Open Doodling Rather Than Studying

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
While Marley thought that study group sessions helped a lot of the time, with it helping her grab more insight from other people as well as hearing ideas and whatnot, Marley thought that there were times when studying by yourself was also a good thing. So the Hufflepuff had decided to make her way to the student lounge to hopefully get some study done. As she entered the student lounge, she was relieved when there weren't many people around, which she thought would help her focus as little more. Marley sat down at one of the tables that was closest to the windows. She placed her books in front of her while also rearranging her notes and whatnot in front of her and started to get cracking on her studies. It wasn't even more than twenty minutes of trying to read one of her textbooks, that she suddenly got distracted with doodling on the corner of her parchment instead...
Milo didn't bother spending a tonne of time in the Student Lounge these days, discovering early on that it tended to just be filled with people playing chess and kids who thought that studying was somehow a worthwhile way to spend their time. He'd much rather be out on the pitch these days, but with the weather looking like it was going to dump buckets any second now, Milo had resigned himself to the lounge instead. Maybe he could backseat some wizards' chess games until someone starting throwing pawns or something.

Spotting Marley working intensely on something gave Milo a better idea, creeping a little closer. Trying to look as innocent as possible, Milo reclined on a nearby couch arm, keeping Marley in his line of sight as he rifled through his pockets, waiting til she had just put down her quill before he busted out his screaming yoyo, making sure to fling the screaming end as close to her as possible as he flicked it forward.
Marley had been so engrossed with her doodling, that she hadn't really noticed anyone come into the student lounge. She had put a lot more detail on her current doodle that she hadn't even paid attention to what was around her. Just as the girl had put down her quill to look at her doodle properly, she heard a screeching, screaming sound all of a sudden, which caused her to jump out of her seat and let out a loud yelp, the most terrified look she ever had on her face. She whipped around to see who or what the culprit was. "Milo!" Marley called out, she was more petrified at what just happened than annoyed. "You scared me! That was terrifying!" Marley said with a chuckle and a shake of her head, the feeling of getting scared over a prank had made her feel a bit terrified for whatever the boy may pull next. "I must admit though, that was pretty good. Didn't see that coming"

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