🌹 Rose Giving Perhaps A Bad Idea

Summer Irvine

eldest of four 👑 need it all my way
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
01/2049 (12)
yellow for @Milo Frogg

After figuring out that two of the names on her list belonged to Gryffindors, Summer had decided to try her luck near their common room. She had asked a student heading in if they could check whether either Milo or Dahlia was in there, both would be even better, and patiently waited to see if someone would step out.
Milo had figured any event organized by his sister was probably going to be messy but he hadn't been prepared for the sheer chaos that was the rose deliveries all over the school. He'd barely stepped inside the common room when someone had smugly told him a girl was asking for him out in the corridor.

Poking his head out, Milo ducked back inside once he confirmed it wasn't a prefect or anything before pulling a whizbang from his pocket with barely repressed glee. From there it was simple enough to light it, toss it into the hallway, and wait as the whizbang went off, sending a spray of sparks and flares at the girl's feet.
Summer was starting to get a little impatient when none of the students that stepped out of the common room were either of the people she was looking for. Perhaps the student she had asked to go and take a look hadn't actually done so. Or maybe neither Dahlia nor Milo were inside and they just forgot to report back to her. Whatever it was, she was just about ready to turn around and head off when something was suddenly thrown in the general direction of her feet. Summer yelped in surprise and jumped back a little, glancing at the firework in front of her that was still sending out sparks before looking around so she could glare at whoever was responsible.

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