Closed Daisy Threading

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro was a nature boy at heart, finding the sights, smells and experience of being outdoors on a sunny day far more comforting than being cooped up in a stuffy, old castle. It didn't help too that each of his classes apart from Herbology were in said castle, the added dreariness of boredom and the innate pressure to succeed, followed by Miro's utter failures to learn because all of his subjects were so boring adding to how lame the castle felt when he would rather be outside. It was no surprise then that afternoon Miro had ran away from the castle as soon as he could to head to the grounds, knowing his classes for that day were over and he could kill a few hours of time before dinner. He headed to the gardens with the intention to pick a few of the flowers that were blooming in the spring sunshine. Whether he was allowed to or not, Miro loved to pick the school flowers as he found them. Seeing the once lifeless flowers blossom in the warmer months was one of the many things that made him happy about that time of year, and in being so caught up amongst his anger over schooling whenever he wasn't practicing quidditch, Miro wanted to take the small victories he could, to find the small things that made him happy even if it was only while sitting amongst a few daisies or roses.

Pausing at one of the rose bushes, Miro leant down to smell one of the larger flowers, soon regretting the choice as he felt the pollen in his sinuses quickly forcing him to sneeze loudly. Stepping back, he took a moment to wipe his nose and shake his head, before he chose to instead sit down on a nearby patch of grass, picking a few of the daisies around him and beginning to weave them into a chain. Daisies at least were fun to make bracelets and crowns out of, and never made him sneeze as much as some of the other flowers did, they were one of if not his most favorite flower too because they always grew in abundance. Miro smiled to himself at this thought as he mustered his patience to try and thread each Daisy through itself, hoping the further he repeated the action the further in turn he would begin to regain some of his happiness.​
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Camille still had to adjust to being here. What if her father wasn't an professor here? If not how would she ever feel good. Thankfully he was and Landon had adopted her a while ago, taking her under his wing. She liked to spend time with her father, but he had told her it would be good to make some friends as well. And he was right ofcourse. But Camille never really had made friends, so where did you had to start? To clear her mind she decided to go outside, she prefered being there. Writing all down what went through her mind and how she felt, since it was hard to share with someone else. Even her father, she had some stuff which she had to find out for herself. There was a lot that she had to process, her biological mother had died last year and her biological father was setenced to Azkaban for life long. Camille felt conflicted about it, they were still her parents. And although she now understood how bad it all was, the situation where they grew up in. It was all she ever knew, and had loved her parents and siblings. The relationship with June was something she also missed. All she ever would want, was for June to join their family. And if there would be an chance to help with that she would take it. Although that would be difficult, she also knew.

Making her way to the gardens she hoped to see some nice flowers. And to find an nice and quiet place to sat down and write. There was also doubt, to write her biological father. And she didn't felt the need to discuss that with Landon. Because she didn't want to hurt anyone. It was just so difficult to not dissapoint anyone. When she heard an sneeze she startled and almost fell on the ground. She looked around with big eyes, where it came from. And slowly walked further, seeing an boy sitting on the ground. '' Did.. you hear.. that.. sneeze too?'' The blonde than asked speaking quietly like she usually did.

(PLOT ID #87341/ #115234)
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Miro's face was one caught in concentration, his brows furrowing as he bit his tongue while attempting to thread together a daisy chain. He tried to tear a hole in a daisy's stem and thread the other through it, in the same way he always had, but this meant he often didn't have the patience to be precise and he needed to always find a new daisy when he broke them. He was distracted by his task, plucking another daisy in the patch of grass next to him when he heard a faint voice asking about his sneeze. It was so quiet he almost questioned whether he was hearing things but when he looked up and he saw a girl he realized she had been speaking to him. "Oh, right, sorry, that was me. I get sniffly sometimes when I smell the flowers." Miro explained, the thought of sneezing causing him to wipe his nose with his sleeve out of habit. "I was making daisy chains - or trying to." Miro then added, smiling at the girl as he tried to start a conversation with her. She seemed shy and he always liked to befriend people who were shy, liked to take care of them because he had enough confidence himself for two or three people at times. "Wanna join me?" He then asked, holding up the daisy he had just picked. "I always break the daisies before i can chain them, you must be better at this than me." Miro added, assuming quite literally anyone else would have enough patience in comparison to him not to break a daisy chain before it was completed.​

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