Open A Tad Underdressed

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Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (11)
A whole semester had passed, he hadn't done quite as well in his exams than he had hoped but Magne was pretty pleased with how it had gone. He knew he couldn't have hoped for better, and had been pleased with it in the end. His parents would get it, and his english was a whole lot better than it had been at the beginning of the semester. He had present for Valerius but had grossly misunderstood the yuleball. He had thought it would be a feast, but he should've paid attention. Magne was grossly under-dressed for a ball. He was at the dancefloor glancing at the fancy outfits feeling a little silly.
Tanith was nervous about the dance. Her semester hadn't been going as well as she'd hoped, and she was feeling overwhelmed. She bit her lip, wondering the dance and hoping she could find a friend. She accidentally bumped into someone, and she fell back, peeking up at him through her hair. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," She apologized, wringing her hands. "Are you alright?"
Magne stumbled a little as someone bumped into him, but he didn't lose his balance completely. He rightd himself and then looked at the girl who was apologising. He had to lean in a little to catch all that she was saying before nodding his head. "It okay, I am all-right," his sentence was slow, stilted and heavily accented, but he was able to form the sentences a lot more easily than when he had first arrived. "My name is Magne,"
Tanith tilted her head, distracted by his slow, heavy words. His accent was nice, she decided. She smiled shyly. "Hello, Magne," She spoke in turn. "My name is Tanith." She offered out her hand. "I'm sorry again for bumping into you." She apologized, giving him another shy smile. Sometimes she worried she didn't have any other smiles, but ther were the easiest to give.
Magne was glad she seemed to understand him. He nodded, "Tan.." he tried to say her name, but stumbled over it a few times. Unable to fully make the sounds he needed to. "Tanith," he did eventually manage. "It okay, I distracted by...pretty hall," he explained. "Never been to ball," he was trying his best, and though he had improved, it was still slow.
Tanith unintentionally fell in close to the boy, listening patiently as he tried to talk. Was english his second language? She'd heard about that. Somehow it made her want to hold his hand, give him her support, but she was too shy to try and reach out for it. "It is really pretty," She agreed. "Do you want to go sit down with me? We can get some snacks and look at everything?"
Magne smiled in agreement, and then gave a little shrug to the question. He didn't want to make this girl feel like she had to sit down with him if she had other plans, or wanted to do other things. "Okay, but if want to dance or other...then we can," he frowned a little to himself, clearly not happy with the sentence, and his gaze unwittingly found Valerius. "I want hang out with you, however you want," he tried again.
Tanith could tell the boy was feeling uncomfortable, and was unsure if it was her, but his stilted words seemed to say he wanted to hang out with her. "Well, let's start with some snacks, some drinks, maybe get to know each other?" She asked, brushing her fingers lightly over the back of his hand- an offer, at least, to hold hands if he wanted without pushing- she hoped. She bit her lip. "Where are you from, Magne?"
Magne nodded in agreement, though he doubted he would really get to know her, given his on-going issues with English. It didn't help that the place was loud, so he could maybe manage better but it was still hard for him to. "Greece," he replied to the question, as his gaze moved to her hand, it seemed almost like she wanted to take it, but he didn't take it, or offer it. "You?" this was easy, he could manage simple questions and answers.
Tanith withdrew her hand quickly, tucking both of hers in front of her and starting to move to the tables. "Oh, I was born in Ireland but I live in New Zealand now," She chattered nervously, twisting her hands. "My whole family moved there a few years ago- well most of us- and my oldest sisters are too big for school but Tullia went to Beauxbatons instead and I came here," She bit her lip, stopping at an empty table and peeking to see if Magne was still with her.
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