Closed No Ray of Sunshine

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Upon returning to Hogwarts for his second semester, Miro had tried, truly, honestly, to feel excited about the latter half of his first year and the new schedule of classes he needed to attend. He had even made an effort to show up early to his class that day, both hoping and internally praying that the new semester wouldn't be the same as his last. Though instead of feeling grateful and proud of his attempt to be excited, Miro had realised almost immediately that his hopes were in vain, and his classes were indeed going to continue to be boring and drag on as the semester progressed. It was like his worst nightmare was unfolding in front of him and he felt an entirely overwhelming pit of dread in his stomach over this fact. After being sorted, Miro had thought classes would be fun, exciting, and completely magical because of course, he was at Hogwarts to learn magic after all and after all the magical stories he had heard from his mum and both his dads, he expected nothing other than an otherworldly amazingly fun time in each of his classes. Instead after one semester of disappointment he had experienced stress and anger in a way he never had before, and the realization he would be spending another semester caught in the same trap made him want to punch a wall, to kick stones and break something to get out the frustration he was feeling over himself and his inability to get things right. He simply just couldn't understand why it seemed so easy for everyone else to learn but he found himself with a completely different reality, feeling himself about to burst at the seams from a mix of anger and boredom at sitting in one place in a classroom for so long, and heaven forbid, paying enough attention to listen and write notes about magic he couldn't use.

Miro had found some reprieve from his classroom stress in the form of practicing his flying with Aroha, though this was hardly enough to make up for the rest of his days spent wasted in classes he thought were pointless. So in an attempt to capture, or recapture something that allowed him to feel like going to Hogwarts was worth it, Miro headed to the lakefront that day so he could both stay away from others and calm himself down, at least for a little while. With this in mind he paused when he reached the water's edge with a rock in hand for a moment before throwing it into the water with all his might and watching it cause a ripple on the surface. He saw throwing rocks as a harmless way to get his anger out, causing no damage other than wasting his time even if he was truly angry enough to damage something. Picking up another rock, Miro attempted to throw it even further, straining his arm as he did so and watching as it caused a splash in the water. He wondered how far he could throw a smaller rock if he strained himself more and looked to the many stones by his feet to find the perfect one. Throwing rocks was a distraction when he was at his whit's end, but it was a distraction nonetheless, and Miro was at least enjoying the chance to get some fresh air as he found another stone. He promptly threw it as far as he could and chucked to himself at how much more interesting throwing rocks was turning out to be in comparison to his classes.​
Osiris Vale had a rather uneventful holiday. He did not really care much about school, and boy did it show with only his acceptables. At least he was not jumped on for the grades. He thought about what he was going to do for the day. He clasped his hands together as he looked up at the ceiling as he rested on his bed. There was nothing eventful, so it was time that he went out and found his own fun. Maybe he could grab a spider and put it on a first year girl to make her run. Or boy. Some boys were terribly afraid of spiders and other critters. It was fun to mess with people. Ozzy needed to stretch his legs, so he got up and walked out of the Slytherin house. He decided to head out to the lake to see if he could see a giant squid or other creatures in there. That was where he saw Miro throwing some stones in the water. Ozzy cocked his head to the side as he thought that he might have seen a dark cloud over Miro’s head. That looked better than the usual attitude. He would dare not to ruin a good thing. He walked to stand close, and bent down to grab a rock and hurl it into the lake. “What are you aiming for?” Ozzy asked curiously.
Miro realised the frustration in his chest didn't feel so overwhelming when he was distracted; the current form of this being his search for another good rock to throw. He wanted one that was smooth but also heavy enough to cause a bigger splash in the water than the last rock he had chosen, something he realised would be difficult as most of the rocks nearby were too small. It was with his hands in his pockets and his attention on the stones around his shoes looking for potential throwing rocks that Miro noticed another pair of shoes in the corner of his eye. He looked up to see Ozzy and would have smiled at his unlikely friend if he wasn't so caught up in his own emotions. In the state Miro was in he instead simply shrugged at the boy's question instead of greeting him with his usual enthusiasm, using it to answer the question for both Ozzy and himself as he hadn't given much thought over what he was aiming for. "Dunno, I was just throwing." He answered. "The water, I guess." Miro added, moving his attention back to the stones on the ground. He soon found a stone that was round but flat, and content with his choice soon moved to throw it as hard as he could. After it splashed a few moments later, he turned his attention back to Ozzy. "Wanna see who can throw the biggest rock? Or the furthest?" Miro suggested, thinking it might be a semblance of fun to turn their rock throwing into a competition. Regardless of how productive such a competition would be Miro thought anything would be better than thinking about his classes, and it would mean spending time with his friend which Miro always enjoyed.​
Ozzy definitely noticed how the Gryffindor did not smile at all. He just seemed so down, and Ozzy did like it. He seemed to be interesting when he was like this. And seemed like there was something bothering him. Now, would he be a true friend if he were to ask what was going on? Maybe. But was he going to do that? Probably not because he felt it was none of his business. If Miro wanted to open up, that was on him. "The target is very large, so you won't miss," Ozzy noted as he picked up another rock, and tossed it into the lake as well. And then Miro asked if he wanted to see who can throw the biggest rock, or the furthest. Ozzy thought about it, and smirked subtly, "I think that would be fun. I always knew that our houses could be competitive." Quidditch would prove that from time to time. Ozzy got down on one of his knees to see what sort of big rock he could find and lift without magic. Magic would be less fun after all.
Miro smirked slightly at Ozzy's comment their houses would be competitive. He did agree but thought it was probably due to Gryffindors always seeking out competitions to have fun, a trait over the short time he had been at Hogwarts that he had both noticed in himself and in the people he shared a house with. It was what made Gryffindor the best house to be friends with, Ozzy of course being an exception to that belief. As Ozzy began to look for a rock Miro started his own search as well, spotting a large boulder below a tree root and running over to it. He wrapped his arms around the boulder in an attempt to pick it up but he unfortunately did not have the super strength he liked to think he did, instead after being defeated by the boulder's heaviness turning his attention to a nearby rock that was still big, but small enough to try and carry. Miro picked the rock up with both hands, needing to clutch it to his chest it was so heavy as he ran back to Ozzy. "I wanna throw this one." He announced, as if the rock he had chosen wasn't completely obvious. Without prompting Miro wasted no time to try and throw the rock, beginning by moving it to his hands and stepping away from Ozzy so he could spin around in circles and gather momentum. When he thought he had spun enough he stopped on his back swing and watched as he threw the rock as far as he could. It didn't go far at all, his lack of strength causing it to drop in the shallow section of the lake where it was still visible. "Dang!" Miro said loudly, laughing to himself as he waited to see if Ozzy had found a rock to throw as well.​

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