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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
elvera had spent the day in her office cleaning. she had noticed recently that the room never stayed clean for long. it was almost as though she blinked twice and another cobweb had sprung up somewhere. it wasn't that she was particually bothered by them or that she was ever a overly clean person. there is nothin wrong with a cobweb or two. the spiders keep the flies and mosquitos down. and the odd one in the corner was almost a bit of an aesthetic. the witch in the tower. looking at the future and fortune. but at them moment there seemed to be far more than usual. it reminded her that she would have to ask Catherine if there was anything going on with the house elves. maybe that was the reason her tower was not getting cleaned as frequently as usual. aside from the cobwebs when she had opened her office door this morning to the sound of thousands of tiny threads breaking she had felt a distinct feeling of dread. as if all of the small creatures had been working hard to keep her in the room protected from whatever lay outside. of course, the put that thought aside. it was just the oddity of the cobwebs and the overall tension that always surrounded the school as exams approached.
she had gone about her day as normal. putting away thoughts of cobwebs and unease into the far corners of her brain where cobwebs belonged and set her mind on classes for the day until she found herself in the great hall eating her dinner when that feeling of unease rippled through the hall again. she couldn't track where it had come from but it was there. she shook her head slightly as if the motion would dislodge the thought before turning to the table In front of her focusing on deciding what to eat
Despite how long the journey down to the great hall was Yvonne did try and make it down for dinner most nights. Sometimes it felt like she had blinked and nearly four years had passed. Yet there were also times she could hardly believe she had only been here for such a short amount of time. Surely it had been longer than that. Tonight she was somewhere in the middle. She spotted Elvera at the staff table and she joined the other divination professor. "Good evening." she said warmly as she pulled in her seat. She noticed the look of concentration on the older woman's face and grew curious. "Something on your mind?" she asked before pouring herself some juice.
Elvera turned as someone came to sit besides her. And was glad to see it was Yvonne. good evening Yvonne. How has your day been? she asked glad that she was next to one of her friends and one of the people who may be able to help with her discomfort. I wasn’t thinking about anything too deep right then. Just deciding what I wanted to eat she said keeping conversation light at least for now.
Yvonne relaxed into her seat and sipped her drink. She was a little disappointed when Elvera said she wasn't really thinking of anything. She didn't realize how much she used to entertain herself with gossip from reading fortunes at the shop until she had come to Hogwarts and had been cut off from it. She knew some people thought gossip was a tasteless past time but she disagreed. It helped her understand people more and made her more insightful. "Busy like always" she sighed. It always was this time of year as exams loomed ahead and the never ending grading started to pile up. "Well don't think too hard." she said with a light laugh and leaned forward to serve herself some chicken and vegetables. The food here was good but she did miss the food back home. There really wasn't anything like it. "Have you heard about the candidates for minister?" Yvonne asked curiously. She had never been one for international politics but she was curious to see how it was done here and what a more local perspective was.

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