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Professor Mallory Grayveson

Soft- Shy- Searching- Charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
8 inch sturdy Ivy wand with Fairy wing core
2/24/2031 (30)
Mallory had enjoyed her first year of teaching, and her second year was off to a good start, as well. The first semester seemed to be going well, no real issues. She had noticed that she had a deaf student in one of her classes, and was thinking of learning sign language to help in case she ever had another. For now though, she had returned to the Inn for the break, feeling comfortable enough in her position that she was willing to go home for a bit over the break.

She had been sad to find that Atkin wasn't at the Inn when she arrived. After hugging her cousin, Mallory walked back to her room. setting her bag on the bed. Amara padded in after her, hopping up onto the bed and curling up on her pillows. She smiled, and went about unpacking her things. She was surprised then to hear a soft mewling from under the bed. She peeked under, startled to see the little kitten nibbling on a sock. She cooed, coaxing the baby thing out from under the bed. She smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed as the kitten nibbled on her thumb. "Aren't you just darling?" She cooed to him in Russian.
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It took Atkin a bit longer than he thought to come back to the inn. He got caught up talking with Emeraude when they came across each other at the candy shop. He was all smiles as he greeted Tyra, his hands full with his purchases. He did not notice the look on the woman's face as he hurried upstairs, calling back to tell her that he would be right back down. The man hurried to his room, deposited all the stuff on his bed, and shrugged off his jacket. He then remembered the kitten and made his way for the door across. He stopped short when he saw that the door was ajar. "Hello?", he called out, a knock on the wood. She would not be home already, would she? Yet the sight that greeted him caused his heart to skip a beat. There she was. "Mallows?"
Mallory was startled to hear the voice. She set the kitten down just in time for the door to open. She blushed deeply, standing automatically. "Oh, h-hello Atkin," she greeted shyly, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. Without thinking she smoothed out her skirt, lowering her eyes. "I-i-i, ah, it's been a while," she stuttered, laughing nervously and trying to ignore the pounding of her heart. Hopefully he couldn't hear that.
It was really her. She was home. Atkin just stood by the door frame, his hand tapping his hand, unsure if he would go and hug her or just stand there like some kind of a statue. He gestured to the kitten. "I see you met... Misha." He had decided to call the feline that name since he did not like the name Smores. He cleared his throat, he had never been like this, not even with Aliviah. He was always confident, sure of himself. He could not hold it much longer. He walked farther into the room and pulled her for a hug. "I miss you.", he whispered into her hair.
Mallory blushed at his words, quickly shaking her head. "Maxim. His name is Maxim," She corrected him shyly, a strange feeling twisting her gut. Why did he say it like that? What was his problem? Before she could really decide what to do, he had hugged her. Her heart stuttered in her chest, and she raised her arms up to wrap around him. "Y-you... you did?" She asked shyly, surprised. She didn't think anyone had missed her before.
Atkin could not help but chuckle despite the guilt he felt for his reaction toward the name. He shook his head. "I'm sorry that I reacted that way. I was a jerk for doing that.", he said, hugging her tightly before stepping back to look at her fully. "Well, you see..", he knelt and beckoned to the kitten. "Misha..", he said affectionately. He picked him up, scratching its ear. "I tried Maxim, Scout, Smores. He did not like it. As a last resort, I said Misha and he was like a spring, up and about, meowing with all his might.", he chuckled. "So he's Misha, Mallows.", he handed the kitten to her before placing a kiss on her forehead. It was sudden, unexpected and he knew that. "And of course, I miss you.", he quickly said before turning to hide his burning cheeks. "I'm going to make us some refreshments. Be right back.", he glanced just to give her a smile and he quickly went to the kitchen. His heart was pounding but he was grinning from ear to ear, like an idiot.
Mallory shook her head, almost stubborn. "No, Maxim. He will adjust," she insisted softly. Professor Haden would certainly think she was strange if she returned with a cat that shared his name. Mallory still felt like a bit of an outsider among the other Professors, and she didn't want to create issues with the one who seemed to get on well with her. She was surprised as he gave the kitten back, blushing furiously as he kissed her. Her mouth fell open to respond, but before she could he had walked out of the room.

Mallory let out a soft sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed. She ran her fingers lightly over his back, taking a little bit of comfort as he curled up in her lap. What was she even doing? Atkin was a handsome man. She was silly to think there was anything other than a professional courtesy between them. He hadn't written much, he hadn't been around to greet her when she'd returned. She sighed, setting Maxim down and returning to unpacking her things.
Atkin went downstairs to fix their usual drinks coupled with chocolate chip cookies that Tyra baked that morning. The woman even slapped his hand when he tried to steal a piece, saying they were for someone special. Now, he understood what she meant as he was carrying the tray upstairs. Seeing as he had his hands full, he decided to give the presents later. He gently nudged the door, clearing his throat. "I hope you're up for some cookies." The kitten rubbed itself against his leg. "Want a cookie, Misha?", he cooed.
Mallory had just finished unpacking her things when Atkin came back in. She felt insecure already, and when he insisted on calling the kitten Misha, it felt like a jab. Was he even listening to her? She stepped back. “Atkin, if you’re insistent that his name is Misha, then he’s yours. I have tried explaining my feelings to you and you are not listening,” She walked forward, backing him out of her room, sliding Misha out with her foot. “Now if you will excuse me, I have had a long day and I am very tired. Good night.” She shut the door in his face, turning to lean against it and sliding to the floor. She sighed heavily, pulling her knees up to her chest and burying her head in her arms.
Atkin had not even settled the tray down when Mallory blocked his way. The kitten meowed in protest as he was nudged to the side. “Mallory, I-”, he could not say anything and the next thing he knew, he was facing the closed door. He sighed, trying to listen for any sound. He knocked softly, balancing the tray on his other hand. “Mallory?”, he whispered. “I’m sorry.”, was all he said. He did not know what to say except to say it. “At first, I hated the name Misha because he shared your colleague’s name. I was jealous, I admit. But after your last letter, I felt guilty. Who am I to stop you from making friends? They are lucky to be your friend, I know I am. You are amazing and I’m not.”, he chuckled before sighing again. He set the tray on the floor. “I left the tray on the floor if you want it. Tyra baked the cookies for you.” He went to his room defeated, not even bothering to take his own mug. He dropped on the bed, not noticing that his door was not closed all the way. He sighed loudly, his eyes closed out of guilt. Good thing, he did not give her his presents yet and they were just at his desk.
Mallory hesitated for several moments, turning his apology over in her mind. She bit her lip, nervous, and stood again. She opened the door, smiling as the kitten rushed into the room. She looked around, shoulders slumping when she didn't see him. Carefully, she picked up the tray and moved it into the room, setting it on her dresser.

She hesitated another moment before slowly walking down the hall to Atkins room. The door was open and she spotted him easily in his bed. Keeping her eyes on him, she slowly entered the room, biting her lip a moment before turning and laying down with him, her head on his chest. She curled up, shutting her eyes. She wasn't sure what to say, she just hoped he understood even a little what she meant
Atkin’s thoughts were all over the place and considered going out and hanging out with Lucca. Maybe a drink or two and just came home when the inn had quieted down. He had not heard someone come in and the next thing he knew, there was a dip on his side of the bed followed by a small warm frame curled up beside him. He caught his breath as he felt her head on his chest. Mallory did not say anything, neither did he. They were feeling, listening to each other. A few more minutes, he slowly wrapped his arm around her, drawing her closer to him. He placed a chaste kiss on her hair. “I’m sorry.”, he whispered softly. He wanted to say more but he knew he might just make it worse.
Mallory sighed softly, pressing closer into Atkin as he wrapped his arm around her. She bit her lip as he apologized and sighed softly in return. "No, Atkin, I…” she bit her lip, bringing a hand up to gently rest on his chest. “Father… he would never listen, he would just… tell me what I was to say, or do, and I was supposed to just… accept it.” She shrunk in against him. “I… I can’t go back to that. I won’t. I left everything I knew behind.”

She hesitated, unsure if she would need to pull away. “I forgot that Professor Haden’s first name was Misha when I thought of it at first. He is a kitten, he can adapt. But I won’t refer to him as Misha.” She explained again. “I prefer Maxim. I want to change that name to be something more positive in my mind.” She tried to tell him. “I… I don’t want to be afraid of it anymore…” Her voice grew softer as she spoke.
Atkin held his breath once he felt Mallory's hand on his chest. He slightly stiffened at what he heard from her and felt terrible at how his actions affected her in a deep way. He listened to her, his hand stroking her hair before he slowly moved so that he would be facing her. Clasping the hand that was on his chest, he looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. But still, I should have listened to you.", he said tenderly. "Maxim is a nice name. But if you want another name, then so be it. I'm sure any name you choose suits him.", he smiled warmly. He had just realized that this was probably the first time they were this close together. He could see every delicate feature on her face clearly. He wondered if she could feel his heart quickened.
Mallory relaxed as Atkin started to apologize, but then her heart beat quickened as he clasped her hand in his. Was that her heart she was feeling, or his? When had he gotten so close? Mallory almost got lost in his eyes, in the strong set of his jaw, his cleft chin and the playful quirk of his lips. But fear shot down her spine and she quickly scooted away, standing and walking towards the door. "That hot chocolate must be getting cold, come on," she chattered nervously, walking out the door and back towards her room.
Atkin had an internal battle of closing the gap and kissing her. He did not want to push it but then again, he had already fallen for her. Hard. He met her eyes and was almost smirked when he saw her trace her gaze on his face. He almost moved an inch forward unknowingly that Mallory's sudden movement jolted him in surprise. He barely registered what she said apart from the words 'chocolate' and 'come on'. He laid back on the bed, let out a loud exhale, trying to slow his heart. "Alright, alright. I'm coming.", he called out, grabbing the bear on the way out to give it to the woman.


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