🌹 Rose Giving Compliments

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Yellow rose for @Louis Alcott

After delivering a rose to someone else Kiara looked around the hall to see if anyone else on her list might be around, having a little bit of hope that people mostly found themselves in populair places during rose giving. She was relieved when she noticed one of the gryffinfor chasers nearby though, quickly walking up to him. "Louis, hi." Kiara said with a small smile. "I have a rose for you."
Louis hadn't had much luck finding the people he needed to deliver to, but smiled when someone approached him. "Hi." He said with a grin. "That's lovely, thank you."
Kiara was glad she had managed to catch up with the boy, slowing down when she had and looking at her roses to pick out the one with the right note. "This should be the one." She smiled, holding out the yellow rose with a note that had his name on the outside tied to it.

Happy Valentine's Day to the best quidditch player I know.
Don't tell Rene.
Louis was a little disappointed the girl pulled out a yellow rose, but he still smiled gratefully as he took it from her. "Thank you." He grabbed the note and read it, then laughed in delight. Oh, he would tell René. Probably
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