Closed Awkwardness of Conversations

Abigail Payne

7th year | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
17 (02/2044)
Abby hadn't really been to the library since she had been to Hogwarts. She rarely did, but she decided to at least try a quiet atmosphere in the library to get some of her sketches done. There weren't many people at the library, as Abby thought there would be a few more people, but that didn't really matter to her. The Gryffindor walked and looked around the library to find a place to sit, even though there were plenty of seats around. Abby noticed a familiar face and decided to make her way toward her. Abby knew that she needed to somewhat socialise more and at least try to make a friend. "Hey, Aine. Are you waiting for anyone at all?"
Aine was certainly going to regret this. She had six subjects this semester alone. In her mind, at least, if she just kept herself occupied she didn't have time to dwell. Plus, this year the houses combined. She was curious to see who was taking what subject, and quietly keen to get to know her classmates a bit, hoping she could make some genuine friends. And she would keep up with the paper, too, though hopefully not have to do quite as much this year. She liked writing but knew she'd be busier.

Despite that, Aine was not actually doing any relevant reading and had instead opened up a novel. She jumped a little bit at the voice, looking around rapidly until she saw Abby and relaxing slightly. "Oh, thank God, its just you, hello," she rambled, before her brain caught up. "Well, not just you, I didn't mean to make it sound like that, what I mean is hi Abby, it's good to see you, no I'm not waiting for anyone, how was your holiday?" Maybe she needed to think a little.
Abby chuckled as Aine rambled on for a bit and nodded as Aine had confirmed that she wasn't waiting for anyone, before shyly taking a seat and joining the Hufflepuff on the table. "It's good to see you too," Abby says shyly with a small smile, as she placed her sketchbook in front of her. "My break was okay. I just hung out with a few friends and went on a family trip somewhere. How was yours? Did you get up to anything interesting at all?" Abby said in a soft voice, as she fiddled a little with the cover of her sketchbook. The Gryffindor peered up a little to see what Aine was reading. "Whatcha reading?"
Aine sighed slightly, a little self conscious. She just wished talking to people wasn't so hard. She was introverted, but she liked company too. Holidays especially made her feel lonely, as she didn't really have anyone to talk to. "That sounds like a nice time," she said, nodding. "Did you, uh, go somewhere cool?" She internally cringed - she felt so stilted and awkward trying to make conversation, but Abby was nice and Aine wanted to be friendlier with her. "Me, I, not really," she admitted. "I'm from a small town, so I um, can't really go anywhere on the school break, 'cause, you know, the school year here is all weird and outta whack and if I'm hanging around town and stuff people will talk," she admitted, probably saying far too much. "Sorry. Um, it's Animal Farm," she said, holding up the book. "This way I feel like I can pretend I'm studying when I'm not actually." She winced. "I'm rambling again. Sorry."
The Gryffindor shook her head a little at Aine's question. "Oh... no not really. We just went somewhere in a small town, out of town. It was really just to catch up with family and stuff. So nothing too interesting" Abby says quietly and shyly. She felt like she was rambling on a bit. Abby smiled as Aine explained and rambled on about her break. She didn't mind if Aine had rambled on. She liked the Hufflepuff's company and she thought that Aine was nice. "I see. Is the town small that you know everyone? Or not that small?" Abby asked curiously. She wanted to get to know Aine a bit better, even though she felt a little nervous and shy about the interaction at the start. "What's Animal Farm about? Do you recommend it?" Abby asked curiously. She had thought about getting into books, but she wasn't sure at the moment. The Gryffindor giggled quietly a bit. "Oh no, don't worry. I don't mind"
Aine listened as Abby spoke, nodding thoughtfully. It wasn't always exciting seeing family, especially going to nowhere small towns for it, but when you were away for so long it was still kind of nice. "Its good you got to spend time with family," she agreed, encouragingly. She didn't want Abby to think she wasn't listening, after all. "It's...well, there's smaller, but its kind of shrunk over time. Theres still a lot of people, but everyone knows of everyone and people talk." Her parents being in stock and real estate especially knew who was who and paid close attention to their image. When asked about the book, she couldn't help but give a small laugh, despite being in the library. "It's,'s about the Russian Revolution and the rise of communism in the 1920s. I don't think I can recommend it," she admitted, a little embarrassed. She knew she'd have probably studied it later at a muggle school, though, so it was good to maintain some ties. "Um, have you been doing more drawing?" Aine asked, awkwardly changing the subject. She didn't know Abby that well but knew she liked to draw and was probably good at it.
Abby smiled a little and nodded in agreement. Although it was nice spending some time with her family, she would've much preferred to be at home or at school. Sometimes the family trips were a bit boring. The Gryffindor listened as Aine spoke about her town. She couldn't imagine living in a small town where everyone knew everyone. Abby would be too shy to interact with anyone if that was the case. Abigail listened as Aine explained the book. It didn't sound like what she thought it was, especially with that title. "Is it based in an Animal Farm like the title states?" Abby said as she tilted her head a little to the side with some curiosity. She then looked down at her sketch journal at the question. "O-oh yeah. I've been trying to at least. Trying to get different inspirations. Do you have any hobbies at all?"
Aine didn't really know anyone in her hometown, beyond her family and vaguely knowing family friends abd people she'd been at school with. It was perhaps strange to think that she should be so concerned with wanting to stay connected to the muggle wprld when she had such limited human connection, but her family was still her family and the technological advancement was hard to give up to live in such a low-fi manner. She screwed up her mouth a little, thinking. "I, um, like to keep up with the things I'd study at school if I weren't a witch," she explained, although this was a little beyond what she'd be doing in grade 8. "It is, but like, all the animals are supposed to represent different people from history. Like the pigs are the leaders and even though it's meant to be equal they order everyone around and make the others do the work." Sometimes Aine thought the magical world was supposed to be equal, but she was learning more and more how much it wasn't. If she could, she'd try to change it up, though she feared if she somehow had that power she'd be just as bad as the pigs. "I guess it must be kinda hard to find inspiration when you're in the one place all the time, but I um, hope you find some. I guess...reading and writing are probably mine." Aine gave a shrug, giving a small smile. "Though my writing kinda sucks."
Abby nodded a little as Aine had explained. "Oh, that's understandable. They teach different things at muggle school than in Hogwarts" Abby says softly with a small smile and nod. She thought that it was a good idea to do that. She did manage to go to muggle school before she came here, and she had forgotten that muggle school and Hogwarts were different. She listened intently as Aine then explained the book. She had glad to hear that the title was not misleading, but the book did sound interesting. She chuckled a little. "Yeah, inspiration can be a bit hard around here sometimes. But I do get some ideas after a while" Abby says with a small smile and nods. "Reading and writing are good. But you aren't a bad writer, I promise you that. From what I have seen on the school paper, you're pretty good"
Aine shrugged, non-committally. "I think I just don't want to stop and relax," she joked. "But I guess also keep my options open." Just like why she was takung every elective. It was half keeping her options open, half fear she'd hit graduation and have no idea how to function. Not that she was studying as intensively in muggle subjects, but she kept up with English, maths and history as best she could. Mostly out of her own interest, if she was being completely truthful. Hogwarts didn't offer any of those things. She preferred modern history, after all. "I guess in some classes you'll get to go on trips and maybe get refreshed." She wasn't sure if they would have time to stop and sketch, but maybe. Though she wasn't sure what classes Abby was taking. "Oh, um, ah, thanks," she stammered, not quite sure how to take the compliment. She wasn't thrilled with her writing, knowing it was probably seen as pointless fluff. But it was practice, she supposed.

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