Open Kinda Wish I Had A Date

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Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (12)
Apolline knew she was still too young to actually date, but she could admit, as she stepped into the great hall, watching people dance with each other, either in pairs or in groups, it made her want to have someone or some people to dance with. Apolline's schooling so far had been good, it had been going well, she was doing well in her classes, but truly, the problem was that she just didn't have the friends that she either wanted or was always trying to get. She had friends, just not really a lot of them, or ones she knew that no matter what happened she'd be able to turn to for things. She had put on a little green dress, with a pair of heels she wasn't entirely comfortable walking in and wasn't sure what she wanted to do with the dance. She wanted to dance, but didn't really know if she could dance alone.
Cauis had spent far too much time to go exploring, and had decided to make sure that he should go to the Yule Ball. He threw on something simple and walked down to the dance. After he'd gone exploring a bit, he decided to find someone to spend time with. He noticed a girl from his year and walked over. "Hi! It's Apolline, right?" He double checked, wanting to make sure he had it right.
Apolline was still trying to decide if she was going to dance or not. Only to have her thoughts interrupted by a boy. One that she was sure was a twin. "Yeah," she said nodding, "You're either Caius or Cassius," she said, since she didn't know either boy well enough to know the differences between them.
Caius laughed lightly. "Caius," He gave her a dramatic bow, straightening and flipping his hair out of his face. "The fun one." He smiled impishly. "Want to dance? Unless you're waiting for someone," He stole a glance around but didn't see anyone headed their way. So he turned his attention back to her and held out his hand. "Could be fun,"
Apolline couldn't help the little giggle as he bowed and said which one he was. "Oh I'm not waiting for anyone," she said, before taking his hand eagerly. She liked being invited to dance by a boy, it wasn't like being here specifically with a boy but it was close enough.
Cauis smiled and started to lead her out on to the floor. "That's crazy," He told her. "If you don't have a date dance, I'd love to bring you," He offered easily. Apolline had good vibes, he'd love to get to know her better. "What do you think about the dance? I think the decor looks amazing,"
Apolline blushed lightly at the compliment. She wasn't sure why this boy was suddenly like this towards her when she knew there were prettier girls in their year, but she wasn't turning it down. "It's nice," she replied to the comment on the hall. Deciding that she wouldn't address his compliment. She didn't need to and she was sure it would end up with her becoming a puddle of mush.
Caius started dancing with her, laughing lightly and trying to twirl her- which was hard as she was taller than he was. "So tell me about yourself, Apolline," He asked. "Unless you want to wait a few dances, get some snacks and go sit down." He suggested, giving her an easy smile.
Apolline didn't really want to tell the boy about herself, if only because she didn't want to talk about her mum or the ministry or anything like that. "Can we dance?" she instead asked, wanting to just have a bit of fun, and he was offering.
Cauis nodded easily. "Sure! We can dance," He agreed, and just focused on the music, bopping around a while until the music started to slow again. He turned to Appoline, and offered out his hand. "Do you want to keep dancing or...?"
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