Hogwarts Houses for Non Harry Potter Characters

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey folks :hug:

Posting this thread because when I am watching a movie/tv show, listening to music, etc I often either intentionally (or in some cases unintentionally) assign the characters their own Hogwarts houses. I think this is a really fun thing to do and helps me get an idea of what some houses may act like and/or give me ideas of how my characters in certain houses would relate to the behavior. It's also just fun to take a show or movie you love and mix it in with Hogwarts houses and have more fun thinking about the show!! and just a great way to try to analyze and understand these other fictional characters and sometimes our own characters more in this process and it's just fun to talk about and think about in general xD

I figure I am not the only person that does this, and I am totally nosy and interested to see what houses people assign other characters in the media they love, so I think it would be fun to chat here. Sooo I would love to hear if you have any non harry potter fictional character(s) that you think belongs to a certain house, and why, and we can all have a discussion, maybe a debate if more than one person thinks the same character is in different houses :devious: who knows?

I do find that in some instances with groups of 4 characters (Like in my Stargate SG1 spoiler), each character sometimes fits each house really well, and evenly where all houses are represented, and I think this is possibly because of the way shows and characters can be written and character tropes, but also might just be because I like things to be even x_x. I also think there are likely a lot of shows where this house allocation is different, I think it could be fun to find out and discuss!

Without further ado, I do of course preemptively have a few fictional characters to mention I will add to spoilers with links to their associated wikis if you want to read more about them, if you have any other ideas to debate based on these shows/movies or think the houses I have assigned them should be different, by all means do share as well so we can discuss as I would love to hear your thoughts!!

Jack O'Neill I think is for sure a Slytherin. He is the leader of the group and I think can lean Gryffindor in some ways as he is very brave and in some cases a typical hero archetype, however, he is very much an 'end justifies the means' person and gladly does break rules if it will save others and/or himself and achieve a greater good in spite of his military history. This pushes him more into a anti-hero and I think because he more often breaks rules for the sake of both himself and others, and only really focuses on achieving the end goal and not the morals of how he achieves said goals, this to me is very stereo typically slytherin!

Daniel Jackson (the love of my life ok) I think is definitely walking a line between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and at times I think is Gryffindor but to me he does seem more Hufflepuff than anything else. He is incredibly smart and has an academic background and helps get the actual stargate working in the movie before the TV show, and in the TV show itself he is constantly researching and learning about the worlds they visit and other lifeforms they meet while also noting the worlds they visit that mark a time period in human history which is very ravenclaw. He also joins SG1 to begin with to save his wife who was captured and he is brave when he needs to be which is some shade of Gryffindor I think. But on top of this, his main characteristic is the way he connects with the people and species they encounter and forming a bond with them, and I think as this is one of his main traits and is one of the main things that defines his character, this is what makes him Hufflepuff in my opinion. I think the other traits he has do not outshine this, in the same way that Gryffindor's can be academic like Hermione, I think Daniel is a Hufflepuff that is both brave and smart, but his connections with others make Hufflepuff the right choice. I could go on =))

Samantha Carter on the other hand is very much a Ravenclaw to me!! She is the brains of the team, and though Daniel is also the brains in some aspects, more often than anything it is Sam who thinks of the solutions and ideas, and her and Daniel work together to be the brains (Which I think is her bringing out Daniel's academics as opposed to the other way around). Sam is always incredibly mindful and always researching and learning, and providing scientific explanations to the odd problems they encounter and is always the person who gets things working! Before joining SG1 she was already an established academic and genius, and upon being given the post she did all she could to learn and understand the way the stargate program worked and this is very much ravenclaw in my opinion. She also is constantly questioning her surroundings and reality and basically always learning, to me there is no way she isn't some kind of Ravenclaw!!

Teal'c is my second favorite character and very much a Gryffindor to me. I think some might see him as Slytherin given his associations with the Goa'uld in being a high ranking Jaffa in the pilot episodes, but I think due to his introduction to SG1 being a situation where he decides to turn against the Goa'uld and literally save Jack, Daniel, and Sam and abandoning his position as a Jaffa to join them and live on earth is what makes him Gryffindor. He joins them because he thinks they can finally stop the oppression of the Goa'uld who have taken over the Galaxy, and he fights alongside them for a greater cause than himself which is to free the Jaffa, and make the galaxy a better place. Teal'c is also very brave and will always fight for a greater cause and this to me is very Gryffindor.
Marty McFly I think given he is a hero archetype is understandably Gryffindor but I also think he has aspects of Hufflepuff, that become less obvious throughout the first movie and rest of the series as his character develops. The main reason I think this, is because Marty at the start of the first movie, is afraid to send his band's demo to record companies out of a fear of rejection, and at the end of the first movie he has the bravery to actually send it out!! We love a developed character!! Marty is very reckless at times and has a bit of a big head, he is confident in himself even if he has a fear of rejection, and isn't afraid to stand up for himself. We can see this in the first movie as he doesn't let Biff the obvious villian bully him in the same way Biff bullies his dad. Marty although he does run away from Biff in the skateboard chase scene, does start by confronting Biff, and tackling Biff's friends and he ultimately runs into the situation and wins, and doesn't think about the consequences of doing so and kind of lives in the moment, which in my opinion is very Gryffindor. as the series goes on he continues to stand up for himself and against Biff and Biff's relatives and doesn't back away from a fight even if it is likely smart to do so which to me is very gryffindor.

Emmet 'Doc' Brown is also very much a Ravenclaw to me, and I think this is obvious to everyone given he is a scientist and invents the Delorean time machine as well as the time train monstrosity =)) Doc is a genius of course and is always analyzing and calculating and providing scientific facts as responses and he's just a big brained dude who isn't afraid to show it. He is always looking out for Marty and warning Marty of the greater picture and butterfly effect and warning Marty of consequences that Marty doesn't think of and often doesn't listen to, and I think this is very much a good representation of a typical Ravenclaw and Gryfindor friendship and how the personalities can work well together in lead roles but also butt heads at times.
Gregory House Okay so I have literally just started watching this today, and I am almost 2 episodes in so this might not be accurate but I also think it's very obvious that Dr. House here is a slytherin!! He is also an 'end justifies the means' person, which to me is what describes Slytherin the most, and he will start a treatment to prove his theory is right rather than seeking proof beforehand, and regardless if this will harm the patient and this is very obviously slytherin to me. I do think given he is a genius and constantly analyzing and is of course a doctor, he has shades of Ravenclaw but given the way he expressess this in a competitive way and to prove to himself he is the best and he always knows best and he can manipulate a situation, this is what makes him more Slytherin than Ravenclaw to me so far. I haven't watched enough of the show to gather what the other main characters align with but I think this early on it is clear House is a Slytherin.

I also have posted in off topic because this isn't really related to HNZ or it's characters other than general Hogwarts houses, and I did a search and couldn't find any other thread like this (if there is and I have missed it, please let me know), so I think it would be awesome to create this for all of us to share ideas and possibly debate :party:
Love this! I agree with House being a Slytherin. ^_^

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