🌹 Rose Giving Monthly Yellow

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Yellow Rose for @Poppy Perkins

With mostly familiar names on her list Chloë had debated for a minute whether her strategy this year should just be to hang out in the entrance hall and wait for the others to show up. Surely in the chaos that was rose deliveries most students passed the entrance hall at least once. She had decided against it though, feeling like hanging out in one spot would take away from the fun of it. Instead she just wandered the hallways, looking for a familiar head of red hair. Simultaneously, she wondered how many times she had already delivered a rose to Poppy or vice versa. It seemed like whenever rose deliveries came around either she had a delivery for her or the other way around. "Poppy!" Chloë beamed when she shifted her focus on watching where she was and noticing she had almost walked straight past the other girl without noticing. "Got a rose for you."
Poppy was studying the names on her list and trying to figure out who she should try and find next when she heard someone shout her name. She turned and saw that it was Chloe and she smiled. "Hey Chloe!" she said excitedly. For a moment she thought the other girl was simply saying hello until she pulled out a rose. "Oh yay! Thank you." she said and put down her own basket of flowers to take it. She brought the petals up to her nose to smell the sweet floral scent. She hadn't really thought if she would be getting any today. She remembered how hard it was her first year when she didn't get any but now hardly gave it a second thought. "So how are your deliveries going?" she asked.
No matter how much Chloë enjoyed delivering roses to students she didn't know in the slightest she probably enjoyed delivering them to ones she did know even more. It was fun to see their reactions to the roses they got, the happy smiles that often came with it. "Pretty smoothly, I've got a list of familiar names mostly so that makes things easier." She replied. "Just a little though, people are still all over the place." Chloë added with a soft chuckle. "Yours?"


You are my favourite seventh year. Thank you for everything you do with the Hogwarts Monthly and for being a good friend outside of it too. I’m going to miss you HEAPS next year! Please send letters!

Wishing you all the best and a very Happy Valentine’s Day,
Essie xoxoxo
"That does make things easier." Poppy said with a chuckle. Somehow she always forgot just how challenging it could be to find everyone. It wasn't a small school by any means. She opened the note and smiled as she read the message. Estella was so sweet and she was glad she had gotten to know the younger girl over the last few years. She would also miss her next year. But Poppy looked back to Chloe when she asked about her own deliveries. "Same challenges, different year." she said with a shrug. "I've only got a few left but I might just take my time and savor the whole thing a bit longer."
Chloë smiled when Poppy agreed her list being full of familiar names made things easier. It took away from the challenge that was rose deliveries but with everything she still had to do today besides delivering roses she wasn't going to complain. "Very accurate." She laughed at Poppy's inital response before nodding along when she mentioned savoring the experience. "I'd say go for it. I mean as long as you get them delivered before the end of the day things should be fine, right? And it is probably the last time we'll be doing anything like this.."
Poppy smiled sadly. "Yeah." she agreed with a sigh. She wondered if things would ever stop being unexpectedly sad this year. Or if finishing school was just a lot depressing than the students that came before her made it seem. "Are you going to the dance?" Poppy asked. Sully wasn't at school anymore but it wasn't like you needed a date to go to the dance. She didn't have one either after all.
Chloë felt a little bad for mentioning this being their last time delivering roses when Poppy sighed. It was a thought that had been running through her head all day though and had just pushed her to make sure she had fun. "For sure! Wouldn't miss a chance to dress up." She grinned in response to Poppy's question. She was sure seeing everyone with their dates would hit a little different with all the valentines decorations around than it had during the yule ball, but she wasn't going to let the prospect of her boyfriend not being here for her last dance keep her from having fun. "Are you?" Chloë asked in return, although she almost couldn't imagine anyone not showing up to their last dance.
Poppy couldn't help but laugh at Chloe's reasoning but she figured she wasn't wrong about that. Getting dressed up was something she enjoyed and there were going to be far less reasons to do it once they graduated. "Definitely." she said with a nod. "I wouldn't miss it." she added, smiling. It was their last dance after all and the only thing sadder than that would be to miss it entirely. "Well I better get back to these." Poppy said lifting her basket. "I'll see you tonight!" she said before waving goodbye and heading down corridor.

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