite June to join the Elite Sisterhood as a junior member, if you'd be keen to be involved in that?

Kahurangi & Crystal - Kahurangi's office is always open any time she wants to drop by :p
jenna is totally welcome to bully aine tbh

Hello! I am here to hopefully not get totally overwhelmed and forgetful with plots so as always feel free to say no to anything. I have been meaning to message you about ministry stuff but if Rupert needs his ditzy yet competent when it counts PA who will absolutely turn a blind eye/be completely unfazed by anything shady to do anything I'm down!

Otherwise I can offer either of my third years for Daria? Michael has been sorely neglected and I really want to actually pay him some attention, he's also in Ravenclaw so they'd probably at least know each other a little bit and is a fairly chill kid who likes Quidditch mostly out of wanting a sport to latch onto and not having muggle sports to play at school, and he's a stats nerd. He's a little insecure because he's a character played by me :r but is just a nice kid who's surprisingly patient. Alternatively, there's Yuelia who has had everything come naturally to her for a bit but her grades will start to slip. She's also been a bit of a sheltered princess and is a bit odd but mostly harmless, ruthlessness in duelling not withstanding.
jenna can will and must bully aine

HI I also would like to get not overwhelmed we can do this....... 🤝

Rupert & Lilisette - yessss I would definitely be keen for something w them sometime, Rupert is enjoying strutting his status around and doing the minimum amount of work possible, so he'd be leaning pretty heavily on the whole assistant thing :r

& Michael - Awww yes, I think they'd get along well! Neglected kids unite :r I feel like they'd have a nice chill vibe & make cute friends!
Right I'm here with a few thoughts.

Jenna and Jordie. Just- secrets, message me.

Maggie/Jordie. Band buddies?

Manaia and Charlie. I'm sensing either besties or chaos. I'm willing to roll the dice.

Hamish and Guilia. I just see them being potentially fun.

Rawhiti and Kyon are roomies and I think they'd get on well.

Thistle and Zion could be interesting? He could quietly follow along in the chaos.

As for your first years, I have two of my own. I'm not sure what they could do, but Airen is a fun artist and Wyatt is a serious quiet boy?
Jenna & Jordie - Ahaha ok, I'll drop you a line later

Maggie & Jordie - Oooh band?

Manaia & Charlie - I mean, they've been roommates for years & had plenty of threads together, Manaia considers Charlie one of his best friends already :p If you're on board for a dorm thread w the other Puff boys that could be a good way for them to hang out?

& Giulia - Oooh, what sorta stuff do you think they would bond over?

Rāwhiti & Kyon - Same question haha, what kinda stuff do you think they'd bond over?

Thistle & Zion - Intriguing, what's Zion like?

I'm not too sure either of those firsties would work for mine haha, so maybe we leave em for now?

Jenna x Seraphina: I like the letters idea. We should get with Ana and think of mean things for her to say.

Jenna x Elara: If you wanted someone to bully, maybe Elara could be a target through Heta? They haven't interacted much (if at all in terms of threads), but a thought.

Maggi x Elara: Maybe see if @Salem Lee wants to join and have them to something fun like they used to? Was there anybody else in that group?

Blanche x Silas: Twin mischief?

Thistle x Mercury: Since they're roomies, we could try and see if they have friendship potential? Mercury's not quite into pranks, but the right one could bring her around...

Corn x Tempest: I think Tempest will depise Corn and they could get into it over something stupid in a public place to cause a ruckus...

Kahurangi x Siobhan: More dates :r
Jenna & Seraphina - Yesssssssss, let's get a group chat going and brainstorm some horribleness.

Jenna & Elara - Ooooh interesting... I think there was a page abt Elara in the burn book, but it was one of Seraphina's suggestions. Would be keen to have Jenna pick that up and run with it :r

Maggi & Elara - Yesssssssss!! I think it was just the three of them, I'd love for them to hang out again and get up to some silliness!

Blanche & Silas - YEAH!! I keep meaning to ask you for a thread with them haha... any mischief ideas? I think Blanche got a bit bitterer & meaner in their year apart, so there could be some conflict there too.

Thistle & Mercury - Ooooh, this could be fun! Thistle's got a big stash of prank supplies she bought in the holidays her first year, so I'm sure she could find something to win Mercury over :p

Corn & Tempest - YES YES YES big time 100%

Kahurangi & Siobhan - Suuuuper keen for this, it's been too long! I just checked and they've been together six years already @_@
Mariaaaaaaa!!! yesss pls plots

Manaia & Nolan - Yessss, I'm super keen for these two! I was talking with Kris about the possibility of a dorm thread for those Puff boys, so if @Eugene Nestor & @Charlie Helkovaara are keen too we could get that going!

Giulia & Molly - Ahaha there's actually a bit of drama here I've been meaning to bring up with you - Giulia has had a MASSIVE crush on Felix for yeeears so I think she'd be pretty upset abt one of her friends dating him, if you're keen for a bit of drama :r

Rāwhiti & Joshua - Yesss, I think we started a thread in their first year that never really got off the ground. I'd be keen for them to have a practice together & hang out some time!

Thistle & Conan - Oooooh yes! Thistle bought a whole bunch of prank stuff before first year that she hasn't touched yet, so maybe they could go on a pranking spree or something?

Corn & Eliza - I think Corn's the best match of my firsties, they share a bit of geekery albeit slightly different flavours. I think he'd be happy to be friends with her & then almost immediately mess it all up by being himself :r

I think maybe Giulia & Molly and Corn & Eliza have the best bones to start off with, we can maybe do Rāwhiti and Joshua & Thistle and Conan later in the year? And see if Emzies and Jess are also keen on a group dorm thread?
Oooo yes I'd defs be keen for a dorm thread!! And everything else sounds good to me! Doing Giulia x Molly and Corn x Eliza sounds good! I'm happy to do the others a little later in the year! Which thread did you wanna start? I can start the other one :D
Oooo yes I'd defs be keen for a dorm thread!! And everything else sounds good to me! Doing Giulia x Molly and Corn x Eliza sounds good! I'm happy to do the others a little later in the year! Which thread did you wanna start? I can start the other one :D
Sounds perfect!! I can start Giulia & Molly if you like?
Jenna & Jordie - Ahaha ok, I'll drop you a line later

Maggie & Jordie - Oooh band?

Manaia & Charlie - I mean, they've been roommates for years & had plenty of threads together, Manaia considers Charlie one of his best friends already :p If you're on board for a dorm thread w the other Puff boys that could be a good way for them to hang out?

Hamish & Giulia - Oooh, what sorta stuff do you think they would bond over?

Rāwhiti & Kyon - Same question haha, what kinda stuff do you think they'd bond over?

Thistle & Zion - Intriguing, what's Zion like?

I'm not too sure either of those firsties would work for mine haha, so maybe we leave em for now?
Maggi & Jordie- sure, that would come in with Weston too though

I'm down for a dorm thread if the others are

Hamish and Giulia could bond over food?

Rawhiti & Kyon: Is he into sports at all?

Zion: Zion is your perfectly normal average kid- that includes being afraid of his dormmate Cassius

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