Open My Parents Will Hear About This

Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (13)
Enoch had known his chances of getting onto the slytherin quiditch team had been low, but another first year, one of his more annoying dorm mates had managed to get the team. What team needed three seekers. He did not get it. He was feeling pretty frustrated with it, knowing he had to be better than him, had to be better than some of those other chasers too he could bet, he hadn't really been paying attention to them. Enoch had done what he always did in these scenarios and had written to his parents to complain, talking up how well he had played and the general unfairness of it all. He wasn't going to take this lying down, absolutely not. He had his letter and had come to the owlery intending to send it off with his family's owl once he located it and then just it back and hope that it worked. That he got his way.
Kellen had a letter to send to her family and so she made the horrible walk from the dungeons all the way to the owlry. It was quite a hike and she was out of breath by the time she was at the top. She needed to get in better shape if she was going to do five more years in this school. As she entered the room she made her way to her owl who was resting, noting the other student there. He gave off an air of being quite upset, so she stole a glance. Thank Merlin he wasn't crying. She turned to him. "Who wee'd in your cereal?" She asked, not the most polite way to ask what was wrong but Kellen wasn't the most polite Slytherin.
Enoch glanced back at the slightly older student who spoke, turning his nose up a little at what she said. "You should clean your mouth with soap," he told her with a sharp, annoyed tone, clearly disinterested in her and whatever else she had to say. He was sending a letter, a necessary letter to his parents to make them get involved and get him what he wanted like they always did.

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