Open Going Anyway

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory was pretty sure this was a mistake. It wasn't like going to a single school celebration had ever gone well for him, but he was sure, after the argument with Cassius, and the words he'd said about Snow, that this was the last place for him to be. He was going to regret it a lot, but he was there. He'd put on the same, old suit he always did and was just trying to keep himself as out of the way as he could. Trying to avoid just about everyone and not have to engage with anyone in conversation. he knew it likely wouldn't work out, but he was still going to try.
Zerrin wanted to be more active at school, and not just bother Fraser at every single event. Though he would be sure to run and snag his brothers attention at some point. Instead, he went for another comfort zone. "Gregoryyyy!" He jogged up to his friend, arms up even if he didn't hug the other boy. Zerrin didn't like to initiate contact much anymore, even though he craved it. "What are you doing? Are you meeting anyone?" He asked, a wide smile on his face. "I'm not, we could hang out if you're free?"
The very tentative friendship that Gregory had with Zerrin, was just about the only friendship that Gregory hadn't entirely ruined. He jumped at the sound of his voice, since he had been a little distracted and not heard Zerrin approach. The noise of the room not helping Gregory's ability to hear everything. He faltered, not sure which question to answer first. If he should allow their friendship to continue, or push Zerrin away. Afterall, Gregory was a bad friend, Zerrin deserved good friends. "I'm not sticking around," he decided to say, so that really Zerrin could decide if it was worth his time to stick around with him if he was leaving soon.
Zerrin blinked, hesitating a moment before nodding. "Okay, where are we going?" He asked, stepping in closer and speaking up so Gregory could hear him over the noise. "We could stop and grab some snacks, then go to the courtyard, get some air?" He offered. He'd seen other people do that before, it sounded like good fun- seeing the stars.
Gregory frowned at Zerrin. Why would Zerrin want to immediately leave if he was. Was it a trap. Was he going to be nice to him and then get annoyed about something. Would he befriend him tonight and then never talk to him again. "Go away Zerrin," Gregory said with a heavy sigh. He took a step away from him, folded his arms across his chest and began moving to the exit. He shouldn't have bothered. THis was a mistake. He was a mistake.
Zerrin frowned and hurried after Gregory. "Come on, man, that didn't work in first year and it won't now." He stuck close to Gregory. "I thought we established forever ago that you're stuck with me." He gave Gregory his best smile. "I'm not really worried about the dance- its hardly our last and I don't have a date. I ran into you, and its been too long since we've hung out. If you want to stay here, sweet, we will, if you want to go out, sweet, we'll do that instead. I'm more interested in you right now than I am some lame dance that we have literally every year."
Gregory took another step away from Zerrin as he seemed to follow. he paused a little as the other boy spoke, and he didn't understand. Why was Zerrin picking now to hang out, to want to hang out with him. They were maybe friends, but he doubted that it would last, Zerrin was busy, he had a family and people who wanted to spend time with him. "Why on earth would you be interested in someone like me" he said the words before he could stop himself, and they were filled with disbelief and hatred directed towards himself. "I'd like to be alone Zerrin, just let me go,"
Zerrin was a bit torn. He wanted to respect Gregorys words, but he felt like the boy needed company. He moved to be in his way. "Gregory, you're my friend." He spoke firmly. "If you want to, we can go into the hall away from people?" He stuck close. "I'm willing to find a way to make things more comfortable, but I- I don't want to leave you alone just yet, okay? I try not to be overbearing because you seem to like your space, but you are my friend, you've always, always been my friend, and you need to know that I'm not going to leave you alone." He tried to stay firm.
Gregory couldn't help the slight frustration he felt with Zerrin. He let him speak, let him say everything that he needed to say. he felt torn about it. Felt frustrated about it. He just sighed heavily, and kicked the ground a little. "We're not friends Zerrin," he said, hating himself and the words but saying it anyway. "You barely speak to me for most of the semester, apart from when its convenient for you," he said and it ignored that he hadn't reached out, and that he didn't try and speak to Zerrin at all.
Zerrin nodded when Gregory spoke, listening to what he said. "I know, but we're still friends. I try to give you space because it seems like what you want, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't reach out more." He admitted to his faults. "I'm not as present as I should be, and I can work to be around more, but I'm not going to just forget our friendship," He promised.
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