Open Annoying Styx By Being Loud

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha had always been in touch with a few other people in the charms community, they were a close enough bunch of people whose sole interest was in charms. So he’d been rather saddened to hear about the death of one of those people. It had been a while since he’d been in contact but he’d reached out, sent his condolences and struck up a conversation with one of her daughters, Lydia. When she’d come to New Zealand Misha had offered his help for her getting settled and when the job had opened at school and knowing that she had an interest in it. He’d encouraged her to apply. It had been of great news to him that she had managed it. He walked down to the defence against the dark arts classroom, with a cup of coffee for him and a cup of something hot for Lydia, something he was sure she’d like. He for once didn’t go to the older professor’s door, intent in coming to spend time with his best friend, whether he really wanted to or not and instead went to Lydia’s door. He knocked with his elbow and called out, ”Lydia, I come bearing gifts,” he said, ”Well, I’ve got a coffee for me, and your usual,” Misha was speaking loudly, not really caring if Kalif heard them, wanting to make sure she heard him.
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Lydia leaned over her desk, reviewing the lesson plans for third year. She noted down what she wanted to tweak and what she wanted to keep. Thankfully, her predecessor worked mostly in silence, which made it easier for Lydia to forget she shared a subject with him.

After the holiday’s revelations, Lydia had been mortified to find out who she was teaching alongside. The witch had considered resigning. Instead, she threw herself into her new responsibilities. Teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts was starkly different from MACUSA field work. Lydia liked the challenge, even though she still felt uncomfortable.

Hearing a knock at the door, Lydia looked up from her parchment. She grinned to see Misha Haden, the Charms professor. Lydia had only met Misha after her return to New Zealand, but she had warmed to him quickly. She was grateful that he had pushed her to apply for this job.

Lydia set down her quill and stood up, careful not to spill ink on her periwinkle robes. It could easily be fixed with a charm, of course, but she hated to make a mess.

She graciously accepted the steaming cup of tea from Misha. “Why, thank you! This is lovely. Lavender chamomile is my favorite. Have a seat...”

All of a sudden, the teapot across the room sputtered and whistled angrily. Lydia turned her head and scolded, “Oh, stop being jealous, will you? This is a gift.”
Misha handed over the cup of tea and frowned as she repeated what it was. ”I don’t know how you drink that stuff, it smells awful,” he commented, thankful that the only hot drink now in his hands was his coffee. He lifted it to his nose and took a deep breath. The charms professor laughed lightly at the angry teapot. ”See this is why you shouldn’t drink tea. My french press would never give me such attitude,” he made his way into the office and glanced about. ”I like what you’ve done with the place. Make’s a change from the usual doom and gloom of Defence against the dark arts. Have you been opening the windows in the classroom?” Misha asked making himself quite at home, by sitting on her desk, though carefully to avoid making a mess or sitting on anything that he shouldn’t sit on. ”Has he come to say hello?” Misha had a wide grin on his face, very curious to know how she was getting on but also how much this was likely irritating Styx.
Lydia laughed, perhaps a little too loudly. “You are crazy, Misha! Tea is delicious. Good for your health, too.” Her teapot had quieted down to a low, offended simmer. She took a sip of the lavender chamomile concoction, enjoying its floral aroma.

“Thank you, I’m happy with it,” Lydia said, nodding. “The place needed an airing out, lots of sunlight, and an obscene amount of incense.” Her office had been previously unused since Kalif was the only Defense Against the Dark arts professor for well over a decade.

Lydia glanced towards the direction of Kalif’s office. Her expression darkened a bit, but she caught herself right away and corrected it. "Yes, we greeted each other. And he shared his lesson material with me. I’ve been making some revisions.” She took another drink of her tea, and added, “He keeps to himself, mostly.”

The witch wasn’t ready to share with Misha, or anyone else at the school, for that matter, that Kalif was her grandfather. Lydia thought the situation was awkward enough.
Misha laughed lightly, ”Because a cup of tea is going to make all my other bad habits go away,” he smiled at her, but took a light sip of coffee. He actually didn’t mind tea, but he drank mostly breakfast or earl grey tea, nothing fancier for him. He nodded along as she told him about how things were getting on with her co-worker. ”I did note that there was a lot more light, There will be parts of that room that hasn’t seen sunlight in like decades,” Misha laughed lightly, he liked Kalif, he was always making fun of him in jest. Misha was his best friend….even if his invitation to the man’s wedding had been lost in the post. ”he actually shared his lesson plan? Wow. Are you including fun in your revisions?” he asked but he knew that it was like Kalif to spend time alone, ”he’ll warm to you being around,” Misha didn’t think it would be true, he had never had the man soften, but it would happen eventually he was sure. ”Change is hard for some,”
Lydia snorted. “Anything helps, right?” She held the cup just below her chin, loving the feel of the steam on her face. More often than not, Lydia had a mug of tea within arm’s reach. “You can keep your vile coffee.”

Smiling, Lydia nodded. “I don’t know if the students will find it fun, but I’m adding more practical exercises into the lessons. Actually, Misha, I wanted to ask you a favor.” She set her cup down on the desk. “My second years are learning about prank-like jinxes. I’m having them practice some of the milder ones in class.”

“I was wondering, would you be willing to join me for a demonstration? Some of the jinxes, well, I’m not sure I should be casting on students. Might not endear me to the Headmistress… or the Ministry, for that matter.”
The witch grinned, hoping that Misha would be game.

Lydia was eager to steer the subject away from Kalif. She hadn’t even asked her co-professor if he would join. For one, they weren’t very close, and two, Lydia couldn’t imagine Kalif being the willing target of a jinx to entertain students.
Misha laughed lightly as she responded. He brought his coffee cup carefully closer to him as if he was trying to hug it. ”Don’t listen to her coffee,” he said jokingly. He nodded as she said she was adding more practical lessons, that had to be a good thing in this class, he had mostly practical lessons, but it made sense in her class to also have practical lessons. He didn’t see styx as the sort of person to have that many practical lessons. He wasn’t really the type. ”makes sense,” he agreed. He was a little unsure of what she was about to ask him to do, but in the end it just made him smile. ”of course!” he told her. ”Just tell me when,” he only had fifth and seventh year this semester so it would be plenty time to take. ”What will you be doing? Or will it be a surprise for me?”
Lydia laughed raucously when Misha consoled his cup of coffee. It was very fitting, really, that Misha taught Charms, because he could really charm anyone with his sense of humor. She wondered if Kalif had ever heard laughter in the vicinity of his office before, and it made her snicker even more. Lydia really needed a good laugh after everything that had happened recently.

“That depends,” Lydia said, giggling, “do you want the jinxes and hexes to be a surprise?” She grinned. “And it would be for my second year class, next week Wednesday, if you can make it.”
Misha laughed lightly and gave a little shrug, ”You know what, surprise me, then you can get some fun instant reactions of me making a fool of myself in front of our young impressionable students. I promise I won’t swear!” he obviously knew it wouldn’t be too much of a reaction, he had curses cast on him before, so he’d manage it fine and without swearing. ”Wednesday will be just fine!” he told her. ”I can’t wait!” he said. He thought it would be rather silly and he’d made a fool of himself in some ways but those students would have a few years to forget before they ended up in his class. That would be all the better. ”This is very exciting for me, finally getting out of my little charms bubble,” he laughed lightly as he said this.
“Like a little swear would do them in,” Lydia said, draining her cup of tea. “Surprise it is, then. I’ll promise not to be too horrible.” She grinned wickedly. The upcoming lesson would be much more fun with a partner, and she hoped the second years would enjoy it.
Misha laughed a little, ”The young kids don’t need to hear me swear, they should learn it off the older students just like we all did, or well, I did..” he would be sure to not say anything if it hurt, because he knew it wouldn’t exactly help him be credible in front of the younger students if he was swearing. But he thought it could be really fun. ”It’ll be great fun!” he said, ”I’m a pretty good duelling so you’ll have to watch out about it. Might just be quick enough to stop you,” he joked. He wasn’t the best at dueling, he’d lost to professor Styx before in a friendly enough duel. But it was just easy to joke with her, and laugh easily.

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