🌹 Rose Giving From One To Another

Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
yellow for @Ngawaiata Martin

Summer had absolutely zero plan on how to go about delivering her roses whatsoever. Nothing she had thought of that might perhaps make finding the students on her list easier. Instead, she was happy to wander around the castle and ask some students in passing if they knew anyone she was looking for. At least that allowed her to talk to even more people she hadn't ever talked to before. One of those students had pointed her in the direction of a certain prefect. "Hi! Uh, Nga- Nagaw- N-" Summer looked at her list when she reached the older girl, not willing to butcher her name. "I am soo sorry, I don't want to say your name wrong - it looks like it's supposed to sound super pretty." She put on her best smile as she glanced up at the older girl. If only she had paid more attention to what her prefects were called.
This time last year, Ngawaiata had been feeling perhaps the least cynical she had ever been in her life. It had been nice, actually, having a person to celebrate Valentines with - made it feel like a real holiday. This year though... the whole thing felt meaningless, and she'd spent most of the day alone in her dorm. She had only left to go get something from the library, and immediately regretted it as she was caught up in the chaos of roses flying to and fro. She did her best to keep her head down as she hurried through the crowds, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible. Somehow though she was flagged down by a younger student, and she hated the spike of hope that had rushed through her. It wasn't going to be from Sky - it couldn't - so what was the point? She sighed at the girl's fumbling, doing her best not to take her bad mood out on a kid who didn't deserve it. "It's Ngawaiata." She explained. "Nga - like the end of the word "singing" with an A on the end, then why-ah-tah." She didn't care all that much about being a prefect, really, but Ngawaiata still cared enough about the way she thought prefects should behave that she wasn't going to be rude to a kid. "What do you want?"
Even if she hadn't wanted to butcher the older girl's name Summer wasn't really keen on a lecture about how to properly pronounce it either. She was sure she'd have forgotten it within a couple minutes if the prefect turned out to be uninteresting after all. Still, she kept the smile painted on her face and tried to look as interested as she possibly could. "Right, so Ngawaiata." Summer nodded, repeating the way she had pronounced it. "Oh! Well I've got a rose for you." She answered her question, picking out the yellow rose and holding it out for her to take. "Here you go!"

Thanks for making Slytherin more tolerable.
Ngawaiata was pleased for this interaction to be over as soon as possible, nodding as she accepted the rose. "Thanks." She said, trying to ignore the sinking disappointment. It was never going to be red, Sky was gone. There weren't many people in this castle who would even consider sending her a rose, so she wasn't surprised at all to open it up and see Cameron's name. The other Slytherin was just about the only person keeping her sane in this place, and she made a mental note to thank him later.

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