Closed I Would Like To Shadow

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora knew that she was old enough now, that doing an occasional shadow in the hospital wouldn't be too unexpected. She was an OWL student and she was looking to be a healer, it would be silly to not take a little time to actually try to see what it was like. Aurora had stories, stories from Ty and Rhi about what it was like, but admittedly she'd never needed the hospital, she had only been to visit and apart from quidditch violence, she had never experienced that much of what it might take. She walked into the hospital wing with determination, she knew there were a couple of nurses and she was keen for any of them to show her. She would happily shadow all of them, though that might be a little selfish. Aurora noted there weren't any patients that day which she was a little disappointed by. The prefect got to the door of the nurse's office and then knocked on the door with as much purpose as she could.
Amethyst was experiencing a slow day. She sighed as she worked in the office on some paperwork - her least favorite part of the job. She wondered briefly what Killian was doing, hoping that he was having a better time than she was. Though she wasn't sure what point in the semester he was in, was he at the point of talking about Voldemort? That always put him in a sour mood. The blonde was just about to get another file out to audit when she heard a knock at the door. She straightened out her robes the best she could and then waved her wand getting up. "Hey, you feeling okay?" She asked, giving the girl a smile, hoping she wasn't too sick. It had been sort of relaxing not dealing with the kids throwing up everywhere for a change.
Aurora glanced at the woman as she opened the door. The woman was young, younger than she had had expected, but Aurora didn't mind it. Knowing this would probably make her easier to relate to in either way. "Yeah, I'm feeling fine. I just wanted to see if there were any shadowing opportunities?" aurora asked trying to not appear too eager, though she very much was failing to. "I'm just really keen to be a healer, and want to have an opportunity to learn a little bit?" she added and though there was more she wanted to say, she stopped herself.
Amethyst smiled when the girl replied she was fine, and then asked about shadowing opportunities. This was exciting! Thyst had never had the chance to do something like that, and so presenting that opportunity to another student was thrilling. She nodded. "You're welcome to shadow me when you have no classes. I'm Amethyst. I'm a newer nurse here but I've got some experience in healing and I love teaching!" She said with an earnest grin, seemingly just as eager as the other girl. "Are you thinking any specific kind of healer, or a more broad approach?" She asked, waving her into the office so they could sit and figure out some goals.
Aurora was very glad that the woman seemed immediately happy to let her shadow. She would have to find some free time, and compared it to when this nurse was about. Aurora nodded eagerly, minding not that this woman was new, just looking to gain any knowledge and experience about it. Aurora stepped into the office and took a seat. "I hadn't really thought that far ahead," she admitted. The gryffindor just wanted to be a healer, the specifics of what kind of healing just had not been decided. "I figured I would figure that out once I started learning,"
Amethyst smiled at the girl warmly. She was much mroe approachable than her counterpart that was for sure. She sat across from her and said, "It's better to learn more and decide later anyways. That was how i did things and still manage to land a job here." She was quite proud of that as well. Part of her luck in the job was her natural talent for healing spells, but she had also worked hard to study up before applying for this job. "Here is what my days look like." She said waiving her wand and summoning her planner, which had a weeks worth of days planned out in it that she didn't mind showing the girl. The most personal thing written in there was a dinner date with Killy, nothing horrendous. "This is next week, we could start as early as then if any of these days work when you don't have classes."
Aurora thought it was a good sign that this woman had also not picked until later and now was working here. That had to be good. She looked at the planner as it was handed to her, she tried to take in all that she could about it. Aurora did briefly wonder who Killy was, but her focus was much more on what she could slot in. She nodded. "I think maybe we could start with one day, just as I have OWLs?" Aurora said, not wanting to get overwhelmed immediately with how much else she was doing. She could increase to more days when her important exams weren't just right around the corner.
Amethyst smiled when the girl chose reasonably for herself. "That sounds like a plan." She said, moving to grab the planner and a pencil. "Whichever day or days work best we can make lose plans. Your studies come first though so if that means doing homework in my office and only coming out for interesting cases then that is totally fine. This will also be up to student discretion, you can only shadow cases that are okay with me having a student on." she said so boundaries were clear. "If you have any other questions I'm pretty much always here, but you can approach me in the great hall as well." She offered.
Aurora was nodding along in agreement with everything that the nurse was saying. Knowing that she had to agree to it to continue being there, but really they also sounded like smart things. "Of course," she said in agreement. "Thanks so much for the opportunity," Aurora nodded again, mostly to herself as she began to leave the office, knowing that she would be able to come back with a figured out schedule and be able to get to work...maybe.

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