Open Pretending Pencils Are Wands

Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (12)
Apolline was ready to finally go to school, the day care centre was fun, more fun than doing anything else, but it really just made Apolline really want to go to school. She was bored with having to be in a classroom where she wasn't casting and learning magic. but there were still a few years to go. For now, she had to be stuck at the daycare centre. The class wasn't bad, it was good fun. She wasn't stuck with her brother. The teacher was doing something with other kids and Apolline was colouring in. She was occasionally pretending to cast a little spell, when of course nothing would happen. The time would eventually come for her to go to Hogwarts and she'd be ready.
Vanity was so over daycare. It was for babies, and she was not a baby. Things had only gotten worse when Briony had moved up into her class, like they were same age. It was humiliating. Vanity was working on a totally amazing princess drawing and watched as one of the girls nearby was coloring something in as well. She frowned as she watched the girl do something weird, propping her chin on her hand. "What are you doing, Apolline?" She asked, eyebrows raised as she looked at the blonde. She knew the girl's mother was someone important, which made her interesting to Vanity.
Apolline glanced up, blushing a little from embarrassment at what she had been caught doing. "Oh," she said, wondering if she should lie, or be honest. Vanity wasn't someone she knew well, a little older than she was, but not someone she knew. "I'm practicing my wand movements," she ended up going with honesty, there was nothing wrong with practicing and getting ahead she told herself.
Vanity smiled as she saw she had caught the other girl off guard. Vanity’s eyebrows raised a bit at her explanation. “It’s a pencil, though.” She pointed out helpfully.
Summer didn't mind being at the daycare all that much, especially not now that she wasn't in the same class as her brother anymore. At least that meant he couldn't bother her with his dumb little brother stuff. She was already nine, it'd be only two years untill she'd go to Hogwarts so she was definitely way cooler than he was already. She overheard two of the other girls talking, walking over without hesitation. "I think that's like super smart." Summer beamed as she dropped down into a seat next to them, referring to Apolline using the pencil as a wand. "Also that drawing is so cute. Did you all of that yourself?" She added while glancing at Vanity's drawing.
Apolline nodded in agreement to the the girl, since she knew it was indeed a pencil. She was a few years off getting a wand, so she knew a pencil was not the same. She had been about to say as much when another girl, one who was close to her in age said as much for her. Though she did then go on to compliment the other girl's art. "It's never too early to practice wand movements, you know," she added, though she was sure that conversation had now passed.
apologies for this super late response

Vanity knew she shouldn't have said the thing about the pencil, it had just sort of slipped out. She had just reminded herself this girl's parents were important, she couldn't be seen being mean to her. But before she could take anything back, they were joined by someone else. Vanity glanced at her at her compliment, raising an eyebrow. "Obviously I drew it by myself. Do you see anyone else?" She said. Why would Vanity have drawn it with anyone else? She glanced at Apolline as she defended her reasoning, fighting the urge to point out that waving a pencil around wasn't practicing. Instead, she just smiled. "That's true." She said, though she wasn't sure how sincere she sounded.

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