🌹 Rose Giving Most modern-day roses can be traced back to China

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Yellow rose for @Raafe Khatri

Emmanuel had one last rose and after some questions, he had learnt that this person was a gryffindor and he'd come back to the great hall in an attempt to find them. "Raafe?" he called out as he moved up the gryffindor table, just trying to look a bit everywhere in an attempt to spot her.
Raafe had been generally enjoying watch the chaos of all this rose stuff unfold. Probably the only way it would be a bit better would be if rose delivers could interrupt classes to hand them out. He was sitting at the house table, idly wondering if he could spot Indi and see if she got his rose yet when he heard someone calling his name, pleased that he might have gotten a rose as well and sticking his hand up in the air in response. "Over here, waiting for my 40 roses, thanks," he said, wiggling his fingers at the boy calling his name.
Emmanuel gave a little smile at the boy who was Raafe. He walked over and took out his rose. "Well, unfortunately, I only have one," he said with a little laugh. He took the note too and handed them both out to the boy.

I don't say it enough, but you're the best cousin a girl can ask for.
"It's okay, I'm sure the rest are coming," Raafe assured the older boy, taking the rose with a curt nod and looking over the note. "Ah, don't worry, this one's worth 40, easily," he added, folding up the note and sliding it into his robe pocket to save for later.

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