House Points Board

Ravenclaw: Hufflepuff: Gryffindor: Slytherin:

Bi-Weekly Update

Welcome all, to another BWU by yours truly. We've got a lot to cover and then a lot to look forward to, so let's just jump right in.

Exam Week
How quick the semester passes! We are in the exam week! This is the final week of the semester, the one to try to complete any outstanding classes and get those exams submitted. Professors are reminded that the exams run from Monday-Wednesday (inclusive) and to look out for PMs from me to help keep on track. All grading must be done by Friday 5pm (GMT).

End of Semester Incoming
As we are in the final week of the semester, that means many exciting things are kicking off. It will be a busy time for people as they get things ready and as we see all the group changes etc. This is also a good time to remind everyone about buying the supplies for the next semester. Be sure that you do that before the next semester begins to be able to sign up to classes.

In the same vein as above, shopkeepers, with the semester almost at an end, now is the time to make sure you and your shop are ready for the rush of students needing supplies. This can be via hiring some students to help out in the shop, or just making sure you have everything ready for students to buy. Either way, we want to press the importance of being active during this period.

Graduation is underway! Head on over here to see what the head boy and girl of this graduating class have said. This will be open for the next two-ish weeks so plenty of time to have your characters graduate.

Apps closing
With the end of the semester looming, apps will close mid this week (Wednesday). Get any last minute apps in before the deadline if you want them considered on this side of sorting.

Shops Available
With the above being said, we have some shops available! Head on over here to check them out, and soon enough too there might be a couple of professor apps too.

As ever, when we head into the sorting period, we do ask that everyone remembers to give both the staff and each other patience. We're all busy outside of HNZ, and though things on HNZ have time limits, people need time and patience. If things happen, they happen.

Character Spotlight
With a new month (ignore that February is almost half done), we have a new spotlighted character, Thomas Jusantrea. Head on over here to read the announcement and reply to the questionnaire.

Deaths of characters
We wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about killing off characters. When it is or is not necessary to seek approval for killing off characters. For those NPC (non-playable characters, like family members) provided the deaths do not occur in overly graphic ways, then you do not need approval. For any character that is on site, you do at least need to reach out to the admin and have a conversation. If in doubt, just reach out and speak to us.

  • :(
  • :cry:
  • 💔

  • The anonymous compliments!
  • End of semester!
  • Sorting!!

And that's all.

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update, Emzies! :wub:
Thanks for the update :D
Thank you for posting, Emzies! The end of the year is always so exciting! ^_^
Thanks for the update Emzies! Can't believe its almost the end of the ic year! So many exciting things to come!

It's time for some new news, so we're archiving this to get it out of the way.

Please make sure to check out the news and updates section for the most up to date site news. If you have any questions about this piece of news, please reach out to an administrator.

~The HNZ Site Staff

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