Closed A Night For You

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Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie was happy to work a little during the Yuleball, though not the whole time. This was afterall, Xinyi's last school dance and she was more interested in making this a good night for him. She had gotten Aurora to help her with her make-up, since aurora was just a bit better at it than she was. Rosie had put on a nice dress, one she felt sure that Xinyi would like and was waiting for him to show. She'd put her camera away then and just focus on him, but until then, Rosie could happily pass the time by working.
Xinyi did as he always did, lingering in the dorm and giving Rosie time to work an event before eventually getting up, getting ready, and heading down. It was easy to find her, and he gave her a warm smile as he approached. "Hello, love," He greeted, trying to kiss her cheek and offering out her hand. "How's it going?"
Rosie smiled as she spotted Xinyi. She stopped immedaitely what she was doing and leaned immediately in to kiss on the lips rather than the cheek. She took his hand and squeezed. "Better now you're here," she told him eagerly.
Xinyi chuckled, moving to slip his arm around her waist. "I'm happy to be here with you, too," He murmured, kissing her sweetly. "We'll have to arrange an after ball date, for next year, of sorts," He mused, before chuckling. "But for now, may I have this dance?" He asked, stepping back and offering out his hand.
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