Closed Crushed Bones, Crushed Dreams

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
Rāwhiti wished that the physical pain was what hurt the most. His ankle, hip, and shoulder were all throbbing despite the poultices and potions he had been treated with, but the hospital wing didn't have anything for his heart. This was supposed to be his big day. His first game as Seeker, his first chance to do the team proud and start Gryffindor on their journey to the cup. He had done so well in practice, and it had all been for nothing. He didn't even try to pretend he wasn't crying, hiccuping and sobbing into the sleeve of his good arm, the other one tucked safely into a sling. This was the beginning of the death of his dream.
Emery had only really been at the game to support his friend, so when Rāwhiti got knocked out, Emery left the pitch as soon as he could. He would've liked to be there for Savannah in case she got to play too, but he knew his friend needed him right now. He headed to the hospital wing, but hesitated once he was there. Would Rāwhiti want to see him? Emery wavered a bit before stepping into the room. He was shocked to see Rāwhiti crying, and hesitantly walked over to his bed. "Does it hurt that much?" He asked quietly.
Rāwhiti gasped and sniffled at the sound of Emery's voice, hurrying to pull himself together. He knew he shouldn't mind crying in front of his best friend, but it just felt like another defeat on top of everything else he had gone through today. "Just... gutted." He mumbled, wiping his face quickly, too upset to even really be pleased Emery had come to watch him. "I really wanted to do well in my first proper match. I barely even got to play..."
Emery was actually a ltitle shocked to hear Rāwhiti wasn't crying because he was in pain, but because he was upset. He didn't think he had ever seen the Gryffindor that sad before, and it was startling to realize he even could be. Emery blinked at him. "Oh." He said hesitantly. "You did well before the bludgers?" He offered, reaching out to pat his arm.
Rāwhiti hiccuped through a few small, shaky sobs, struggling to keep himself under control. "Yeah..." He breathed, giving another shaky sniffle. He glanced up at Emery, realising there was at least one thing he could be happy about from today. "...Glad you came..."
Emery was glad Rāwhiti didn't argue about playing well, mostly because he had no idea if he had played well. It wasn't like he knew that much about Quidditch. He wasn't sure what to do when the other boy admitted he was glad he came. "It got me out of watching the match." He grumbled, though he smiled at him a little.
Rāwhiti knew Emery's comment should have upset him, but somehow it made things better. He snorted with laughter, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, well you'll be watching the whole thing next time." He said with a small smirk.
Emery was extremely relieved to see Rāwhiti laugh again. He grinned, glad to be in more comfortable territory. "Who says I'm even going next time?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in a challenge.
Rāwhiti snorted, giving him a challenging look. "You're going."

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