Miro Morales-Albertson

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core

we are electric angels, we are the six-string queens, we are the
new dead kennedys, in the land of the brave, home of the freaks

Short form of Miroslav, derived from the Slavic elements miru "peace, world" and slava "glory". This was the name of a 10th-century king of Croatia who was deposed by one of his nobles after ruling for four years. (from behindthename)

Italian and Romanian form of Lucas (see Luke). This name was borne by Luca della Robbia, a Renaissance sculptor from Florence. Luke is the English of Latin Lucas, from the Greek name Λουκᾶς (Loukas) meaning "from Lucania", Lucania being a region in southern Italy (of uncertain meaning). (from behindthename)

Morales is derived from Spanish moral meaning "mulberry tree", of Latin origin, and Albertson means Means "son of Albert". (from behindthename) Morales-Albertson is both of Miros' parents' surnames hyphenated, and he is happy he has this surname and that his surname includes both of his parents.

Miro was born on June 19, 2049 at St Mungo's hospital. He is the first born to both of his parents and is the first born in the next generation of his family. His star sign is Gemini.

Miro currently has two homes, one with his mother and one with his father. Both homes are modest and within New Zealand, and Miro happily travels between both houses as this means he can see both of his parents. Miro's bedrooms at each house are messy and he does not like to clean his bedroom when asked. Though he does enjoy that he has two bedrooms in two different places because he has more places to collect things he finds on his adventures, he does often forget which items are at which house and is prone to losing the things he finds.

November Albertson and Flavio Morales. Miro is close with both his parents and loves them with his entire heart. He sees his parents as his idols and looks up to them, and he is also very affectionate and loves to give his parents hugs when he gets the chance. Miro feels very supported and loved by his parents and feels safe when he is around them.

Miro is currently a second year at Hogwarts New Zealand and has been sorted into Gryffinfor. He has been waiting for most of his life to finally attend Hogwarts, after seeing his family use magic and hearing all their stories from their time at school. Miro cannot wait to experience as much as he can while he is at Hogwarts.

Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
  • Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
  • Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
  • Wood: 'Ash is Stubborn,' as the saying goes. Ash wands bond to their owner and do not do well in the hands of others. The master of an Ashen wand may well be stubborn, but arrogance and pride will be met with a wand that is even more stubborn than the wizard!
  • Core: Wands with this core are good for charms spell-casting. Be warned that they do sometimes lead to failed hexes.
  • Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.

Mixed blood. Miro has grown up not really thinking about his blood status, but due to his mother being muggle born and his father being mixed blood, Miro understands he is also mixed blood. He is not prejudiced in regards to blood status.​

we are the kids from the underground, we are the new mainstream, we are
the mass hysteria, in the land of the brave, home of the freaks

Miro is of an average height and build for his age and is still growing each day.

Miro doesn't have much of a sense of style yet as he is so young, but he does enjoy wearing lots of colour and is often seeing wearing a t shirt and jeans with sneakers. Miro is drawn to clothes with fun patterns and bright colours, and he loves finding t shirts with cartoons on them. He has a denim jacket that his is favorite jacket as well, and his clothing generally is often worn and dirty from running around and climbing trees and getting into mischief.

Miro's eyes are a hazel-brown, a trait he got from his mother's side of the family.

Miro's hair is medium brown and has a slight wave. He keeps his hair short and most of the time he leaves his hair messy. Miro doesn't think too much about his hair style and only really makes sure it doesn't have too many tangles in the morning, but one preference he does have is he likes his hair to be short and doesn't like when his hair touches his ears or neck.​

i never was much for schoolin', got a two-point-one gpa, didn't need
numbers to show us the way, just look at us today, look at us today

Miro is too young to consider his orientations and has not thought about it, he is focusing on growing up and making friends.

Too young to care, as previously stated Miro is not interested in romance due to his age and he does not think about it.

Despite being rather daring and adventurous, Miro does have a bit of a fear of the dark and doesn't like when he sees shadows from the corner of his eyes. So if he encountered a boggart it would appear as a creepy looking shadow or a cloud of darkness. He likes to have a nightlight or candle when he goes to sleep, and once he is old enough to use the Riddikulus charm, the darkness would turn into a blinding sunlight or turn the shadows into shadow puppets wich would comfort him and make him laugh.

Miro is too young to know what he truly wants out of life in the future, but he does know in the present being around his family makes him happy, and so does playing with his cousins whenever he gets to see them. So if Miro currently looked into the mirror of erised he would see his family at a summer barbecue, all together and happy and eating in the sunshine. He would see himself making daisy chains with his cousins and his aunts and uncles all laughing and chatting together.

Miro has grown up eating vegetarian in his father's house and eating a regular diet including meat at his mother's house, but he does admittedly prefer vegetarian food and wants to ask if he is allowed to become a vegetarian. Miro does realise that meat is from animals and he loves animals and does not like the idea of hurting an animal just to eat them, and he is more comfortable eating food without meat. He hopes to become vegetarian as he grows older.

Miro's first language is English and he has been raised speaking English, although he does know a bit of conversational Spanish due to his grandmother speaking Spanish and his dad and extended family often speaking Spanish around each other. He wouldn't consider himself fluent or an expert at speaking Spanish but he does know enough to communicate with his grandma and family when he needs to.​

a little dreamer in the glow of the receiver, every song he played was alright
blew out the speakers, dancin' in his sneakers, every move he made was alright

Miro is interested in anything to do with the outdoors, and loves discovering new plants and flowers growing in nature. He loves climbing trees and making forts outside, and having imaginary adventures in local parks and forests. Miro loves to get his hands dirty and isn't afraid to dig into the dirt and run and jump around when its raining and muddy. Miro loves making friends with every animal he meets, or at least trying to become friends with every animal he meets. He loves reading about animals and reading stories about kings and knights and wizards in history, and loves to imagine himself in adventures and play make believe with his cousins.

Miro has been raised to believe he can do anything he puts his mind to, and he is very confident and self assured. Being the oldest of his generation in his family, he loves to take the lead in playing with his cousins and make decisions for the group and lead everyone around on make believe adventures. Miro is positive and energetic and optimistic, he likes to start each day happily and tries to live in the moment as best he can. He is friendly and wants to make friends with all the children his age and any animal he meets, and he is also generally accepting of others and wants to have fun as much as he can and make happy memories. He is never bothered by what others think of him and is unafraid to be himself. Miro is daring and brave and a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He loves jumping out of trees and jumping off of swings, and daring his friends and himself to get into mischief. He isn't afraid to get hurt and often scrapes his knees and arms on his adventures.

Miro while being confident in himself and being raised to believe he can do anything he puts his mind to, is admittedly not a very hard worker and very impatient. If he tries something new, like a new sport or game, and isn't immediately great at it, he gets frustrated and gives up easily and when he is frustrated he has a very short fuse. He loves to start new adventures and new projects, but unless the project of adventure is easy for him or something he sees as fun, he often becomes angry or bored with the work he has to put in and ultimately gives up, leaving it unfinished. Miro's mood can also change easily, and while he is generally energetic and happy, if something makes him sad or angry he has a tendency to snap and say things he doesn't mean which causes him to apologize later. His emotions do control him more than he can control his emotions, so if something does ruin his day he tends to well in it slightly, and let it bother him until he finds something to distract himself. In his impatience doesn't have the attention to sit still either, and doesn't have the patience to learn or focus on learning for hours at a time, and this along with his tendency to give up will be a detriment to his schooling. Miro likes things to be simple and doesn't have the patience or time for finer details or paying attention to things that require him to focus completely, so he would struggle with subjects that are overly theoretical like history of magic, or overly detailed and precise such as potions. Miro also likes to be the leader of the group and the person making the decisions, and as a result he is rather stubborn in what he wants and in many ways only wants to get his way as he tends to think his way is the right way of doing things. He also can be a touch arrogant and refuses to see another point of view when he believes his point of view is the correct one.

The Entrepreneur: ESTP-A
Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend. Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep Entrepreneurs interested for long. Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.

Entrepreneurs are the likeliest personality type to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. They live in the moment and dive into the action – they are the eye of the storm. People with the Entrepreneur personality type enjoy drama, passion, and pleasure, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to their logical minds. They are forced to make critical decisions based on factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response. This makes school and other highly organized environments a challenge for Entrepreneurs. It certainly isn’t because they aren’t smart, and they can do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that Entrepreneurs enjoy. It takes a great deal of maturity to see this process as a necessary means to an end, something that creates more exciting opportunities.

Also challenging is that to Entrepreneurs, it makes more sense to use their own moral compass than someone else’s. Rules were made to be broken. This is a sentiment few high school instructors or corporate supervisors are likely to share, and can earn Entrepreneur personalities a certain reputation. But if they minimize the trouble-making, harness their energy, and focus through the boring stuff, Entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with (from 16personalities.com)/.

Ash Ketchum: Pokemon (1997-Present)
Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist of Pokémon the Series. He is a 10-year-old Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town in the Kanto region who has always dreamed of becoming the world's greatest Pokémon Master. Personality-wise, Ash is a very strong person, shows confidence when battling and shows a lot of sympathy towards Pokémon, usually helping and befriending them through his long journey. As a result, Ash doesn't like Trainers who mistreat Pokémon.

Ash also serves as a role model for many people. In fact, he often astounds people with his skills and abilities, and unpredictability. Ash's strategy and tactics in battle are usually problem-solving, including thinking on his feet during special matches or that relate to the special and unique abilities of Pokémon. Also, Ash even takes input from his friends and has always helped him whenever he was stuck in a jam. Ash is generally kind, brave, enthusiastic, passionate and adventurous. However, he can be stubborn, high-tempered, cocky, and sometimes impulsive at times.
(from pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Ash_Ketchum)

Miro is similar to Ash Ketchum in many ways in regards to personality, able to easily empathize with others while being brave and kind and enthusiastic. He loves to work in a team and loves being surrounded by people. He is also similarly to Ash, impulsive and arrogant. He thinks on his feet as opposed to planning things out and can let his emotions control him. The main difference Miro has to Ash however is his work ethic. Where Ash Ketchum is hard working and diligent, working with his Pokemon to achieve his goal of becoming the best Pokemon trainer and taking the steps he needs to be the best, Miro does not have the patience to be so hard working, and if met with defeat Miro would see it as a reason to give up rather than work harder.​

swingin' on a beam of light, catch a star before it dies, what a perfect
night, to fly away, what a perfect day to fly away

Miro Luca Morales-Albertson was Born on June 19, 2049 at St Mungo's hospital in New Zealand, to parents November Albertson and Flavio Morales. Being the first child to each of his parents who were so young at the time, as well as the first in his generation of his family, Miro spent the first part of his childhood being doted on by his parents and extended family members. Miro soaked up the attention, loving when he was the center of attention and truly shining when he was around his family in a group. Miro lived with his parents being under the same roof until the age of three, loving that he was in a busy household with his family often visiting him. It was when he was growing older and around three years old that his parents moved apart and Miro had to adjust to living in two different places.

Miro has spent his childhood since then, spending weekdays with his mother and weekends with his father. Regardless of how often he has to pack his belongings, he loves that he can spend time with both his parents and that he has two bedrooms in two houses. Miro as he continued to grow and become more independent showed a love of adventure and being outdoors, leading to him joining the Phoenix scouts when he was six years old. He loved being able to make friends with other wizarding children his age and from watching his parents and family use magic throughout his childhood couldn't wait until he was finally old enough to start school at Hogwarts and learn to cast magic himself. As Miro turned eleven he read his Hogwarts acceptance letter in a state of squealing excitement, unable to contain how happy he was to finally become a real wizard. Miro was bouncing and giddy as his family took him school shopping, an energy that did not subside when he was on the train platform saying goodbye to his mum and dad, ready to catch the Hogwarts express.

At the sorting ceremony Miro was sorted into Gryffindor, and this was an amazing start to his first year. He was entirely excited to make lots of new friends and learn how to use magic, and he wanted to jump into all his classes and immediately learn to use spells. Miro hadn't expected his lessons would be anything other than fun, but being a hands on learner that liked adventure, he soon realized his classes weren't all he expected them to be as he spent his lessons sitting down, listening to professors and writing notes rather than learning magic. Miro began to get angry and restless with his schooling, only really enjoying his flying classes in his first semester as this was truly fun for him and a distraction from how the rest of his lessons bothered him. Miro upon starting school made a few friends, one of these friends being Aroha Blenheim who shared Miro's love of flying and quidditch, and another being Ozzy Vale. Ozzy was very different to Miro but Miro released he was very attached to Ozzy and his unique way of thinking after they met in the forbidden forest at the start of the semester. Miro also kept up his friendship with Lucy Holland who he knew before school, and he tried to spend as much time with his friends as he could throughout the year so he wasn't so sad and angry about his classes. Miro ended his first year with dreadful grades in most subjects, except for flying in which he achieved an outstanding.

Miro had a fun time during his school holidays, and tried to keep himself happy as he arrived to Hogwarts for his second year. He started the year by trying out for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and catching up with his friends as he anticipated another year of classes.​
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jump in the sprinter, touring through the winter, every show we played was alright
singing out our life on stage, high enough to feel no pain, what a perfect day to fly away


My Own WandWith Delilah Thorne
New Home, Old FriendsWith Lucy Holland
NightlightWith Travis Simons and Timothy Bledsoe
What's the Secret Password?With Osiris Vale
A Place to Call HomeWith Aroha Blenheim
Classroom ConfusionWith Summer Irvine
First Year Castle ToursWith various others
Gryffindor House Meeting Y45 S1With various others
Accessorize Your LifeWith Hazel Ashworth
Flying FrenzyWith Aroha Blenheim
No Ray of SunshineWith Osiris Vale
Gryffindor House Meeting Y45 S2With various others


Two PersonalitiesWith Osiris Vale
Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts Y46With various others
Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S1With various others
Hey Look Ma, I Made ItWith November Albertson
Breakfast of ChampionsWith Joshua Lynch
Above GroundWith Summer Irvine
BrainstormingWith Teddy Pirrip
High Above, Amongst The TreesWith Fiona Burke
Daisy ThreadingWith Camille Carter
ExploringWith Timothy Bledsoe
Wishy-washy WhistlingOpen
Trying To HelpWith ~Professor Landon Carter
Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2With various others
Last ResortWith Lucy Holland
Y46 Electives Fair With various others
Worried MindWith Professor Cyndi Kingsley

The original template and coding is by Teigan, edits to the coding and template are by me, lyrics are from Star Spangled Banner and God Killed Rock n' Roll by Panic! At The Disco, name information is from behind the name, personality type information is from 16personalities and Ash Ketchum information is from the Pokemon wiki.
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