Meeting 4: Styx rages

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
It was getting down to the final people, the ones that Kalif most looked forward to. One was a first year that he had not had the pleasure of meeting yet. The other was once a preject candidate that long since lost that hope. Kalif sighed as he prepared for the next one. He opened the door and called out, "Nora Seville-Maxwell. Get in here, now." He knew that the headmistress had dealt with this one already, but still lacked something. He wanted to get down to business, and there would be no trying to dodge it.
The dark haired girl woke up the next morning feeling sick or was it just that she's nervous? Either way, Nora gather her wits as she prepare for the day. After taking a one last look at the common room before taking her journey to her demise, she whispered "Goodbye common room, you have a nice decor, I'll miss you." and Nora whisked away to Professor Styx's office. The other people that were mentioned last night were already present and one by one, some in groups, have been called upon. The Slytherin first year stood waiting and as time goes by, she heard her name at last and she hauled herself inside immediately. Making a note to tell him to just use her mother's last name than the preferred last names for the government.
"Sit," ordered the Slytherin Head of House to any of the sits in front of his desk, which he leaned against. He folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes slightly. First years, always so big and bad until they came across him. Kalif sighed, before placing his gloved hand on his head. "I assume you know that I am aware of what happened, and why you are in here. I didn't think I would deal with two attempted murderers in the past five years. However, what I cannot seem to recall is your punishment. Were counselling, wand restriction and cleaning the only punishments the headmistress gave you?" Kalif didn't have his voice raised as much as he was just trying to get to the bottom of this. Something was in the water that made kids violent. Well, one of which was his family, but Chaos wasn't the brightest either. "And also, why did you do it." Kalif's eyes glowered down on the girl.
Nora didn't have time to admire the cold and void room that is the Professor's office as she was ordered to sit. The youngest of the bunch obeyed Professor Styx and sat to the nearest chair her behind could touch. The man started his questioning and it wasn't so bad. Nora knew not to get scared of their Head of House, he seems reasonable. Nora relaxed on her seat,crossing her legs together like a lady. "Well, I wouldn't say it's an attempted murder." She said matter-of-fact but if that's what other people think then she'll have to go by it. Nora nodded slowly at the mention of her punishments. They were light and wasn't extreme but all of a sudden her heart skip a beat. Would this be her last day at school? Would she be expelled? No! She can't let Teagan win again. What followed seems the same questions over and over. Nora was bored of it and stood from her seat. "Professor, I'm sick of answering the same question over and over and I have to repeat them. You might as well give me my added punishment and be done with it." She doesn't want to disrespect the man but seriously, the headmistress should have filled him in. Nora did one thing and it came back two folds because of Teagan. "So, if that's the only question you have for me. I'm going." The dark haired Slytherin turned around almost as if she was walking away.
Kalif narrowed his eyes as the girl struck an attitude. The first year was about to learn the hard way. The door wouldn't open even if she tried to leave. "You certainly have a mouth. But no, that is definitely not the only aspect on my mind. Now turn around and sit down." Kalif ordered in a cold tone. He figured that some of the first years would try this. Always the little ones. The more entitled they were, the worse their lives would be. "The reason why I asked was that I don't quite feel that is enough. Your time here could be enjoyable, or very miserable depending on your actions. And so far, you already lost your wand I school. You could lose it permanently if you keep it up."
The girl stopped at the Professor's response and murmured, "Dios mio." Before turning around, Nora took a deep sigh and faced Professor Styx again. The Slytherin didn't sat, instead, Nora stayed where she was standing and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Alright. I'll tell you why I did it because, yes, this will be the third time I'm repeating it. I'd prefer to record it on a cassette tape and past it on." The things she did for Teagan and for what? A record at the Ministry for using underage magic. But the Ravenclaw knows that she had it coming. She's no longer her cousin from her eyes and she can have Caelan for all she cares. Nora can find decent friends. Leonora rolled her eyes and sigh, "Because when family does something crazy, you act as if whatever they did is a punishable crime. Tradition isn't built over night, Professor. And by ruining it, you ruin the family." Nora didn't know if everything she said made sense because every family in the world has their own tradition, it just so happened that the Maxwell's are a centuries old nobility and aristocrats, and everyone in the family wanted it to be like that for another century at least. "And oh, my time here is starting to get miserable anyways and as for the wands, I'm a mixed blood, I can live without magic if I want to." The threat didn't bother her, what's it to her if she can't use magic? Would it deteriorate her life? Be shunned by the wizarding community? Whatever it is, she didn't care. "I told you why and now, can I be excused, Professor?" Nora asked, almost as if she was sweet again.
"I know all about tradition, and from what I understand, the crimes should never be carried out by a child, no less." Kalif ran his own family, which was huge and needed several others to keep it under control. However, trusting that responsibility to a child was definitely not wise. "If you want to be a disgrace to your family, and magical heritage, be my guest and leave your wand at the door. Otherwise, you will follow the rules here. I don't want to have to see you in my office again. I'll let the other professors handle you freely. The last thing you want is to serve a detention with me. I don't treat the entitled students with a slap on the wrist. However, repeat your actions or equivalent severity, and I'll ensure your stay here is shortened. Now, go."

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