Closed Just like old times

Rory Styx

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Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/45 (11)

I'm back at school now which should be a little more relaxed now that OWLs are out of the way and I won't be taking as many classes, should give me more time to focus on Quidditch as that'll be my main priority once I graduate anyway. It was good to see you over break, it does suck not being able to see you everyday like in our first few years but given how glowing your reviews are of your new school I don't think I can blame you for the move.

Ravenclaw is going to kick ass this year, that I can promise you, assuming our seeker is up to snuff which is never guaranteed in a house dominated by bookish types, but I'm still gonna do everything I can to make sure the team is good.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Speak for yourself, the OWLs are on me! I really don't want to do anything lately, but alas, I gotta pass because my mom and dad want me to make a good living for myself, and apparently Quidditch might be a little harder than needed to get into? I don't know what they are talking about. Maybe they want a back up option. It was great to see you too! Mom raves about your family. Ilvermorny is amazing, and I actually get to spend time with mom and dad!

It better kick some butt! I miss the Ravenclaw colors honestly. Who is the seeker now? Is she someone that was in my year? Hey, we might be bookish but we are very intelligent and full of strategy!

Let me know how the games are! Who is playing first?

~ Larissa B

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