Posting on Behalf of Jess

Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
I've been asked to let folk know that Jess will be out of commission for a couple of days. She hopes to be back soon enough, but to give her a little patience with threads etc on it.

Jess is here, somehow. I went to the hospital last night with super bad pain and had surgery today. Gallbladder removed. Feel horrible.
I'm glad they got it turned around quickly but gosh that's been a wild 24 hours. Rest and take it as easy as possible, hope you recover well!
Update. Pain is almost totally gone. Getting a doctors note tomorrow to go back to work. Just to explain: a little over a week back I made myself some egg salad and it caused me loads of pain- thought it was bad eggs or something, I made it go away alternating heat pads and ice packs. Then I believe on the 27th I had two grilled cheeses and a bowl of tomato soup and it crippled me the pain was so bad. Mum ran me to the emergency room at like five, they kept me until 11, and told me not to eat or drink anything and be back at 7 am for an ultrasound.

Went back, left about ten, they said I'd probably need to get surgery to get my gallbladder removed eventually but nothing right away, so I figured I'd get some food and then I'd start figuring things out after that. The hospital is about 45 minutes from my house. We got some subway and were heading home, I had a half a can of soda and three candy corns and was salivating over my sandwich (i was heckin starving) but when we were five minutes from my house they called and told me to go straight back- they said there could be some infection and it had to be taken care of right away. I was in surgery at 2 that day, and they kicked me out when I woke up again at 4 or so.

Turns out there was a stone larger than my gallbladder in my gallbladder somehow. Makes no sense to me, but after a week I'm not taking any pain medication at all. I'm not having any adverse reactions to any foods yet, so that's good, and I'm actually excited to go back to work again. (Give it a few days, I'm sure it will pass, lol.) And since my gallbladders been out, I've had absolutely no back pain- which is something I've had for ages but thought was just due to me sitting around so much.

But yeah, I'm all better now. Love you guys! <3
Omg Jess that's horrific, a stone larger than your gallbladder, that must have been insanely painful! I'm glad you had that removed and aren't getting pain now! Take care!! x
Oof Jess that sounds so rough! I'm so glad you're okay! Take it easy.
So sorry to hear you went through that, but so glad you're doing better! Definitely take it easy.

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