🌹 Rose Giving Moss Covered Stone

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (16)
((Yellow, open after @Caleb Thorne))

The next rose on Rāwhiti's list had made him smile - he knew Caleb was one of Manaia's friends, which would both make him easy to track down and cool to talk to, obviously. The dungeons had been a good place to check first, and he hurried to meet up with the older boy cheerfully. "Caleb, hey! I'm Manaia's brother, I've got a rose delivery for you!"
Caleb loved rose deliveries. He had considered signing up to deliver them himself but he realized he'd much prefer receiving them and watching them be received. He had spent a long time in the great hall that morning just watching, paying extra attention to pink and red ones. But he unfortunately had to go to lessons today and he needed to stop by his dorm to get his books. When he heard someone call his name he looked up excitedly and saw a boy who looked familiar but...wasn't. Thankfully he introduced himself as Manaia's brother and it all made sense. "Ohhh, hi. Nice to meet you." he said and was momentarily dying to know what Manaia had told his brother about him..
Rāwhiti couldn't wipe the grin off his face, pleased to be talking to one of his brother's cool friends. Even if he didn't play Quidditch, he still had to be pretty cool. "Here you go!" He said brightly, handing over the rose and its attached note. "Happy Valentines!"

I'm sorry, you are special to me. I don't want to lose you as a friend, so... let's be friends?
Caleb wasn't sure how to act around Manaia's brother so he just nodded at the younger boy and took the rose and note. It was yellow but he was still uncertain of who it could be from. When he opened the note he saw who it was from before he read the rest of the note. He had sent one to Louis too but he couldn't deny things were still weird between them. Like there was a distance they hadn't quite found their way back from. He read the rest of the note and felt a pang of guilt. He should have been putting in more of an effort and it made his rose seem childish. He sighed before remembering he wasn't alone. "Ah, right. Thanks." he said and gave the younger boy a nod. "Happy Valentines."

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