Open Matters of the Heart

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸 Craft Coordinator 🐸 6th Yr
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8/2045 (16)
Open after Daphne posts with Penelope

"Okay, it's official. I'm in love with Casper Beckett," Marnie announced, setting her books down at the table across from Penelope before sinking into the chair opposite with an explosive sigh. She'd been planning on waiting for Penny to react but she'd been sitting on this information all holidays and Marnie simply couldn't wait anymore. "Merlin I've been dying to tell you- He's just so tall and his hair does that kind of flippy thing all the time oh and did I mention how talented he is he does all these paintings it's amazing I spent the whole holidays trying to paint stuff and I was rubbish compared to him I bet Casper never gets paint in his hair like I do oh and he likes pink. He's the perfect boy, I dunno how I'm gonna survive arts club's meetings we've got this gallery coming up and I know I need to do something to impress him, maybe something pink," Marnie gushed, being sure to take a few moments to sketch out Casper's flippy, messy hair with her hands so Penny would know what she meant.
Penelope squinted at the name of one of the potion ingredients in her book, glancing at her homework. Had she misspelled it? She was pretty sure she had. With a sigh, she crossed out the name and started copying it down again. Halfway through the word, she was distracted by Marnie's announcement. She blinked, putting her quill down quickly before she could stain her homework. "Sorry?" She asked, but that was all she got out before Marnie went on a rant. Penny listened, bemused. "Marnie, he's old." She finally said in a hushed voice. "Also, please talk quietly, we're at the library."
Marnie blew an exasperated raspberry when Penny could only point out that Casper was older, as if that wasn't why he was so much cooler. "Well yeah-" She started, lowering her voice to a loud whisper when Pen reminded her they were still in the library, "-Sorry. Well yeah, that's why he's so cool and I mentioned the tall thing right like no one in our year is cool or tall or good at painting like that that's why I like him so much and did I mention he gave me some paintings that one in our dorm with all the jellyfish he made that for me well not for me but he made it and let me have it so it's sort of like it was for me anyway I'm serious Pen we have like a bond like an artists bond," Marnie said with a sigh, forgetting half-way through that she was meant to be talking quietly. "I've never been in love before but I just can't help it," she said, tucking her face into her hands with another dreamy look, thinking about Casper's flippy hair again.
Penelope sighed softly when Marnie went on about Casper. It wasn't like she had expected her to change her mind, but she just couldn't picture a boy Casper's age being interested in Marnie like that, it was like she was setting herself up for heartbreak. "I see." She said primly as Marnie spoke about an artists bond. Penelope wasn't an artist, though she liked to doodle and draw occasionally. She wasn't nearly as creative as Marnie, so maybe she just couldn't really understand. "I've never been in love either." She admitted. "What do you think it would be like to date someone?"
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Marnie traced a finger on the tabletop idly, distracted as she thought about Casper for a moment. She'd sat a few seats down from him at breakfast this morning and she was sure he might have glanced her way a few times. It had been amazing.

She glanced back at Penny when she mentioned she'd never been in love, smiling brightly. "It's so fun you should try it though it's kind of a lot to deal with too like I get butterflies in my stomach constantly it's so distracting but at the same time it's like I'm floating," Marnie said, throwing in another sight. Pen's next question did give her a moment's pause as she tried to imagine it, her face heating up at the thought. "I bet it'd be fun, I mean, if I dated someone you know.. who liked the same stuff I did and we could do like, art dates or something and oh wear matching outfits to the school dances and like I dunno go get ice cream that's a date thing right? And then at the end there's the-" Marnie leant forward, managing to lower her to voice to something resembling a whisper, "-the kissing," she said, pressing her lips together before breaking out in flustered giggles, covering her face with her hands.
Penelope couldn't help a small laugh that escaped her. "I should try it? I don't think that's quite how it works." She said, then frowned a bit. "Is it?" She mostly knew about love from the books she read, it always seemed to just... happen to people, it never seemed to be something they just decided on. Penelope tried to imagine what Marnie was saying, but the idea of Marnie wearing matching outfits with Casper Beckett to a school dance just felt silly to her. She didn't say it, though, biting her tongue. She flushed when Marnie mentioned kissing, resisting the urge to cover her face as well. "You've never kissed, right?" She asked in a hushed whisper, needing to know Marnie wasn't far ahead of her in this department as well, since she seemed so aware of love and things.
Marnie shrugged when Penelope didn't seemed as enthused about her suggestion, giving her friend a gentle pat on the back of the hand. "Don't worry about it I'm sure it'll happen to you soon I mean I can't say I exactly just decided I was going to fall in love with Casper I mean it wasn't like he gave me a choice he was just so nice and he's so talented and sorry I'm rambling again but really can you blame me," she said, waving a hand coyly. "Maybe we could try to like 'set you up' with someone? That's a thing people do right I've never tried it but it could be fun what kinda things do you like in someone do you know?" She asked, bouncing in her seat a little at the idea.

She was glad Penny was game to at least listen to her gush about Casper even if she didn't have her own crush to return the favour with. At Penelope's next question Marnie couldn't help but stick her face right back into her hands, giggling all over again. "Merlin, no, not yet but I mean I thought about it right not in the like making out with pillow or whatever thing but just thought about it in my head and stuff not a lot lately but I mean you get it once and awhile it seems kinda gross if you think too much about it but just a little bit I'm sure it's super romantic especially if you're kissing the right person," she admitted, peaking out at Pen between her fingers. "Have you kissed anyone?"
Linden was sitting in the library with NEWTs creating ever closer he knew that he had more to catch up on. He was just looking for a book about advanced defensive theory off the shelf when his attention was caught by a familiar name. He listened to the conversation as he looked for the book. Partially glad that the girl doing most of the talking didn’t seem to be making any effort to be quiet. He bit back a skirt as she started to talk about cas and his floppy hair and how kind he was. All things he knew and what he agreed with. Though it did sound fully coming out of the mouth of a girl and a girl so young.
mas the conversation turned to kissing he had heard enough. Kissing cas was indeed super romantic. Especially under the fairy lights at the Christmas market in Germany. And and cas was indeed a good kisser. A very good kisser. But hearing her talk about it made him feel very uncomfortable.
closong the book he stepped out from between the shelves and made his way towards the girls who could not have been older than second year. And that was being generous. hello.” he said not sure what he planned on saying from there. They were meant to be keeping their relationship secret. But this was not what he had battened for. i couldn’t help but overhear you two talking. This is the library. You should probably find somewhere else to talk or keep your voice down a little; it can be a bit distracting to those who need to study." Before adding " is this Casper Beckett that you are talking about, seventh-year Casper?” He asked. Trying to keep his tone as casual as he could. And not making it sound like he had heard the first or second years fawning over his secret boyfriend.
Penelope patiently listened to Marnie's rambling, her eyes widening slightly when she spoke about setting her up with someone. Penelope shook her head. "You don't have to do that." She said hurriedly. "I don't know what kind of person I like yet." She added, hoping that would stop Marnie in her tracks. It was one thing to hear her friend gushing about some boy, but the thought of doing the same was downright embarrassing.

The kissing conversation was also embarrassing, Penny wished she hadn't brought it up. She shock her head furiously at Marnie's question. "Of course not!" She said quickly.

Then someone spoke to them, and Penelope froze in fear and humiliation as she recognized him as another seventh year. He had clearly overheard them, or at least Marnie. This was mortifying. Penelope spoke without thinking. "No." She said quickly, barely whispering the word. She was terrified of talking to older students, but it seemed important to deny it so he wouldn't go tell on Marnie and possibly embarrass her.
Marnie leant over the desk for a moment, giving Penelope a knowing look as her friend quickly denied her offer. "Ookay if you're sure but if you change your mind or figure it out let me know I've watched a lot of movies with my mums so I think I know a thing or two about romance stuff now don't worry," she assured her friend, giggling as Pen quickly denied her next question.

The giggles came to a swift halt when an older student approached them. And not just an older student, Marnie realized with belated horror, a prefect. And he was asking about Casper. Marnie returned Penny's wide eyed stare. "Sorry sorry, I mean sorry, " Marnie said, hurriedly lowering her voice into a harsh whisper. "We weren't talking about anyone, we said uh ASPEN, like the tree, we'll go, sorry again, enjoy your books," he said in a rush, grabbing Penny's hand and helping her pack up her books. The last thing she wanted was to get in trouble or worse, have Casper find out she'd been gossiping about him.
Linden could see the panic on the girls’ faces. He hadn’t thought he was that scary. But the quieter one especially looked like she just about wanted to vanish into the furnishings.
he chuckled slightly at the girls cover story. Which was obviously nothing more than that. oh sorry I must have misheard. he said before he realised that the girls were packing up I didn’t mean to scare you or kick you out out please just turn the volume down a couple of notches he said turning to leave them to it musing over how funny the whole situation was. When the girl said something else about aspen. He turned back around. ”oh you met aunt aspen. I should tell you not to go into the forest. But I am glad she has a few more friends about. he said.

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