Missing Pieces

Margo Fox

7th🌸hopeless romantic🌸hm co-editor🌸heta vp
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (18)
Margo felt better than she had in the beginning of the year but she still felt like she was carrying around a weight with her everywhere she went. And she was tired of it. The holiday break had been nice to clear her head and see her family. But coming back to school where nothing had really changed just made her feel like she was trapped in a loop that was doomed to repeat itself. There was something missing and it felt wrong to doing anything without it. Without her best friend. Yet Margo made her way to the owlery to send a letter to Isadora that mentioned none of that. She didn't want to burden her friend with her problems. It wasn't like she was the one forced to go to a new school in the middle of nowhere. She would be fine. She needed to be fine.

Dear Isadora,

I hope you're break was good and that it's not too cold up there at Durmstrang. It's so odd that we're in the middle of summer and you're probably dealing with snow. It snows there right? I did some reading about you're new school but it just made me miss you. Are you settling in any better?

Things feel the same here as ever. I told you I was made the Heta Omega secretary right? It's so weird. I still feel like a little kid sometimes but we're about half way through our time at school. It's scary to think about. Do you think you're parents will ever let you come back?

They're doing rose deliveries this year and I'm helping organize it. Keeping busy has been my main method to get through this year without you. I sent a pink rose to a boy but I think he likes someone else.... I wish it was easier to talk, the letters are nice but they take so long. Who decided owls were the best way to send mail?

Cameron is fine if you were wondering. Please write back and tell me everything that's going on with you!! No detail is too small. I miss you!!!

Your friend,
Isadora hated everything about her new school. She had refused to make new friends on principle, but now she was that weird new kid who was rude to everyone, and she was pretty lonely. She didn't want new friends, though. She wanted her old friends. She had been looking forward to her friends' letters, but she wasn't sure if Cameron was going to write. He hadn't so far. So when Margo's letter came, Isadora eagerly ripped it over. She read it over a few times, wishing she could mail herself back with her response.


My break was awful and the school is awful AND very cold. I hate it here! You shouldn't be reading about this school its awful. I just want to go back to Hogwarts. It does snow here, which was fun for about a week. Then it just got cold and miserable. My socks are always wet.

I'm so proud of you for being a big Heta Omega person. I bet you'll take it over one day. I don't know if my parents will let me come back. They don't like my attitude right now but I can't help being mad. I can't hide it either. I feel like they're glad I'm far away.

What!? Which boy?? Why would he like anyone but you? You're the best.

I wasn't wondering about Cameron. He's stupid. Don't tell him what I wrote but do tell him I wrote you a letter back. I miss you too!

Love from me and my freezing toes,

Margo had been doing her best to focus on the things she could control like her article for the paper and her lessons. But there were still so many hours in the day. Especially the ones at night when she would stay away tossing and turning as her mind raced. She was tired and feeling lonely but when she saw a letter from Isadora her mood brightened immediately. She rushed to her dorm to read it and write her reply right away.


I hate that you're miserable. I wonder if I would feel better or worse if you were having a great time without me? But at least this way we can be miserable together even though we're apart. And it sounds like I need to learn how to knit and make you some enchanted socks that never get wet! Maybe I can ask my grandmother to help me.

Thanks! Maybe I will, but that still feels very far away thankfully. I'm not even sure what I'd do with all that responsibility. It feels wrong to say I hate your parents when I don't really know them, but I think I do. I like your attitude and I never want it to change.

His name is Valerius. He's in Ravenclaw. I'm not sure if you ever met him. Cameron hates him but that's not saying much. He's just so nice and he says all these kind things. But he didn't send me a rose and he went to the dance with someone else. It's just so confusing. I did get an anonymous rose though which didn't help with the confusion. I just don't know what to do. Boys are so confusing.

Well now I have to tell him he's stupid. Just kidding, but I will make sure he is very jealous of our letters.

Please write again soon!
Isadora wished she had been a bit faster in responding to Margo. It had been nice to get her letter, but writing back had been difficult for her. She just wanted to talk to her friend, not write a long boring letter that cramped up her hand. But now she had to wait a bit for Margo’s response, and that was frustrating. Isadora was glad to see the letter arrive one morning at breakfast. She snatched it eagerly and read it quickly. Then she rushed to her dormitory to write back at once.

Definitely better, I wouldn’t have a great time without you! You’re my best friend, you know that. That hasn’t changed by my banishment. I still hope my parents will let me go back next year. I’m trying to be good, it might sway them. But they won’t talk about it. Enchanted socks sound lovely, but you don’t need to make me gifts. These letters are enough.

I hate my parents too, if that makes you feel better. I don’t think you knowing them would have changed anything.

Valerius… I think I remember him. Cameron hating him tells me exactly nothing about him, though. But maybe he’s on the right track if this guy is ignoring you and dancing with other girls. I wish I was there so I could stomp on his foot for you. If he doesn’t see how awesome you are, he’s a dumbass.

Please do tell Cameron he’s stupid. I can’t believe he didn’t write me. I can’t tell him because I don’t want to write to him first, you know?

Please write again soon, I’m withering away in this cold castle.

All the love,
Margo was feeling a bit aimless as the semester wore on. With Valentine’s day and the Heta Omega event over with she didn’t have nearly as much going on to occupy herself. There was still the paper and she had been taking on a few more assignments just for something to keep her busy. She was even considering taking up knitting like she had mentioned in her last letter. Margo nearly squealed in excitement when the next letter came and felt a wave of relief.


I will keep my fingers permanently crossed if it means you can come back next year. I’d hate do go through exams without you. Even if I’d be the only one actually studying. But I’ll start learning how to knit just in case.

You're probably right. About everything. Sometimes it's just nice to feel like someone likes you. And you don't have to stomp on his foot. It's all probably just in my head. I have enough going on anyways. The newspaper deadline is coming up and I'm writing two different articles.

He hasn't written you!? At all? I just don't understand him sometimes. He acts like he doesn't care and does things like this and yet... He's just so dumb sometimes and I'll make sure to tell him just that.

Sending you the biggest hug!!

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